Leftists Start A Fight Club At UCF

K is infiltrating the left:

The “Knights for Socialism” group at the University of Central Florida (UCF) held a workshop Sunday to teach left-wing students how to “BASH THE FASH” with a “Leftist Fight Club” open to everyone but Republicans…

The description explains that a local amateur boxer was on hand to teach basic hand-to-hand combat techniques at the self-defense clinic, in order to help the socialist students better protect themselves from potential hate crimes performed by those sympathetic to “Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo-Nazis.”

For now, this is programming their brains with specific scripts. In-grouping/out-grouping. Violence can solve problems. Acknowledge and focus upon threat. Visualize what-if. Rebel against people who assert authority over you. All of that can prepare to drive someone toward K with just small changes to the environment and what their focus is drawn to.

Right now, everything is paid for and they lack for nothing. Immigrants, other races, and other religions can have all the food they want, and so can these kids. That will change once resources restrict, and all the various out-groups try to screw the spoiled leftist kids out of what they feel they have coming to them. The rebellion against that will drive them toward small-government-K just as soon as leftist authority tries to screw them for an out-group.

There are two types of people taking those courses. Immature K’s whose amygdalae have not yet come online, and irredeemable rabbits. The rabbits will always be helpless. They will never charge into battle, and risk dying. They may mob a single guy, or try to attack a group that won’t fight back, all in the name of stopping bullying or fighting fascism. But they will never survive once the environment turns K, because K is embracing hardships and amygdala burn.

The rest will see their reproductive strategy shift, just as nature intended, and when it does, they will already have the underlying sub-programs of a K-attitude burned in and ready to go.

The key will be finding their triggers, and making them ever more triggering – until such a time as they join the K-movement and gain the relief of being on the winning side. Whether those triggers are irritation at things the left is doing to them, or just the agony of loss after loss as the Donald cruises to victory, they will be driven K eventually, because it is how the human machine is designed.

As always, we are just waiting on the Apocalypse.

Spread r/K Theory, because you cannot imbue too many K-strategist programs in human brains

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Leftists Start A Fight Club At UCF […]

8 years ago

There’s a growing meme that equates violent leftist behavior with fascism (outgrouping). This isn’t right. Violent leftist behavior should be equated with leftism. But come on — KNIGHTS OF SOCIALISM? Are they going to burn crosses?

Try to say “Knights of Socialism” out loud without laughing. You can’t.

8 years ago

I have been thinking about r/K selection and how it relates to war. And I am hypothesizing that war which is a K-selected activity actually induces more K-selection because it is inherently expensive given that it has been historically associated with inflation as well as inducing famine via the destruction of capital by the enemy as well as the increased consumption of resources in order to win over the enemy.

By limiting resources it forces competition to intensify as it continues increasing the intensity of K-selection until the battle is won and peacetime results in temporary r-selection.

What do you think?

8 years ago

The key will be finding their triggers, and making them ever more triggering – until such a time as they join the K-movement and gain the relief of being on the winning side.

That means the AnComs losing a few fights.

Plan accordingly.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

It’s their neighborhoods they’re burning down. I hope they keep it up. We should have rallies that rotate through different neighborhoods in their territory so they burn it all down. Needs to be a new one every week. To really poke a stick in the ant hill name them White Native pride rallies. HAHAHAHA

8 years ago

They had best not waste their money hiring THIS guy as an instructor: Former UFC contender Jeff Monson, who has the physique of a Greek statue but is not nearly as mobile, got into a shovesies-no-returns with a Trump supporter, and came out of it with a cut on his face! Monson, a self-described anarcho-communist, has previously been arrested and fined for vandalizing public buildings in the extremely-r rabbit warren of Olympia, Washington. At 5-9 and 240 pounds of solid Dianabol, Monson is the classic “all-show, no-go” bodybuilder/martial artist.


“This what democracy looks like”…it’s also what a taffy pull looks like.

8 years ago

Where does a violent communist like Che Guevera fall into this? Him and Fidel Castro seem pretty violent and leftist after all.