Media Attack Trump For Saying Migrants Get Raped In Mexico, Wikipedia And Amnesty International Take Trump’s Side

The media can’t believe Trump says immigrants traveling through Mexico get raped:

President Donald Trump, urging tougher security measures along the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday, claimed that women “are being raped at numbers never seen before” while an immigrant caravan is heading toward the U.S.

“Yesterday, it came out where this journey coming up, women are raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before,” the president said at a White House tax reform event in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. “They don’t want to mention that, so we have to change our laws…”

On Thursday, Trump did not provide any evidence to support his claim that rapes are taking place during the caravan in Mexico of asylum-seekers, nor did he identify the source of his information. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for that information.

I wonder sometimes if His Almighty Highness, The God Emperor, ever gets tired of being right all the time?

Although data is difficult to collect and analyze, Amnesty International reported in 2010 that as many as 60% of women and girls are sexually assaulted over the course of their journey…

Rape of migrants is so common that some women and girls plan for it, taking or bringing contraception, or they may be required to take it by smugglers.[1][5][4][6] A PBS NewsHour story about sexual assault of female migrants interviewed a pharmacist in Altar in Sonora, who said that the town is one of the last stops for someone about to cross the border, and that in the pharmacy she frequently receives the same question: “What can I do in case I’m raped, and I don’t want to get pregnant.”[7][6]

The parts of Mexico near the U.S. border, and the state of Chihuahua and city of Juárez in particular, are some of the most dangerous places for women in general in Mexico, according to a Reuters report on the “pandemic” of violence against women in Mexico.[5] In some areas near the border, rapists began hanging their victims’ garments from trees as trophies.[5][3][4][8] These trees are sometimes called “rape trees” by members of the Minuteman Project, and the term has been taken up by anti-immigration activists and politicians.[9][10] According to Harel Shapira, in his book about the extrajudicial border patrol organization, “for the Minutemen, the rape trees are a powerful symbol of the Mexican male’s immorality and simultaneously imbue their own actions with valor; by patrolling the border, the volunteers are defending not just America but women, and not just American women but all women, even the ones who are ‘illegal.'”[11]…

At the time of the Amnesty International report, the non-profit estimated “as many as six in 10 women and girl migrants experience sexual violence during the journey.”[1] It cites a 2006 study of already-detained migrant women in which 23 of 90 reported experiencing violence, with 13 saying the perpetrator was a state official.[1] The researchers involved believed actual numbers were likely higher.[1]

According to a report by Fusion, as many as 80% of women and girls coming to the United States from Central America are sexually assaulted.[2]

Michelle Brané of the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children told Tucson Weekly that “nonprofit groups and even the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement … estimate that the vast majority of women and female children encounter some sort of sexual assault en route to the United States,” and that “it’s become the norm, and in many cases with female children, they just assume that there’s been some sort of incident.”[4]

That link is an archive of the Wikipedia page, because you know that Wiki page is about to get edited heavily.

What is funny is, Trump was luring them in. He knew they would rebel at the mention of that, and he knew it was true – and leftist groups were the ones who established it. Remember, this is the guy who researches everything compulsively. An entire team of Ivy League MBAs spent weeks preparing a business proposal to present to him, and in twenty minutes Trump deconstructed the entire thing to the smallest detail all by himself, showing he knew more about it than the people who assembled it. He even used updated financial statistics and market data which he could only have acquired minutes before the meeting began.

And yet he makes it all look haphazard, throwing his notes in the air, as if he is just winging it. The media not only lacks the IQ to compete – it lacks the intelligence to realize just how brilliant their opponent is, and how they couldn’t win even if they had a high IQ.

“Rape Trees,” where the rape victim’s clothes are hung as trophies. Look at how unusual and memorable that term is. I will bet Trump already saw the term, and when he says that term to the media, watch the media go batshit insane. And The Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children says that female children are just assumed to have been raped or sexually assaulted. Disgraceful, but when he cites it, what will the media say, other than admit they are clueless and unprofessional, and Trump knows what he is talking about. And all along is the subtext – migrants are dangerous, even to young female children and it is Trump who is protecting us from them, despite the clueless, unprofessional media.

So Wikipedia, PBS Newshour, Reuters, The Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, and Amnesty International all support the God Emperor’s position.

I hope he rubs all their noses in it.

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6 years ago

[…] via Media Attack Trump For Saying Migrants Get Raped In Mexico, Wikipedia And Amnesty International Take… […]

6 years ago

There is no such thing as an “open border”. There is either a border controlled by us, or a border controlled by someone else.

Reply to  Dave
6 years ago

That’s a damn good point. Excellent reframe.