LVPD Releases Report On Mandalay Bay Shooting

LVPD released a report on Paddock and the Mandalay Bay Shooting:

Danley stated Paddock’s demeanor changed over the course of the last year. According to her, Paddock had become “distant” and their relationship was no longer intimate. Paddock was described as “germaphobic” and had strong reactions to smells.

That could be interpreted as some sort of heightened amygdala causing him to grow increasingly triggered by amygdala stimulation, and unable to handle all the data processing and prioritization involved in interpersonal interactions.

Then there was this in one article:

Ms Danley also described how Paddock’s demeanour changed over the course of the last year as he became distant and germaphobic, the report said…

Police also recovered several hundred indecent images of children on Paddock’s laptop, the report said.

And it appeared to be a trend. We will never know, but it would be interesting to know his T. gondii status. Some people’s immune systems lack the ability to deal with certain pathogens. Almost every adult could encounter a Herpes simplex virus and keep it suppressed, but I remember a Dr. G, Medical Examiner TV show which highlighted a case she saw where a girl walked into a bar flirted with a guy, kissed him, caught a herpes virus, went home and was dead within days because her immune system just could not control it. The virus got in her liver and basically liquefied it. It happens every so often for idiosyncratic reasons.

It would be interesting if Paddock had caught something that was eating away at his amygdala, and his system just could not control it. Then again, chronic high stress might be able to do the same thing to some, just amping up the amygdala and overwhelming it.

There was also this in the full report:

The attached southeast bathroom had a tub along the north wall with two glass vacuum suction holders on top of the tub ledge, a sink counter along the south wall with toiletries to include a prescription for “Diazepam 10 MG” in the name of “Steve Paddock”, and two inhalers.

Diazepam is an amygdala relaxant, designed to relieve stress and relax the mind and body. It strange, as it is a prescription medicine, yet later in the report, his doctor implied he had no medical problems beyond his slip and fall.

The full report also had this interesting tidbit:

A complete recheck of the rooms was made to ensure a person was not hiding under any furniture. Several suitcases were observed throughout the rooms. Many of the suitcases contained several loaded magazines. Officers also observed a camera attached to the peephole on the main door of room 32-135. Once the recheck was completed, the SWAT and K9 officers left the room due to reports of other shootings at other locations…

As officers cleared the Las Vegas Village, multiple reports of active shooters along Las Vegas Boulevard at various hotel properties were broadcasted. Several officers from the exterior Las Vegas Village posts joined Strike Teams and left to address those reports. As the active shooter reports were cleared and determined to be unfounded, officers assigned to the Las Vegas Village responded back to the command post for reassignment.

The other shooting reports, even after the shooting had been over for a bit could imply somebody was looking to divert Police resources for some reason, perhaps to facilitate an exfil. If Police have five other shootings going down, the Mandalay Bay is not going to be as locked down, and maybe somebody could sneak away without being caught.

Other interesting things I noticed about the report. One phone had the cameras covered, but there was no mention of the cameras being covered on the Galaxy S6. Multiple phones, some counter surveillance oriented, others possibly not might be unusual. Either he should have done it with all phones, or none. His IDs were laid out on the bar and on the bed, instead of in his wallet or stored together. I am not sure why he would do that, but I could see why somebody who whacked him might want to check out everything on him, to get as much intel on who was killed as possible, and then leave it laid out to photograph it before leaving. The Laptop with the missing battery was also found on the floor. Why Paddock would not have left it with other laptops is strange, whereas a outsider ripping out the hard drive and dropping it on the floor as they fled might not be. Then again the report notes one glove alone on a table, implying it was an orphan, while it is left to a crime scene photo later to reveal another single glove on the floor near empty magazine boxes. Nor does it ask why there were three pairs of gloves, including the one pair worn by Paddock, so the report isn’t comprehensive.

Also interesting, a lot of his AR-15 type rifles had no sights or optics, not even open/peephole sights. That could be more consistent with dealer stock for display than weapons brought for use in a shooting. Also he left a couple of Saiga 12 shotguns, basically AK-47s in 12 gauge, at home, though he clearly brought far more ARs than he could use. If you were going to have a shootout in a hotel, a drum of 20 12ga saboted slugs will cruise through hotel walls almost as well as 308s, basically removing all cover, but they would leave bigger holes, and in my mind at least, be a little more psychologically affecting on an assault team.

Of most interest to me is the complete lack of any ballistic analysis of the rounds found at the venue, compared with Paddock’s weapons. Of lesser interest is that according to the report, a 38 special cannot fully penetrate and exit a skull, even when entering through the roof of the mouth, which is the thinnest area of the skull. I would have thought it would have easily exited through five inches of brain and a skull cap.

One interesting point was raised on 4chan, in response to the fact Paddock was strangely emailing himself some of his communications with respect to gun dealing. One poster said that assets who began to distrust the agents running them might begin to email themselves various communications to document what they were doing. So if an informant began to suspect the Federal agent running him was getting sketchy and might be ordering him to commit crimes with the intent of busting him for those crimes later to take him out of circulation and enhance his own career with an easy bust, the asset might begin copying himself on emails to document he wasn’t the bad guy, should the asset/handler relationship go south.

Still not enough information on this one. Paddock could have been spiraling down into catastrophic amygdala failure, or he could have been under immense stress, either doing something interesting or just going through something in his day to day life. But between the distracting calls of other shootings, his copied emails, the dearth of ballistic evidence, the reports of additional shooters by combat vets on the ground, the sound analyses, the lack of information on his financial situation, and the strange allotment of sight-less weapons, it all still has a strange air about it.

And that ignores the anon on Chan who predicted an attack on a large group of people, which would involve a casino, weeks beforehand.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is necessarily what it seems

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7 years ago

Weirdly some of the Saudi princes hanging upside down right now owned the top floors of the Mandalay.

In another vien, T.Gondii opens the door to a host of other opportunistic infections (Helicobacter felis, Leishmania major and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis) which are common in tropical environments, such as the Philippines.

7 years ago

Your “older posts” button doesn’t work most of the time

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Ha, didn’t realize when I clicked that it’s an article from 2 years ago…
You don’t have to scroll down the comments too far to where I pointed out that..

“Internal r prefers External r to Internal K”

With of course, a link to here.