Massive Child Sacrifice Site Discovered In Peru


Archaeologists have discovered what might be the world’s largest single incident of mass child sacrifice in a tiny beach town on Peru’s northern coast, reports said.

The remains of more than 140 children — all with their hearts ripped out — and 200 young llamas were discovered at the cliffside historical sacrifice site known as Huanchaquito-Las Llamas just steps from residential cinderblock compounds and local eateries, National Geographic reported.

Ropes and textiles from the graves were radiocarbon dated to between 1400 and 1450.

You take this happening for granted when you see it, but this is not natural.

This following link is not safe for work, since it features gore films and pornographic ads on the sidebar. But this is the link to a video of Mexican Cartels flaying open a living and conscious man’s chest. It is pretty amygdala-stimulating.

I have watched a lot of these videos to adapt my amygdala to horror. My feeling is if something bad happens, I am better off being able to survey the scene dispassionately, and decide what to do, than being forced to try and shield my overloaded amygdala from some horrific sight, as I try to process what is going on and what to do. Granted it is not like real life, but my feeling is it is better than nothing.

They are not easy to watch at first. You want to look away. You feel bad for the person, even if you have a pretty good idea they are a shitbag and have it coming. Your amygdala fires up and rebels. But over time, your brain shuts off that horror, and you develop a more detached feeling as you watch it.

Try to watch the video above, and feel how awful it is. Now imagine being in Peru, and having a five year old child who is terrified, brought to you, having him tied down, cutting open his sternum and dislocating his ribs, and then cutting out his heart, while he is alive, and the heart is still beating. It is not natural. You do not decide to do it on a lark one day.

And yet, entire populations actively sought to do it back then. People, despite all of our instinctual programming, one day said, lets kill a child, because maybe it will make these rains stop. Think about that. That can only happen if there is an intervention of evil.

Then factor in that there are evil people today who believe in cruel sacrifice, of animals, and probably even children, as a mechanism to get what they want easily.

It would make it seem that there is something more than the atheistic narrative we are sold these days, which drives men.

We are entering more than just Trump’s Awakening today. There is something new today, which is causing bits and pieces to leak out and reveal to us deeper truths about the world, showing us the forces which drive it, and introducing us to the evil which for quite some time has been just out of sight.

Expect to see more as the K-shift continues. And it only leads to one place.

God is coming back, and with a vengeance.

Spread r/K Theory, because evil is not natural

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6 years ago

This is making certain Biblical narratives seem more and more plausible (if one weren’t persuaded already).

6 years ago

Seeing a human baby butchered would be pretty horrific, but if the gods demand sacrifice, we have plenty of useless Africans, Latinos, and Arabs to give them. Every time Saint Kermit Gosnell flushed a crying niglet down the toilet, future taxpayers saved a million dollars!

6 years ago

London has been conducting voodoo rituals for years. The human slavery is actually getting into the papers, reports have been written. They said Ebola risk was about eating bush meat, which is available, but technically it involves any primate tissue. For a possible window into apocalyptic pandemic, look up Mao’s cover up of “special cases” of cannibalism during his famine and a prion disease called Kuru.

6 years ago

I am reminded of the final scene in Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto: the palpable sense of relief upon seeing the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors, and with them, Christianity.

Do see the movie if you haven’t already. One of Gibson’s best, and more relevant today given the current timeline and the Trump Awakening.

Nigel Hopkins
Nigel Hopkins
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

An incredible film indeed. It was as close to hell on earth as you can get.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Nigel Hopkins
6 years ago

The film is a masterpiece and was used as a vehicle to explore the waning stages of empire and its sickness and decadence, with Gibson making a direct reference to the West today. All wrapped up in a heart pounding action adventure chase scenario. Highly recommended.

Reply to  Nigel Hopkins
6 years ago

I was astonished at the quality of the casting. Every one of the natives completely looked the part. The warriors all looked like Neolithic hunters — no need for suspension of disbelief.

6 years ago

If any of you haven’t seen the 5 part interview with this man, Ronald Bernard, a financial strawman for the Illuminati/Luciferian Cabal, do it.

They (the luciferian elites) use ritual human sacrifice as:
A religious mechanism (they believe that satanic shit); and
A way to guarantee loyalty from the members of their network as they go up the hierarchy and get trusted with more and more important jobs.

Also interesting, the jewish historical past shows they were pretty deeply involved into child sacrifice:

6 years ago

I got five seconds in, just to the part where guts came out, then had to switch it off before I threw up in my mouth. It does make a person think of a lot of things, such as why are we giving people like that free access to our borders? Why couldn’t they kill their enemies clean, instead of mutilating them? Are they under a lot more pressure to send messages to rivals, or are some of them sickos who enjoy doing that? Why did the South American cultures that did sacrifices have to come up with an extraordinary cruel way of doing it, instead of cutting their throats so they bled out in a minute?

Reply to  Kharmii
6 years ago

You know, there are books on ritualistic serial killers? First they either do it from curiosity or necessity, then they view it as a creative outlet. They learn to enjoy it if they didn’t before.

6 years ago

A society that goes that far r is ripe for conquest, it’s always the same- although some K’s get high scores.

6 years ago

I’m saying this because I care about you AC. And so I suggest that it may not be good for your soul but in fact the opposite to watch these things in order to desensitize yourself to them (regardless of the reason). It places you in the room and in the presence of evil unequiped. The desensitization itself may be the evidence of evil’s effectiveness over you. Like a possession.
I don’t know what we mean by evil if not an unholy spirit. We certainly know it when we see it.
If it’s what we say it is (and it is evil) it’s nothing to experiment with, certainly not without genuine knowledge and spiritual protective guidance. They don’t send any ol person in to conduct exorcisms.
Be careful.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

AC –

As a Pastor, Em. – I could (but won’t) speak to matters very horrific I have dealt with or seen. Rick is right about those who perform exorcisms. They are a very, very special breed.

To become desensitized to some things, is obviously, okay – say – to a fear of dogs or spiders or such.

To that like the horror in that video – I do not even question that it is “evil” and satanic. Like abortion, which would cause one observing it the first time to lose their last week of lunches, the abortionist has become desensitized. Killing and dismembering human beings becomes little more than a job. And a good number in society approve of such acts. That is inexplicable.

There is such a thing as “evil.” It is literally beyond comprehension, but enough exposure to it will kill both soul and conscience. Rick is correct – and I will amplify his warning –

Be Very Careful!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I concur with the other commentators. When I see a video about those kinds of subjects the very atmosphere of my room changed and it seemed to fill with evil energy.

Call upon Christ and may Christ protect you. You will need it.

Reply to  jb
6 years ago

Just think of all the Internet ghouls who avidly and enthusiastically watch that stuff. And then they’re out here in General Population walking among us. How many new Ted Bundys and Ed Geins have been created because torture porn has unlocked their mind and invited Evil in?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

That is the purpose of porn. It’s a supernormal stimulus. Brain training for abhorrence.

Reply to  jb
6 years ago

Evil inverts good instincts and corrupts any form of innocence. I’ve observed this to be true. They cannot operate except via corruption. Curiosity is the hooked bait. They are wholly destructive, creating nothing. For anything spiritual, try reading Dexter in the Dark. I’ve read a lot about these things but while it’s just a novel, it hits on a lot of truths from first person perspectives e.g. pain and suffering drawing very dark things to people (evoking the superstition that lost souls or non-souls attach to living ones in grief and cause misery and bad luck). It’s the only novel to have ever un-nerved me, alongside possibly Perfume. Both discuss targeting the happy and good from a first person POV.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Rick is right. There are energies here today that were not apparent before; as you wrote, “there is something new today.” I don’t know what released it, or even how it was done, but you can feel something different around us. Perhaps readers who lived in the 1940s can let us know if this is how that time period felt.

We don’t understand most of the energies surrounding us that drive us and affecting us every day. We try to, through religion and spiritualism, but their words are imprecise. And they don’t come close to experiencing energy we barely surmise in the West, let alone control. We’re just not that advanced in the 21st century, despite bluster and ego of many of those around us.

Evil does exist in this world, and apparently in places like the video you linked to. I can’t imagine what could drive someone to even contemplate horrors like that, let alone do them. But something is driving these subhumans to perform this base kind of evil.

You’re an extremely intelligent man, AC. You can easily handle the intellectual side of such examinations. I’m saying that there are other aspects to such forces you’ve only touched upon in your blog, that will take you by surprise because of their breadth, as you kindly informed me in an earlier post.

Thanks again for your blog and for your time to write and post your thoughts. It is the most intelligent and heroic site I’ve encountered on this disturbing journey into reality and the Truth. It’s now a regular on my daily blog review, because you’re damned good in your analyses and speculation.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
6 years ago

This discussion reminded me of something I had forgotten about and never remembered again ever. It was the only time I had what I can only describe as a panic attack (and I have been thru some shit, some weird and heavy shit that could make many people just prefer to kill themselves rather than think of ways to fight it and then executing on them), and it was one time many years ago when I was researching about S–ciento-logy and it’s founder. I was on my research binge and I come across a very interesting site describing the life of the person, and then there is a pic of that guy. I look at the pic and I swear, I have never, NEVER EVER felt terror in my life, except for that moment. 2 or 3 seconds of looking at that man’s face (I was for some reason observing it very closely, and this was before I started looking into facial analysis) this complete feeling of terror just takes over me.

I ended up pulling the plug on the computer and went do something else in order to collect myself again.

I never again, or before, felt anything like that, and I have researched deep into pizzagate last year (it was extremely hard emotionally, but looking at the face of those cunts never had the same effect has looking into that guy’s I mentioned face).

On a curious note, the guy whose picture gave me the panic attack was involved in mind control experiments and connected to the See Eye Hay (which is into it and seems to be involved in the cover up of the pizzagate blackmail network too).

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
6 years ago

“It’s quiet. Too quiet.” but the world feels very full. Science says there’s at least a dozen dimensions. It isn’t so off-base to suggest they might know of us, where we can’t see them. Maybe there’s no such thing as demons, maybe it describes encounters with a type of alien.

Nigel Hopkins
Nigel Hopkins
Reply to  Rick
6 years ago

Very true. It really will scar your psyche.

Reply to  Rick
6 years ago

I agree, chapter 10. Read about them, don’t watch it.
Desensitization is used to reduce personal fear (and conscience) and then program it, the stimulus, in as a thrilling stimulant, eventually enjoyed. Think of when they electro-shocked gays, they learned to enjoy it.

6 years ago

What is abortion but a human sacrifice promising a solution to all problems and a glorious future. The number of people on Twitter vehemently supporting the actions of the hospital and courts in the Alfie Evans case was shocking. You have to think abortion is the reason why. Once a person has crossed the line into peri-natal infanticide they lose their moral compass. After that, everything is justified, everything is frivolous. They gladly embrace the most blatant bullshit. Abortion really is the perfect way to destroy a civilization, one soul at a time.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Rowe
6 years ago

The West is a cult of death. Watch the film Apocalypto and compare the culture with today. Sickness rampant but really a sickness of the soul.

Reply to  English Tom
6 years ago

All they need to do is dehumanize the innocent and get you to “see” that up is down once. If you can delude yourself once…. (so they despise stubborn people, who make them snap in rage at being spotted).

6 years ago

The more I learn the less I care what happened to these pagan savage cultures. So the Spaniards showed up and wipe outed hundreds of thousands of them…meh – so what. We are talking about civilizations filled with some of the most horrific evil one could ever imagine -they had it coming.

6 years ago

“ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12

Reply to  bear
6 years ago

But incarnation is necessary for spiritual purification. That’s why they target the world. It’s the spanner in the machine.

6 years ago

As per your suggestion I watched that video, and others.
Some thoughts:
1) Watching these videos was profoundly uncomfortable. It took a real effort to keep looking.
Yet some people obviously enjoy & are amused by them. What does that say about them, besides they are sick/evil?
Is that a sign of defective amygdala that requires extra stimulus?
2) These videos CHANGED me. As a part of my job, I often have to do a lot of cold calls to strangers. Usually I postpone these, because it is unpleasant to plow through that rejection & hostilty.
But today I ripped through them with ease. Because, hey, what’s a little phone hostility compared to being flayed?
Even now, I’m feeling particularly calm & serene.
3) As I watched these horrors, I questioned if I could do that to someone. And the answer was, if they tried to hurt my daughter, yes.
4) Americans need to see these things happening. Our safety & civility have made us soft & weak & squeamish. We need to be aware what kind of savages we need to be able to defeat. And of course, these videos are an excellent advertisement for a Wall.

Related: Have you ever written a self-guided program for amygdala strengthening? I would be greatly interested in a set of tasks or exercises I could do for that effect.

Reply to  Hw
6 years ago

“but it’s their culture” if we honestly taught history, every one would be K

6 years ago

Molochianism never did die. And today, it has gained favorable status.

AC – this comment of yours seemed strange . . .

“But I have had several events that make me think I have some sort of support, too.”

As opposed to what I or Rick said? Explain -please!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago


Thanks – that explanation filled in the blanks well.

6 years ago

Be very careful going down that road. That last thing you need in your life is a monster behind your eyes clawing at you to feed it.

Reply to  c_arnold
6 years ago

^This. Exposure changes the brain but if you lose certain things, you can’t get them back i.e. innocence (and chivalry).

6 years ago

Dave wrote:

Seeing a human baby butchered would be pretty horrific, but if the gods demand sacrifice, we have plenty of useless Africans, Latinos, and Arabs to give them. Every time Saint Kermit Gosnell flushed a crying niglet down the toilet, future taxpayers saved a million dollars!

No, the portion of the black population that was genocided by abortion was relatively K-selected. Abortion is the reason the American black population degenerated so quickly toward welfare-funded rabbitry. There would be fewer blacks in America today without abortion, and they would be less destructive to the surrounding society as well.