Matt Bracken On The Machinery Behind The Migrant Invasion


This is a massive effort by Soros and others like him. There was no market for these boats prior to the planned hijra invasion of Europe. They have no sporting or military use and were not built anywhere in the world prior to the migrant invasion.

Boat plus engine cost at least $10,000, and probably double or triple that, delivered to Libya. They are suitable only for short-range one-time use by migrants who have the expectation of being picked up by NGO “rescue ships” that will ferry the migrants to Italian ports…

This invasion of Europe under the guise of an ongoing “rescue operation” is as carefully planned as D-day in 1944. There are deep pockets behind it.

Those inflatables do look pretty useless. What people don’t realize is sailors buy little inflatables like that as runabouts, to use to take them from their ship to shore when they moor in a little harbor, and to zoom around and explore. When you see them tied up to a dock, those that belong to experienced cruisers will have their inflated outer hulls covered by a thick, sewn canvas cover, to protect them from the sun. Covered like that, they will last four or five years easy. But those that aren’t covered only have about a one year life expectancy before they fall apart under the sun. And those are white, and made from premium materials. I’d imagine those big black inflatables probably only last six months or so under the sun in Libya, unless they are stored in a warehouse somewhere. So those are probably a big expense, and they aren’t being made for any other use.

The problem the NGO’s have is that they can’t pull the 150ft steel-hulled, long-rang cargo ships into Libyan ports to pick the migrants up without somebody noticing they are just ferrying the migrants to Europe, so they float the refugees out 300 yards on those floating deathtraps, “rescue” them, and then bring them across.

On the one hand, this has all the earmarks of a narcissist fucking everyone else up so they can feel better about their own circumstances. Fill Europe with these migrants, and then sit back and enjoy everyone’s suffering. But still, the investments in ships, fuel to run them, staff to man them, medics, ponchos, boats, infrastructure, governmental bribing, and so on does seem a little expensive just for a narcissist fantasy of seeing all of Europe destroyed.

One thought I have had – Soros made a fortune betting against the pound, and then crashing it. We all know the Euro is going down, and the European economy is going to collapse. What are the chances Soros has some sort of financial bet that the Euro and the EU are going down, and he is simply trying to win the bet by taking it all down as soon as he can? Makes you want to get a look at the Cuckservatives’ investment portfolios.

If so, then all of this would simply be an investor looking to make an investment successful, and all of the investments in ships, pamphlets, infrastructure, and so on would be economically sensible.

If it ever comes out that Soros-like billionaire investors are just trying to destroy Europe to make a buck, it will make the useful idiots of the left look quite stupid. If we had enterprising reporters these days, you would think they would uncover these financial positions, and expose them and the motivations behind the migrant invasion.

It will eventually come out, and make Soros and his ilk among the most wanted people in the world after the Muslims have been expelled. Nuremburg will look like a birthday party compared to what will be done to everyone involved in this.

Spread r/K Theory, because there will be a lot of scores to settle

This entry was posted in Betrayal, Conspiracy, Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Narcissists, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Anyway just wanted your comment on the concept of biohistory:

What are you thoughts?(Given that these concepts are the result of laboratory experiments and examinations of animals in the wild as well as observing history)

7 years ago

[…] Interesting: This is a massive effort by Soros and others like him. There was no market for these boats prior to the planned hijra invasion of Europe. They have no sporting continue […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

What is Soros, like 150 years old? I have it on good authority that Soros stays alive by drinking the blood of children.

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

I’m becoming more and more convinced that Soros is Satan incarnate.