They Are Live-Streaming Gang Rapes In Sweden Now

Two guesses who:

The men have been arrested in Sweden on suspicion of gang-raping a woman, after one allegedly live-streamed the crime on a closed Facebook page. According to Sweden’s Aftonbladet tabloid, the alleged crime took place in an apartment in the city of Uppsala early on Sunday morning, with police receiving a tip-off just before 9am.

The victim was reportedly close to unconscious at the time the act was perpetrated.

Notice, r-strategist women who support the importation of these characters will be the ones who drink themselves unconscious, or allow themselves to be caught alone with these characters, because they cannot perceive threat due to amygdala atrophy. Those r-strategist women will end up impregnated with r-strategist babies at a much higher rate than their K-strategist contemporaries, and their r-strategist babies will carry the rapist genes, which will mean they will follow a similar aggressive sexual reproductive strategy to that which proved so successful in their procreation.

From a moral perspective, the r-strategist women who are so welcoming of rapist migrants seem wholly illogical. But from an amoral reproductive perspective, it is a perfectly formed, brilliant strategy, designed to produce offspring as quickly as possible under conditions such as those we see today. The bottom line is this girl who was raped may very well end up having more children than the average K-strategist today. And even though all of them seem ostensibly accidental, each will be an evolutionary win, programmed to have lots of accidental offspring themselves.

r-selection is pure evil by the standards of K-selection. But by it’s only standard – reproduction – it is highly effective under the right circumstances.

Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t want our daughters raped by foreigners live on facebook

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8 years ago

[…] They Are Live-Streaming Gang Rapes In Sweden Now […]

8 years ago

Although I agree with the theory and most of your comments, I find this comment cynical and insensitive to what a rape is, not to mention a gang-rape and in public. If this person survives and does not commit suicide, if she did not get diseases to fight for life, if she did not get pregnant and has to abort which may damage her health, she would suffer from heavy form of PTS for a long long time, which is a nightmare. Rape is a horrific crime and in some ways worse than murder. Sweden is not US. It is a peaceful country, no wars for more than 300 years, people are calm and thoughtful for the most part, they have lived a bit isolated from Europe and the world for a long time in hard and demanding climate. Sweden happens to be now in the hands of an aggressive ‘Globalist’ EU no-cash Agenda and that affects us all. Not to mention that Sweden has extremely inefficient rape legislation and prosecution and that, in general, it is not a court-culture as the US. This country has prospered overcoming unimaginable hunger and climate severity because it had a majority of K which led to overboard neoliberalism, yet none of this explains a rape because women have been raped throughout human history independent of rk. Remember, marital rape exemption, removed only recently in most ‘civilized’ countries.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Don’t apologize AC. The victim apparently had these foreign men in her flat while she took a shower. She probably thought it was a rush and got more than she imagined. Women often play mind games on men, problem is, doesn’t really work with rapists. This is clearly poor amygdala function on the woman’s part. She likely has a gofundme already up and wants to talk about her feelings with any native born Swede that will listen.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Is Japan’s population and/or leadership mainly K or r in your view?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Japan is a K population as a whole, many, as you called it, are ultra K, in big cities one can find many r behaviors/characters, given we assume your definitions. Japan has almost no crime. It has almost no rape cases (if any, some reports on rapes within marriage), almost no HIV cases, but many young men commit suicide mainly because they can’t afford to take care of a family. They don’t allow any ME immigration. Japanese people work a lot but they also love to go out in the evenings after work, karaoke, thematic bars. They don’t tolerate much alcohol and in the evening one can see drunk young women fallen on the ground. Here is my first point: no one rapes these girls! I have seen with my own eyes how men go and carry them to a taxi, the taxi drivers drive them for free to their homes, the men find out their address on their phone or ID. Everybody is helpful and no big fuss about it. The women feel safe.
In a predominantly K society no matter what your theory about ‘games women play with men’ is, the males protect the females.
Sweden is a predominantly and quite ultra-r today. In my personal view, this is socially and politically induced situation. People are heavily indoctrinated from very early age to extreme r-values and behaviors on daily basis and of course the historically atrophies amygdala. Yet, this is aggressive r. It can cost me my job that I openly support Trump, it is that bad.
In this society, what we see is the following: a woman is raped by 2 men and 1 filming on a FB group page and about 60 people in the group are watching online. Some ask them to go back to the room and continue, as it is sexually exciting for them.
The woman is completely drugged, does not move, she has no memory of what has happened, all she knows is that she didn’t want to have sex with any of them. They laugh at her that she got raped and wave around a pistol.
Of all the people watching the crime online only 1 woman reacts, 21, native Swedish, finds the phone number of the girl and calls her up, calls the police, this is about 8 am.
The men are 2 from Afghanistan, refugees, came in as ‘children, born 1996 and 1998, the third man who filmed is a Swedish citizen, parents refugees from Iran, born 1992. The last one just came out of prison for drugs and other offences. All tog drugs during the night at a party, this is the apt of one of the men. The victim is 31, Swedish, foreign background, has been raped before by an African man who got away with it. One of the man has raped earlier another 21 years old woman who reported him now when she saw his face, also at a party, also drunk.
Now, here is my second and last point, when the young man who supported Trump was publicly abused in a toilet, also online streaming, by a few liberal black ‘youngsters’, everybody thought this was horrible and supported him 100%. Nobody said, well he deserves it, he agreed to go to a party with liberals, it is his fault. But now when a woman of similar state is raped, all of sudden so many comments by men saying that it is her own fault, after all, she agreed to go to a party with immigrants. This is the kind of thinking that makes the definition and application of sexual crime laws impotent and in effect, keep us going more demoralized and more r.

8 years ago

The r women have created a racket focused on male sympathy as well. All designed to screw K strategists out of resources, and make more r babies.