Merkel Fears Being Seen As A Nazi, Yet Is Killing Jews

Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday it was a “disgrace” that Jews in Germany faced insults, threats or violence, as she marked 70 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp.

Merkel joined survivors of the former camp, created by Nazi Germany in southern Poland, for a somber and moving event in the German capital ahead of Tuesday’s anniversary.

Auschwitz is a “warning” of what people can do to each other, Merkel said, adding that the camp — the site of the largest single number of murders committed during World War II — had been an “atrocious departure” in the course of history.

She said more than 100,000 Jews have today made Germany their home, but that it was “unfortunately not without cause” that some feared insult or assault.

“It’s a disgrace that people in Germany are abused, threatened or attacked when they indicate somehow they are Jewish or when they side with the State of Israel,” she said, to applause.

Germans have a very strong amygdala pathway associated with being likened to Nazis and showing hostility to Jews. I can’t help but think that if you could just portray the importation of Muslims who hate and attack Jews, as an outgrowth of some deep subconscious desire of the Germans to eradicate their Jews, you would have a potent meme which would shame Germans into stopping the Muslim influx.

You have to find a way to set off that amygdala-trigger that is built up over their Nazi past, in response to contemplation of their importation of the Nazi-like Muslim rapists and murderers.

The gold-standard would be if you could get all Nazi/Skinhead groups in Germany to support the migrant policies, and call for the importation of even more, with the express purpose of initiating a new Holocaust to eradicate the Jews. Pointing out Hitler endorsed Islam and Muslims might help. It might not stop Merkel, but it might slow down her enthusiasm, and lower the ultimate numbers which are brought in, to some degree.

The truth is, the Germans have probably already set up the second great Holocaust, because when the Apocalypse hits, the very first Europeans the Muslims are going to genocide will be the European Jews. Merkel and her ilk should be given the blame before it begins, in the hopes that it will slow their enthusiasm, and make the ultimate war which will need to be fought easier.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because amygdala is everything

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Europe, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.
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Robert What?
7 years ago

Interesting plan, but the problem is that the Jews’ hatred of Whites overwhelms everything else, even their own survival instinct.

7 years ago
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Ha ha. I howled at that one.

Cecil Henry
7 years ago

Merkel is just the 2nd Janus like return of Hitler.

Hitler wanted to defend Germany from foreign attack. Merkel wants to destroy Germany WITH foreign invasion.

World war 2 is NOT over in Germany. IT has not resolved. I have discussed this with many in the past few years.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Cecil Henry
7 years ago

Merkel is a treasonous rat. How anyone could inflict such hell on their own people is beyond me. May she and all like her rot in hell.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  English Tom
7 years ago

She’s a still loyal commie bitch.

7 years ago

You need some hashtags for this.I think these are good.
#proasyl #projudenvernichtung

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
7 years ago

Uh, no. Historically, the Jews and Moes ally against the Christians, and that is what will happen in Europe, as the Jews well know. They can control their weaponized pets. Israel is a special case that makes some, I repeat, some Moes enemies of the Israelis, but Europe will be the historical norm.

7 years ago

History (and current events) shows that you are dead wrong.
The Jews and the Moslems always work well together against Christendom: they have the same master after all, the father of lies. An example:

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…The gold-standard would be if you could get all Nazi/Skinhead groups in Germany to support the migrant policies, and call for the importation of even more, with the express purpose of initiating a new Holocaust to eradicate the Jews…”

HAHHAHAHA. I love that.