Liberal Amygdalae Will Provoke Defeat For Some Time To Come

The left will now proceed to commit Sepuku in front of us – try not to laugh:

You would think that after absorbing a bone-rattling defeat like Hillary’s that the Democratic Party would recover its senses and move back to the center in the hopes of winning elections again. But, defying common sense, the party appears hell bent on moving further to the left. Its leaders are opining that it was Hillary’s failure to rally the base and her centrism that led to defeat. So the future candidates of this unchastened Democratic Party are likely to fit the contours of a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren.

While their course would seem to be suicidal, history teaches us that the left usually reacts that way to major defeats. When liberals fully and confidently expect to win and then lose, they also lose their minds and move further and further to the left, assuring themselves of at least a decade more of wandering in the wilderness.

It was thus after Ronald Reagan unexpectedly upended Jimmy Carter in the 1980 elections. The Democrats were surprised and crushed by Carter’s defeat and Reagan’s election, they never expected that movie actor to get elected.

Inexplicably, after Carter’s defeat, the Party moved to the left, nominating first Mondale and then Dukakis as their candidates in 1984 and 1988.

You can understand this phenomenon better by viewing it through the prism of amygdala. Liberals just lost to Trump. That creates angst which lights up amygdalae. Lit-up amygdalae drive action, and the more lit-up they are, the more extreme the action.

So liberals now want to push the entire party ultra-left due to their high amygdala activity, and this will probably last for two to four years at least. Because the nation is already trending mid-right due to the economic circumstances that produced the liberal’s loss, they will fail, and their amygdalae will begin a sustained period of very high amygdala activity.

High amygdala activity works two ways. If the activity produces action that relieves the angst, then the person is trained to act in the way that produced the success. In experiments with animals, if foot shocks were administered, the animal jumped, and the shocks stopped, the animal could gradually be trained to become neurotic, and their amygdala-angst would grow more powerful, as a driver of action. They would jump ever more, presumably as their brain learned the jump stopped the shocks.

So if the left now began a constant stream of successful outcomes against President Trump, they would become even more driven, and even more manic.

If, however the high amygdala activity proves resistant to action, that gradually will desensitize the individual to it. In animals exposed to constant foot shocks without relief, the initial agitation will, over time, gradually abate. The animal will actually lay down eventually, completely resigned to the constant discomfort, and likely not even paying attention to it.

So if the left exists for a sustained period of time in this manic state, and receives no relief from their angst in return for it, they will gradually become inured to the amygdala stimulants, and begin to ignore them. After the ten thousandth triggering tweet from President Trump, they will begin to see their outrage abate, and as that happens, their party will moderate.

Again, this all creates a sensation of Zen within me. Indeed, I almost want the left to feel it has scored some terrific victory against President Trump, so their party will maintain it’s mania. If President Trump were to engineer a few total defeats of some sort, and leftists suddenly flooded the streets with jubilant celebrations, what would happen is the party would go even farther left, and in four years President Trump would be running against the dead body of Vladimir Lenin, propped up at a podium, and voiced by Elizabeth Warren.

So the more wins we get, and the more demoralized the left becomes, the more likely we may eventually end up with some centrist Democrat emerging who might just pose a real threat to the Trump legacy. And all of this is secondary to the longer-time-frame economic foundations, where K-victories produce a wealth that advances the psychology of r, while r-victories produce conditions that will inevitably fuel K.

You can see how powerless men can be when faced with a system where every defeat strengthens your forces, and every victory sets the stage for a defeat.

Either way it does open the door to psychological manipulation. Were I in Trump’s administration, I would look for opportunities like the Berkeley riots against Milo. That incident, while felt as a victory by the left, actually out-grouped the left with mainstream America, as it accomplished nothing of any merit on the grander national stage. It was the perfect stimulus to drive the left ever more left and out of touch, while allowing the policy and reality which really matters to continue to trend K.

Spread r/K Theory, because you always hit a rabbit when they are about to commit suicide

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Liberal Amygdalae Will Provoke Defeat For Some Time To Come […]

8 years ago

Maybe just the image of a bunch of conservatives, all in MAGA hats, just enjoying life- going to church, going to the shooting range, raising good kids, that image would be the most triggering of all since leftists are always opposed to the right having any peace. Living life well and happy is the best revenge on the left there is. Don’t forget to bring the President Trump hats and shirts.

8 years ago

When liberals fully and confidently expect to win and then lose, they also lose their minds and move further and further to the left

SJWs always double down.

8 years ago

I wouldn’t expect the left to moderate for some time. They have had 8 years of Obama propping them up, and before that a fair amount of success demonizing George W. Bush and the right. For many of the younger ones they have no living memory of defeat.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
8 years ago

Adding more proof to your point, here on the right-hand side of the Pond, the Left in the form of the Labour Party has been doubling down in response to their defeat in the 2015 General Election, then tripling down after the Brexit Vote.

Now, the Labour Party is unelectable. A pity the Conservatives can often be accurately described as Blue Labour.