Merkel Says Best Terrorist Response Charity and Tolerance

Rabbits gonna rabbit:

Angela Merkel said in her first speech to the Paris attacks, the answer of the West to terror must be that “we live our values ??confidently”. One of the values ??is “the right of everyone to seek his fortune and live” – ??apparently as a throwback to the refugees…

And then we also give a clear answer as a citizen. The other words, we live by the compassion, of charity, of the joy of the community We believe in the right of everyone to the right of everyone to seek his fortune and live, to the respect for the other and on, the tolerance.

There are two ways to deal with the stress of reality. Buckle up, brace yourself, and deal with it as effectively as you can no matter how horrible, or slip into an ever deeper delusion to protect yourself from the reality you cannot face. Clearly Merkel is the latter, and she will get a lot of innocent Germans killed with her stupidity before she is cast out to occupy the exact same position Chamberlain will always occupy in the human psyche – just a dumb bimbo with no balls and no loyalty who let herself get in way over her head.

There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. While this may not seem beneficial, it is. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind.

Patrick Rothfuss

The big problem I see in most liberals is an inability to contemplate the idea that they may be wrong about something. So painful is the faintest hint of that idea, that as you begin to amass proof of it, they will double down at every opportunity, desperate in their belief that at any moment the tide of events must turn, and they will be handed evidence that they are not in actuality as stupid as all the evidence to that moment would indicate.

The real problem comes when you combine that pathology with a level of stupidity that is wrong about almost everything it comes in contact with. Add in a pathological need to make decisions for everyone else that affect the course of nations, and you have your modern establishment politician.

God have mercy on the average German. They are going to need it before all is said and done.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Merkel is and always was, just what she looks like. An air headed old hag. They voted for her so let them pay the price for their own stupidity. Just like we will pay the price for voting for Barry.

8 years ago

The best response is to round up and deport every Muslim before they regroup and stage another attack.