Liberals Are Crying

The President pokes fun at Chuck Schumer’s tears:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer teared up during a press conference on Sunday, calling Trump’s executive order “mean spirited and un-American.” On Monday, he stated his intent to ask for a vote in the Senate to repeal Trump’s order.

Trump did not signal any intention of backing down. Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office on Monday, he dismissed Schumer’s tears as “fake.”

“I noticed that Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears, I’m going to ask him who is his acting coach, because I know him very well. I don’t see him as a crier,” Trump said. “If he is, he’s different man. There’s about a 5 percent chance that it was real but I think they were fake tears.”

The truth is, that breakdown may not have been fake. I was watching the news and saw interviews with protesters at airports where they began to break down on camera as they were interviewed. None of these characters are all that stable to begin with, and now they’re breaking under this unprecedented amygdala strain.

The President’s blitzkrieg of actions this week has hit leftists from so many directions that they are feeling wholly powerless, and beginning to break down in the way a child breaks down when they are powerless. Their brains have adapted to eight years of Obama telling conservatives that elections have consequences, as he then did whatever the left wanted. Now, every day is a new series of multiple hits to their amygdalae, by a leader who is completely immune to any demands or appeals by the opposition. They just can’t continue like this, without breaking into tears.

I saw clips of the SAG awards, and what struck me was the manic nature of the rabbit’s appeals to each other that, “This is not who we are,” and, “This is not who “America” is.” Those were cognitive defenses. They were trying to assuage each other’s amygdalae, because they were all in pain. Whenever you see leftists mentally circle-jerking like that, they are in agony. To trigger them just counter the in-grouping cognitive defense by pointing out that 57% of the nation supports Trump’s action, and only 33% are with them. Then ask them if they support democracy, or do they wish they were dictators.

This is a powerful effect these leftists are enduring, and their brains will be changed by it. The brain is a funny thing. When it encounters agony, it doesn’t always make a conscious, intellectual effort to alleviate it. It may try. But if the pain is enduring then over time the brain stumbles upon actions which alleviate the pain purely by chance. It notes them, and then it drives the individual to repeat those actions, because to the brain they feel good.

Many leftists are going to tune out of politics periodically over the next few years. When they do, they are going to find amygdala relief. No longer does tuning in to politics bring the little dopamine rush it did under Obama. Now, tuning in brings a little shot of irritation and upset. As they tune out, their brain will relax, and it will note the change at the subconscious level. Once it does, it will subtly drive them to tune out more and more, because each tune out will be more enjoyable than a tune in. Once the brain learns that, it will then be a small step to getting angry when people at awards shows try to forcibly tune them back in by preaching the gospel of leftism. The effect will be magnified greatly by the hedonistic nature of leftism.

Once that happens, liberals will be forcibly demoralized in the same way they were under Reagan, and the left in America will have begun to die back. But for this to happen, the left can have no respite, and enjoy absolutely no victory. They must be conditioned to believe that any action they take will be futile. If they enjoy even one “win” as a result of their activity, they will be back, and fueled by euphoria, their drive will be twice as strong. Fortunately, President Trump seems to only be strengthened by their opposition.

This is why I emphasize the utility of the amygdala hijack in confronting the left, as well as narcissists. When you have that hedonistic psychology that avoids pain and hates conflict, gaining the ability to apply cognitive pain forcefully and purposely is immensely useful. You can make Narcissists bent on destroying you leave you alone, and you can actually remold leftist minds to avoid politics, and stop trying to control everyone.

At this rate, President Trump’s effects on liberalism will dwarf the effects of Reagan. By the time President Trump is ready to leave office after eight years, expect almost the entire nation to be repulsed by liberalism – including many liberals. And none of them will consciously know why.

In a way, this extended period of amygdala stimulation, that is unavoidable and goes on without end, is very similar to what will be experienced at the Apocalypse. During that horror, highly unpleasant and unavoidable circumstances will persist for an extended period, and no amount of wishing by the leftists will make them go away. It is the exact opposite of the amygdala-atrophying conditions that exist in r-selection and produce the r-selected psychology.

The key will be keeping the pressure on, at this level, for an extended period of time.

Spread r/K Theory, because the left is on the ropes, and they are not about to win

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8 years ago

[…] Liberals Are Crying […]

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

AC, a quick guide with retorts to common Trump charges would be great 🙂 You know, if a rabiit says X about Trump, then say Y back to hijack them.

8 years ago

What is missed by most is that we are in America once again at the end of a stable cycle going into a chaotic one where we decide who and what we are. They happen about every 60-80 years and take a few to shake out. there is probably an r/K drive on it I’d have to anaylsis more.

But you have the American Revolution (1773-1789) – a free nation, Civil War (1860-1875) – without slavery, World War 2(starting in WW1 in 1917 to 1945)- enforcing our culture on the world.

Today that last period has mutated into Globalism. And in each case what came before was sufficiently past that the actors at the time couldn’t remember why that action had to be taken in a visercal… amygdala sense. The prior actors were now dead and new challenges faced the country. FWIW, a similar time span and cycling can be seen in other countries. Again, some of it is r/K some of it is new challenges/forgotten reasons.

Anyhow 2012 -to … I guess about 2027, although we won’t know until long afterward the exact start/end, we have entered into a new phase of “what does it mean to be an American.” Chuckles Schummer has his ideas. POTUS Trump has his. Where this ends up? Not really sure, but we are in for a ride for a while.

123 fake street
123 fake street
8 years ago

fascinating real-time experiment unfolding. i’m going to file this commentary in the back of my mind.

8 years ago

Why don’t they all just move to Canada? That place was still a progressive socialist utopia last time I checked.

Because progressives are not libertarians, and will not accept being left alone to rule themselves as they please. They are the Alpha and the Omega, the end point of history, entitled by their own progressive virtue to rule all humanity until the end of time.

They ridiculed McCain and Romney for not trusting Russia. Then Russia imprisoned a bunch of progressive whores who desecrated a church, and progressives everywhere (even inside the U.S. State Department!) suddenly wanted a war with Russia.

Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Ask them why they don’t want to move to Mexico. Triggers every time.

8 years ago

It is better than just crying…

‘Cruz also describes sharing an elevator before Trump’s inauguration with a Democratic senator in a “stupor” at the prospect of a Trump presidency.’

8 years ago

In Swedish media (state subsidised), Trump is described by ‘specialists’, professors, psychologists etc as a revengeful narcissist psychopath. People listen and agree. How can one give a diagnosis to someone without even knowing this person personally. What do you think about this remote diagnosing and about these diagnostic accusations that he is a narcissist psychopath?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

AC, that is the way it is in the real world. Narcissists either do not go into therapy, or more frequently they go into couples therapy for their own reasons and the therapists are (mostly) fooled by them into thinking the calm Narcissist is the normal one, and the normal partner the Narcissist has “driven crazy” is the pathological one. I know several therapists, and none of them can successfully spot a Narcissist. It takes having a relationship with one, to get it. You are correct about Trump.

8 years ago

I’ll admit, I was surprised by how manic the reaction by the left was when Donald Trump became president. In retrospect, I should have seen the meltdown coming. It’s all happening just as you said it would.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

Next time someone says, “This is not who we are”, tell them we are Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone or Kit Carson. Any one of those would be fine. I particularly like Davy Crockett as that’s also the name of a tactical nuclear recoilless gun for firing the M-388 nuclear projectile.

8 years ago

I learned about your book from Stefan Molyneaux. Currently on the chapter on Warrriors. So fascinating!