Lin Wood’s Parler says President Trump is at the National Defense Command Center

And arrests will happen over the next couple of days.

Update: The NDCC statement appears to have been removed, and the media says Trump is at Camp David, but Lin is still saying arrests will happen.

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4 years ago

I’d be happy to see it, but don’t be upset if this is taken with a grain of salt…or two. Same thing has been said over the last month by Wood and others.

Arrests of treasonous criminals in Congress, the alphabet agencies, bureaucracies, and even the incoming administration should have occurred long before now. Any arrests after yesterday’s fiasco will be viewed as simply political and not motivated by the rule of law.

My 02.

Reply to  DTG
4 years ago

Best case scenario- THE US REMAINS and the elite go to prison
**Worst case- The elite that have destroyed us all, go underground and nuclear war kills everyone else.

I believe its the latter

4 years ago

Not sure why one would tell where Pres. Trump is, which makes me question a bit.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  singularzoe
4 years ago

Probably because the President isn’t there but someone else is. SecDef usually flies on the E-4B btw. POTUS Trump is probably somewhere else.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
4 years ago

We’ve been a day away from arrests for two years now!
You don’t rid a house of cockroaches by letting them run wild until you “identify” all of them.
You rid a house of cockroaches by mass killing them, and stumping them everytime you see one!

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

You do if most of the household insist cockroaches are beneficial.

4 years ago

No One is coming to save you but you. Lin wood is off his rocker, please tell me how a President that cannot control his cabinet makes these arrests, your fooling yourself if you believe a word of this.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  mind4usa
4 years ago

That’s nice, shill. You’ve said your peace, now fuck off.

Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

I’ll PRAY 4 YOU 🙏

4 years ago

Please. Get real. No arrests of the evil scum that betrayed us will happen. Its time to admit that Q is fiction, Trump will do nothing, and things will get worse.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Wait for it ……..the 20 th right around the corner……don’t jump ship till then

doesn't matter
4 years ago

Been waiting for something to happen for 4 years.

Nothing has happened.

The dems stole the election.

Lin Wood is just nuts, and trusting him is just cope.

Bill Quick
Bill Quick
4 years ago

Don’t know what the NDCC is, and I can’t find any such installation in Texas. the National Military Command Center (NMCC) is in the Pentagon, and is known popularly as the War Room.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  Bill Quick
4 years ago

It’s some kind of fusion center on Dyess AFB. One among many that can serve as alternate NMCCs.

4 years ago

cope is a word used exclusively by leftards/dimrats, nevertrumpers, ds/cabal and fake WN. gopers will pick up on it too. its all bs from them. spin spin spin…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Used as a noun? Makes sense. They’ve made the language practically useless.

There is only one way these things get started, imo.
Just say no.
When they come for you, kill as many as you can.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
4 years ago

wow, the shills are out in FORCE today. Notice to all of you black pill faggots: it ain’t working.

4 years ago

Some of these commenters have to be shills. I trust Trump, I trust the plan, and I think most real commenters here do too. Stay strong AC !

Reply to  P,
4 years ago


4 years ago

TY for the parler link.

90% FUD in the comments but all is well.

As Lin pointed out they let them finish the traitorous act. Brian Cates also says

“NO ONE will be able to say, “Why didn’t you let the COURTS, the CONGRESS, the state LEGISLATURES handle it before you did this? WHY DIDN’T YOU LET THE THE PROCESS FULLY WORK?!”
Well they DID.”

(This is Brian’s smurf account since twitter blocked his main.)

Hold the line patriots! The trailers are finally done and the theater lights dim for the main attraction!

Karl Ushanka
4 years ago

I’ve spent the past couple weeks dropping blogs that quote Lin Wood from my daily visits.

Four years of Trump was a blast, and he did things no other R would ever accomplish… but that guy sucks at picking lawyers. An honest and objective look back will show it was the reason he was limited to one term.

Reply to  Karl Ushanka
4 years ago

Well… bye.

Reply to  Karl Ushanka
4 years ago

You know they all get doxxed, fired, or destroyed and their kids get kicked out of their private schools. We are not playing on a level field. The shitshow is real. If you can’t defend yourself in swampy shitholes because your constitutional 2a rights are taken from you than wtf would you do? Also, there probably aren’t that many non swamp lawyers so there is that.

4 years ago

It’s always a couple of days or a couple of weeks out. I’ve been hearing this for years and have yet to see a rope worthy Demonscat scumbag in handcuffs.

Are we going to give up on the (((plan))) after Trump cucks yet again and quietly and meekly leaves office with his tail between his legs?

“let them finish the traitorous act”

They’ve been committing treason for 4 years with no pushback whatsoever.

“I trust Trump, I trust the plan, and I think most real commenters here do too”

He’s never shown any backbone-even on a pork barrel laden spending bill. He has no real allies in DC and the top military brass will put any of his orders into the round file. The only people that have his back are his voters, but he doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to start a shooting war-he couldn’t even handle the pressure from a partial government shutdown.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Consider this: we’ve been hearing black pill “25th Amendment” bullshit nonstop for the last 48 hours.

Elaine Chao, McConnell’s chinese wife/handler, had a cabinet post that she resigned.

Is there any way in HELL that one of Them would resign from a position that could vote on a potential 25th Amendment decision if it was ANYWHERE in the cards?

Don’t listen to what they say. Watch what they DO.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago



Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“Also possible is this entire thing is a show, designed to demoralize us,”

I’ve made the observation that the elites like to signal the things they’re going to do before they do it, but still maintain plausible deniability. The election fraud was so wanton, flagrant, and in your face that the purpose of it wasn’t just to win, but to rub our noses in it.

“Three, and probably most likely, his plan invovles, as Q said, taking America right to the brink, to catch everyone involved.”

It’s really hard to believe at this point, given his track record of always cucking and the appointments he’s made. He talks tough, but he ALWAYS cucks to (((their))) demands. He couldn’t even stop the illegal alien caravans that were broadcast all over TV with several days notice.

“If right now he was emptying the vaults, UFOs, JFK, Weiner’s laptop, videos of Roberts raping and murdering young boys, Chinese blackmail files, then I would say yeah, we’re fucked, and its going down.”

I think the left is so morally bankrupt that they wouldn’t care if there was videos of leftists torturing kids. They’d make excuses, deny, or ignore it altogether. In fact, I think they would even cheer it if was alleged that the kids were the offspring of “white supremacists.”

Even right wingers might even be “past feeling,” having been numbed by all the lawbreaking and degeneracy perpetrated by R-selected scumbags.

It’s not just the elites that are the problem. I too used to think that leftists were just misguided and misinformed. NO, they’re freaking evil! We used to execute 1-2% of the population in England every year-those people were largely R-selected scumbags. These “people” have overgrown their britches and there’s only 1 way now that K can deal with R.

4 years ago

Kayleigh, press secretary, just said ‘those in this building are working toward a smooth transfer of power’.

But you-know-who and his team are no longer in that building, so…….

4 years ago

Donald Trump speech condemning the recent events at Capitol:

Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Obvious deepfake is obvious.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Just the pace alone. Trump always lets everyone process each sentence.

4 years ago

So called Trump video may be a deepfake:

Another Dave
Another Dave
4 years ago

It looks like Trump just conceded, and don’t start in with the deepfake shit.

You guys, and the delusional yoyo’s over at Vox Day, have to start preparing for the reality of a Biden “presidency”, as nasty as that is.

Vox and his minions are over analyzing the short speech for thousands of imagined clues as to what’s going on.

I’ll tell you what’s going on.

There was never any plan.

Q is bullshit, and half the country just got played in the biggest psyop of all time.

Start contemplating the possibility that Trump’s presidency was one massive demoralization campaign.

The establishment stole the election openly, so as to smoke out the remaining half of the country that still believes in decency.

Now, they are hoping patriots explode, so that Cabal can roll in with a massive gun confiscation.

Everyone needs to open their eyes and start to get a grip on reality, instead of a 4 year long fantasy.

4 years ago

Vox is calling bullshit on #Trumps concession video. So, I downloaded it and watched it wide screen and it does look funny. Watch to see if the lips match the the voice and and the neckline of his suit.

What do you think?

Reply to  rogerlocke
4 years ago

It is an odd video for sure. But one should also consider that the insurrection act requires the commander-in-chief giving an order to protestors to disperse. So it could be some 4D chess.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  rogerlocke
4 years ago

Vox’s comments section on that video is like the Jonestown massacre.

He says “could be deepfake”, and the whole comments section melts down. More than 200 comments, and 99% reflexively parrot whatever Vox says.

Completely embarrassing.

Some of Vox’s fans are losing their minds right now.

If it’s a deepfake, why haven’t any of Trump’s team and/or family called it out? It’s been up more than 2 hours at this point.

Pull it together people.

Trump is human. He might still pull a rabbit out of the hat. But if he doesn’t, the world won’t come to an end.

He forced the establishment to drop its mask for millions of normies. He hopefully will have permanently destroyed the GOP, while navigating through the most well funded and powerful governmental structure in human history.

He carved a path, and forced Cabal to reveal its many assets and tactics.

One man can only do so much, and he did more than most.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

That so-called “concession” speech was posted at 6:10 pm on the 7th. He’s posted nothing since then.

Reply to  rogerlocke
4 years ago

Real Trump makes lots of hand gestures. Deep fake Trump, not so much.

4 years ago

There were some pretty interesting skyking threads on 4chan yesterday that seemed to corroborate Trump being in Texas. And if Lin Wood were a liar then he’d still be on twitter.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

Shower thought (literally, I was in the shower)

Q said it had to be in the military. So that’s what’s coming. No one gets inaugurated. The military is forced to step in because, well, they can’t really let a China puppet be a Commander in Chief. It ties in with Trump’s personnel shuffling after the election at the DOD.

Trump quietly steps aside so he can no longer be used as a scapegoat for everything under the sun. We get the promised military tribunals. We get a cleaned up election process, maybe even voter ID.

I would also wake up people to the fact that we are a federal republic, and even with something as drastic as a military takeover of the federal level, the states can still carry on as things get sorted out. Critical federal services can still be maintained.

“Nothing can stop what is coming” because the guys with all the weapons are going to make it happen.

Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

That’s it!