Man Who Taught Dog Nazi Salute Goes On Trial For Hate Crime

The state of freedom these days:

A man who recorded his girlfriend’s dog giving Nazi salutes ‘should be convicted of committing a hate crime’, a court heard.

Mark Meechan, 30, filmed pug Buddha responding to statements such as ‘gas the Jews’ and ‘Sieg Heil’ in video footage posted on Youtube. The original video, uploaded in April 2016, had been viewed more than three million times on YouTube.

Meechan, of Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, is on trial at Airdrie Sheriff Court and denies any wrong doing. He insists he made the video to annoy his girlfriend Suzanne Kelly, 29. Prosecutors allege he communicated material that would cause fear and alarm and stir up hatred on religious grounds by posting a clip which was ‘anti-semitic in nature’ to YouTube.

To think they are demanding perfect behavior from that goofball. While the girlfriend was gone, he trained the dog, and then filmed it watching Adolf Hilter speeches and making Nazi salutes, and posted the video on youtube.

This is the triggerable nature of leftist amydgalae. What to our amygdala means nothing, is to a leftist brain as cognitively painful as something like assault or murder. It eventually makes it impossible for normal amygdalae to live with leftists, because we are just not designed to see simple larks like this as deserving of harsh criminal punishments on par with assaults or robberies.

As we have seen, eventually simple jokes about women and gays, and any other group are treated as crimes, and we all have to walk on eggshells, rather than bond over humor with our fellow citizens.

It is no way to live.

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t want to live under leftism

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7 years ago

…eventually….they will round us up and kill us all. it ain’t just a speech issue, it’s good versus evil now.

Reply to  glosoli
7 years ago

if you still think in terms of good vs evil like a child, there is nothing you can do against you getting rounded up.

English Tom
English Tom
7 years ago

I have to say I watched his video and seeing the dog do a nazi salute made me howl with laughter. I can understand how it is in bad taste but spending tens of thousands of pounds on a court case is just sickening.

Robert What?
7 years ago

The video is hilarious. Prosecuting this man is going to make people hate Jews even more. This is going to backfire.

7 years ago

He should go to prison. Besides that hes just a e-celeb stoner whos life isn’t worth anything anyway this case will show the britcucks that they won’t get out of this situation. Even if youre a lefti dopehead who just does it as a joke whats left of your life will get fucked by the state. There is no choice for you anymore then to become rebels and get rid of the threat to your freedom with all means possible.