Leftist Mental Health Deteriorating

It is tough to be a rabbit:

I don’t know anyone who is doing “well” right now. Have we entered an era of perpetual anxiety and deep uncertainty? Is this the beginnings of what some historians are calling the rise of an authoritarian regime in the US?…

Like many of you, my mental health has significantly declined since the election. I woke up each morning these past two weeks with a blast of adrenaline and a gut-wrenching pit in my stomach. I wearily reach for my phone and open up Twitter to see what Trump plans to roll out today. I scroll through in horror as my hands start to tremor. I’m anxious and drained. It’s not even 8am…

All of us wonder: “How bad will this get?”

This one question has been circling around my head over and over again: What is mental wellness under rising authoritarianism? Is it even possible?

As a mental health advocate, I have never seen a national mental breakdown on this scale. Therapists, doctors, and healers have shared the same sentiment: Trump has sparked a tremendous uptick in emotional distress and requested services from their patients. Mental health challenges have developed or severely intensified for people across the nation. New physical health challenges are emerging. More people are seeking out medication ?— ?or whatever tools they can access ?— ?to manage the stress and pain. Friends are turning to self-harm and relapsing.

Either embrace the pain and adapt to it, or fight it and go insane.

It is far tougher to be a rabbit than a wolf. We endured Obama’s Presidency with irritation, but we never came close to breaking like this. As a K-strategist, we can survive easily in r-selection. Our main concern during it is trying to stave off K-selection, which we see coming and know will be bad. When r-conditions force us to endure the stupid facets of r-selection, we find it irritating. But it could never break us down like this.

When you are a rabbit, K-selection is so horrific that you can barely imagine it. All through basking in r-selection, you can’t even see how you are bringing K-selection. It is so unimaginable to you, you are completely blind to it. When K-selection finally comes, you can see how the only possible outcome is total meltdown.

The amazing thing is that we are seeing meltdowns over such minor stimuli. A border wall, but with continued, legal immigration? A temporary pause on immigration from seven countries that are terrorist hotbeds? A single oil pipeline? The President doesn’t say humans are causing a climate which has always been unstable, to change? That is it?

Imagine when the Second Great Depression comes upon us. Imagine when the vibrants are running around city streets grinning, with big pieces of BBQ’d lower leg of liberal, slathered in BBQ sauce, the meat falling from the bone and the foot still attached. Imagine the total loss of civil order, and breakdown of civility. Rapes, robberies, murder and cannibalism at will. What will the r-strategist’s mental health be like then?

It is a funny thing. Liberals evolved as migrating r-strategists. Their programming makes them designed to flee to new lands with high resource availability. That means the chaotic situation above would not be traumatic so much as motivational – to promote migration out to new lands with higher resource availability. It was part of the plan, and designed to lead them to happiness – or at least what would pass for it among them. When things were the way they used to be, the liberal would find mental peace when they landed in a foreign, r-selected land to be dominated by violent foreigners. They could be happy back then.

The problem is that as the world has interconnected, so too have our economies, and our levels of resource availability. Now, liberals are no longer designed for the world as it exists. They are designed for a world where they can migrate away from that horror. But in the world today, they will be trapped within a world that will bombard them with stimuli driving them to migrate out, but the r-world they are designed to migrate to doesn’t exist anymore, because everywhere will go K at once.

The end result will be an unbearable itch they can never scratch.

It will not be pretty, and what we are seeing now will be nothing compared to what is to come. On the bright side, amygdala hijacking is about to become a lot easier.

Spread r/K Theory, because the left is deteriorating and it will only help their decline

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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Duke Norfolk
8 years ago

It is rather delicious, eh?

8 years ago

[…] Leftist Mental Health Deteriorating […]

8 years ago

I think the primary goal of conservatives, K-strategists, the military, the police should be re-establishing order within their small towns/communities. It won’t happen in big cities- they are lost. After that, “refugees” will be looking for a savior or a free ride. The r selected will be looking for someone to save them. The K strategist will save themselves because they work for a living. Never take in refugees or free riders, everyone has to work, but not everyone will get to eat.

Matt Lawrence
Matt Lawrence
8 years ago

While the rabbits are breaking down, I’m feeling pretty good. My finances have been kind of tight for a while now (Thanks, Obama) but I now believe that my financial situation is going to improve significantly this year.

Jolly Jaded Jurist
Jolly Jaded Jurist
8 years ago

You’re on a roll with these articles lately. Thank you for prolonging Christmas into February, only not by being the guy whose lights and fake reindeer are still on display.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
8 years ago

events and timing eh.

Hello AC

i hope you don’t mind indulging me on something i’ve noticed, please correct me where i go astray or simply into fantasy land.
(also GF’s working and i’m avoiding rabbits)

i find myself assigning an r or K selection to pretty much anything that has a human component, and that whether individual/object/scenario/activity… once assigned r or K you can give examples of the opposite.

so on a scale of crazy what do you think about this from pop culture?

In 1976 an Irish band formed, you may have heard of them, they called themselves U2, they released their first album “boy” in 1980

1980 in Basildon-Essex, England, 3 friends from a Church choir plus one other, formed a band that were then and are still known as Depeche Mode.

both signed to independent record labels, Island records and Mute records respectively,

From 1980 – 1985 they enjoyed improving success working the clubs etc, when in 1985 (probably after a few lines with Annie Nightingale) U2 were invited to perform in the r fest extravaganza that was “Band Aid/Live Aid” and in a massive orgasm of Oscar winning Olympic gold medal standard virtue signalling, dozens of bands/singers were able to increase their album sales, get FREE worldwide targeted audience exposure… while at the same time providing Bob “fuck you unemployed fishermen” Geldof with 2 homes and an assortment of cars, when, prior to Midge Ure doing all the work…. he was on the bones of his arse having only had one hit (about a weekly occurrence!) 4 years earlier….. the only question really was from the Starving Ethiopians

“did you raise any money for us?”

“well yes… your days of being hungry are over!”


“Sorry Bob, Band Aid millions DID pay for guns: Charity’s man in Ethiopia tells his disturbing story”

By Zoe Brennan for the Daily Mail

anyway i digress…

In 1988 despite the continued snubbing by the arbiter of popular music the BBC/Radio 1, Depeche Mode broke America when they filled the Pasadena Rosebowl to ~70,000 capacity, allegedly the first band to do so since Jackson Brown (? before my time) in the 70’s… not bad for “a keyboard band that just stand there”

In the late 80’s both record labels had major transformations, Island records were sold to a multinational label “Polydor” and Mute records nearly went to the wall, apart from Depeche Mode, Mutes other main earner was a band called Erasure, who were on the wane as a chart topping force (due i suspect to the consistent style of their act) consistent yes, but not really evolving, having started way out to the left with an extravagant Gay front man-Andy Bell, once the novelty had worn off, they were sort of…”Meh”

Mute resisted takeover (and therewith control of Depeche Mode) on receipt of an alleged 6 figure gift/Donation from the band themselves, by 1995 Mute were at the forefront of the embryonic digital music revolution, fitting really, as Depeche Mode were England’s answer to Germany’s “Kraftwerk” at the forefront of transistorized music making, even making their entire 1984 album,
“Some Great Reward” solely from samples recorded on tape as the result of hitting items on a building site in Berlin, complete with sounds of passing monorail(?).

To today, approaching 3 decades later, both bands are still going.

‘r’eliably…from the r selected Guardian Jan 13th 2017


“U2 has decided to delay their upcoming album after the surprise victory of Donald Trump, band members said in an interview, as they plan to reconsider certain songs in the wake of a Trump presidency.

Speaking with Rolling Stone, guitarist the Edge said that the band was placing the album’s release on hold and taking some “breathing space” to consider what they wanted to say following Trump’s ascension to the White House.

“We just went, ‘Hold on a second – we’ve got to give ourselves a moment to think about this record and about how it relates to what’s going on in the world,’” the guitarist said.”

(author: U2 had named their album “Songs from experience” no doubt self indulgent bollocks written from an pampered elitist rabbits perspective! and i bet Donald J Truths victory WAS a “Surprise” LMFAO)

‘K’onversly…. from the Rolling stone 11th Oct 2016 (one full month BEFORE the US election)


“Depeche Mode announced their new album “Spirit” will be released in spring 2017. The group will follow the release of the LP with a 32-date European “Global Spirit” Tour, which begins May 5th in STOCKHOLM- SWEDEN and ends July 23 in *Cluj, Romania”

UPDATE Feb 2017: Spirit will be released March 17th, with lead single “Where’s the Revolution” arriving Friday.

so to finally get to the point!

The undoubtedly (in my funny little head anyway) K selected band known as Depeche Mode are going to open their European leg of their “Global Spirit” world tour in STOCKHOLM – SWEDEN with the newly released song “Where’s the revolution?”

the lyrics are as follows, do you think the Swedes will listen?

“Where’s The Revolution” – DM

You’ve been kept down
You’ve been pushed ’round
You’ve been lied to
You’ve been fed truths
Who’s making your decisions
You or your religion
Your government, your countries
You patriotic junkies

Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down
Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down

You’ve been pissed on
For too long
Your rights abused
Your views refused
They manipulate and threaten
With terror as a weapon
Scare you till you’re stupefied
Wear you down until you’re on their side

Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down
Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down

The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board

The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board

The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board

The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board

Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down
Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down.

audio here.

* Feb 3rd 2017 Cluj – currently experiencing a revolution! – https://youtu.be/jJ9zUBjEne4

Reply to  Mr Twister
8 years ago

Sorry for the duplication of a stupidly long post.

8 years ago

events and timing eh.

Hello AC

i hope you don’t mind indulging me on something i’ve noticed, please correct me where i go astray or simply into “man u crazy!”
(GF’s working and i’m avoiding rabbits)

i find myself assigning an r or K selection to pretty much anything that has a human component, and that whether individual/object/scenario/activity… once assigned r or K you can give examples of the opposite.

so on a scale of crazy what do you think about this from pop culture?

In 1976 an Irish band formed, you may have heard of them, they called themselves U2, they released their first album “boy” in 1980

1980 in Basildon-Essex, England, 3 friends from a Church choir plus one other, formed a band that were then and are still known as Depeche Mode.

both signed to independent record labels, Island records and Mute records respectively,

From 1980 – 1985 they enjoyed improving success working the clubs etc, when in 1985 (probably after a few lines with Annie Nightingale) U2 were invited to perform in the r fest extravaganza that was “Band Aid/Live Aid” and in a massive orgasm of Oscar winning Olympic gold medal standard virtue signalling, dozens of bands/singers were able to increase their album sales, get FREE worldwide targeted audience exposure… while at the same time providing Bob “fuck you unemployed fishermen” Geldof with 2 homes and an assortment of cars, when, prior to Midge Ure doing all the work…. he was on the bones of his arse having only had one hit (about a weekly occurrence!) 4 years earlier….. the only question really was from the Starving Ethiopians

“did you raise any money for us?”

“well yes… your days of being hungry are over!”


“Sorry Bob, Band Aid millions DID pay for guns: Charity’s man in Ethiopia tells his disturbing story”

By Zoe Brennan for the Daily Mail

anyway i digress…

In 1988 despite the continued snubbing by the arbiter of popular music the BBC/Radio 1, Depeche Mode broke America when they filled the Pasadena Rosebowl to ~70,000 capacity, allegedly the first band to do so since Jackson Brown (? before my time) in the 70’s… not bad for “a keyboard band that just stand there”

In the late 80’s both record labels had major transformations, Island records were sold to a multinational label “Polydor” and Mute records nearly went to the wall, apart from Depeche Mode, Mutes other main earner was a band called Erasure, who were on the wane as a chart topping force (due i suspect to the consistent style of their act) consistent yes, but not really evolving, having started way out to the left with an extravagant Gay front man-Andy Bell, once the novelty had worn off, they were sort of…”Meh”

Mute resisted takeover (and therewith control of Depeche Mode) on receipt of an alleged 6 figure gift/Donation from the band themselves, by 1995 Mute were at the forefront of the embryonic digital music revolution, fitting really, as Depeche Mode were England’s answer to Germany’s “Kraftwerk” at the forefront of transistorized music making, even making their entire 1984 album,
“Some Great Reward” solely from samples recorded on tape as the result of hitting items on a building site in Berlin, complete with sounds of passing monorail(?).

To today, approaching 3 decades later, both bands are still going.

‘r’eliably…from the r selected Guardian Jan 13th 2017


“U2 has decided to delay their upcoming album after the surprise victory of Donald Trump, band members said in an interview, as they plan to reconsider certain songs in the wake of a Trump presidency.

Speaking with Rolling Stone, guitarist the Edge said that the band was placing the album’s release on hold and taking some “breathing space” to consider what they wanted to say following Trump’s ascension to the White House.

“We just went, ‘Hold on a second – we’ve got to give ourselves a moment to think about this record and about how it relates to what’s going on in the world,’” the guitarist said.”

(author: U2 had named their album “Songs from experience” no doubt self indulgent bollocks written from an pampered elitist rabbits perspective! and i bet Donald J Truths victory WAS a “Surprise” LMFAO)

‘K’onversly…. from the Rolling stone 11th Oct 2016 (one full month BEFORE the US election)


“Depeche Mode announced their new album “Spirit” will be released in spring 2017. The group will follow the release of the LP with a 32-date European “Global Spirit” Tour, which begins May 5th in STOCKHOLM- SWEDEN and ends July 23 in *Cluj, Romania”

*FEB 2017

UPDATE: Spirit will be released March 17th, with lead single “Where’s the Revolution” arriving Friday 3rd Feb.

so to finally get to the point!

the undoubtedly (in my funny little head) K selected band known as Depeche Mode are going to open their European leg of their “Global Spirit” world tour in STOCKHOLM – SWEDEN with the newly released song “Where’s the revolution?”

the lyrics are as follows, do you think the Swedes will listen AC?

“Where’s The Revolution” – DM

You’ve been kept down
You’ve been pushed ’round
You’ve been lied to
You’ve been fed truths
Who’s making your decisions
You or your religion
Your government, your countries
You patriotic junkies

Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down
Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down

You’ve been pissed on
For too long
Your rights abused
Your views refused
They manipulate and threaten
With terror as a weapon
Scare you till you’re stupefied
Wear you down until you’re on their side

Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down
Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down

The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board

The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
The engine’s humming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board

Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down
Where’s the revolution
Come on people
You’re letting me down.

audio here.

* Feb 3rd 2017 Cluj – currently experiencing a revolution! – https://youtu.be/jJ9zUBjEne4

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

One of the first western bands to go behind the iron curtain, and a rare band that always plays in Israel..

When you’re an independent….