Lesbians are Fat

Lesbians tend to be fat:

It is now well-established that women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic, with nearly three-quarters of adult lesbians overweight or obese, compared to half of heterosexual women.

I’ll bet those lesbians have a high carriage of long form DRD4 genes too, and a fondness for Obama.

If homosexuality is really an overexpression of the r-strategy in humans, you would expect to see it travel with obesity. You’d also expect to see aggression/anger tend to travel in fat women, something I would vouch for anecdotally. Don’t get between Rosie O’Donnell and her Twinkie.

It makes you wonder whether an explosion of death, mayhem, destruction, and food shortage would turn a lot of gay’s straight, maybe without them ever even knowing what happened. It might even offer a therapy for many gays who, for whatever reasons, wanted to turn themselves straight through amygdala exercise. As always, there would be resistant outliers, but for the majority, things would just switch.

Apocalypse cometh™, with less gayness.

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9 years ago

”If homosexuality is really an overexpression of the r-strategy in humans”

First, is not strategy, people don’t think strategically to act like that or not.
Second, homossexuality is not a reproductive strategy of r, k or y type, is a extreme end of a feminization of men or masculinization of women, period. Sexual diversity there are among heterossexuals too.
Conservatives and babies-inclined liberals are those who are in the ”game” of ”strategic competition” and not homossexuals.
Average white liberal or leftist no have any pseudo-reproductive-strategy. They think less as animals what we really are and more as ”humans”, giving appropriate semantic symbolism to their life experiences and confusing abstract with literal.

Bob Wallace
9 years ago

I owned a taxi for five years and the lesbians I picked up were fat, ugly and dirty.

Mark Minter
Mark Minter
9 years ago

DRD4 dopamine receptor D4 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

“This gene encodes the D4 subtype of the dopamine receptor. The D4 subtype is a G-protein coupled receptor which inhibits adenylyl cyclase. It is a target for drugs which treat schizophrenia and Parkinson disease. Mutations in this gene have been associated with various behavioral phenotypes, including autonomic nervous system dysfunction, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and the personality trait of novelty seeking. This gene contains a polymorphic number (2-10 copies) of tandem 48 nt repeats; the sequence shown contains four repeats.”

If I am not mistaken, as per my reading of Dr Larry Young, a neuroscientist specializing in the biochemical aspects of the pair bond, D1 and D2 are the dopamine receptors involved in Pair Bonding and Attraction.

There is this wonderful meme floating around called Lesbian Bed Death that is the name given to findings that as few as 15% of Lesbian couples after 18 months have sex more than once a week and 47% have sex less than once a month [Wikipedia].

9 years ago

I always thought human sexuality was at least partially learned. You have, perhaps, heard the term “jailhouse gay,” correct?

Lesbians: angry, unattractive, ill-mannered, obese, grotesque harridans whose behavior, and whose toad-ugly faces perfectly mirror the ugly, warped souls within, drives away even the most indiscrimate of potential hetero male suitors. They take to munching carpet because the alternative is to die alone surrounded by cats, then pretend to like it and dedicate their lives to collecting SSI disability checks for “anxiety” and ranting on a Tumblr account how much they hate those cruel, heartless cismales who didn’t want them and forced them into a grotesque imitation of normal sexuality.

Just so, I suspect that almost all male homosexuals formed the paraphilia at the hands of a pederast. NAMBLA tells us that there is no bright line that can be drawn between sexual enthusiasm for the masculine form, attraction to teenagers, or attraction to prepubescents or even infants. This perversion is all of a piece and cannot be separated or disassembled. I take them at their word, as I have never, ever heard of a Catholic priest molesting little girls. Almost all pedophiles are creepy old faggots who rape little boys, who grow up to be creepy old faggots who rape little boys, world without end, amen.