If you want to hit with the big boys, you can’t squeal like a girl when the big boys come after you.
Privately, though, they are disgusted by what Trump said and by the response from some of his supporters. There has been so much invective directed at her [Megyn Kelly] on the Internet that it’s created security concerns for Fox.
K-strategists are the violent segment of the political world. They constrain their urges, because intellectually they know that a civil society bound by rules can accomplish more than a purely violent society. However, the urges remain. If they begin to see the rules being used to create a less fairly ordered society than violence would, their amygdlae will light up with anger at the rules, they will abandon the rules, and you will have violence.
I do not recall any previous debate in which a news agency felt the need to up security after a Presidential debate. This is yet another data point along the graph leading toward K-selection. We’ve long made the case here that things are turning K. I am still a little unclear what the exact stimulus is which is triggering it, however from reduced teen sexual behavior to debate moderators now threatened with violence, a more K world is approaching. When it arrives it will not be pretty in some ways, but it will be nicer in others.
In true K-selection Megyn Kelly finds herself desperately holding a door shut, shouting expletives, and trying to comfort her quivering manboob, who is cowering in a fetal position in the corner, drool running down his chin, as the mob outsides beats the door and tries to flood gasoline under it. That part – not so nice.
However on the other hand she learns from the experience, treats others with respect in the future, and abandons her job to quietly and obediently do the laundry and dishes for a more manly man capable of protecting her, in the desperate hope that he will take charge when the savages come, and protect her from harm. That part, very nice.
Feminists don’t like K-selection because in K-selection, the philosophy they presently can enjoy because everyone abides by the rules of civility gives way to a rule-less society in which every where you look is the cold hard biological facts they all find so repugnant.
But it is coming, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Already the earliest stages are apparent for those who look. When the full collapse hits, and people are hungry, woe be unto those who attack the K-selected candidate, for the hordes will come for them, and they will have no quarter.
We will be amazed how polite and understanding the leftists will become.
Apocalypse cometh™