Many Democrats Believe In Pizzagate

Surprising numbers:

Nearly half of the nation’s Republicans believe John Podesta’s leaked emails contain coded messages referring to “pedophilia, human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse,” according to a new poll from The Economist and YouGov. But more shocking is the number of Dems who have signed on to the asinine conspiracy: Twenty four percent say Pizzagate is “definitely” or “probably” true.

Almost a full quarter of Democrats say openly that it is definitely or probably true, and the only place you see it discussed is online, in right-leaning forums. How many think that, but are afraid to say it? How many would believe it if the media hadn’t branded it false out of hand, and had given the evidence an honest look on national TV? And even still that is 24% of Democrats.

The media has a problem. Just as K-selection is closing in, they are no longer the most interesting source of honest news. They have converged, becoming a sterilized source for the pro-liberal preaching of holier than thou douchebags nobody likes.

Suddenly people have crowd-sourced investigations by dynamic characters filled with youthful energy, and social networks that promote material based on perceived quality. as judged by the crowd – one of the most effective judging mechanisms possible. In addition, all of the shocking dirt that the media has covered up for years is offering a steady supply of electrifying content as it suddenly rises to the attention of everyone in this new, democratized environment.

Clearly the ministry of truth needs to get some laws passed to rein in this internet machine, before everybody important is locked up and exposed for what they are.

Spread r/K Theory to friends, because the elites have no control over the dissemination of data today

This entry was posted in Conspiracy, ITZ, Pedophilia, Politics, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Many Democrats Believe In Pizzagate […]

8 years ago

I think Donald Trump and his ilk know something about PizzaGate. I think they’re waiting until he gets sworn in before swinging the hammer. Strike too soon before you have the authority to act, and the cockroaches will scramble to the ends of the earth while you only catch a few (who still have government power on their side to protect them.) I seem to recall at least one person on Trump’s staff who got fired for spilling the beans too early and I know Milo Yianopolous was told not to mention PizzaGate in any of his speeches. There’ll be a big habbening a comin’ on Jan. 20th.

8 years ago

Youtube channel “Reality Calls” Quality UK Pizzagate researcher, who happens to be Extremely easy on the eye, as a bonus.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

I would say Pizzagate was a bunch of nonsense…except. There’s been so many of these. World wide. Many, many, many and many people have been suicided, disappeared or ruined when they looked into these claims. Listen to this Women.