Leftist Groups Begin To Splinter

This is a mark of Apocalypse’s approach:

It was the last remark she was able to make before protesters drowned her out with cries of, “ACLU, you protect Hitler, too.” They also chanted, “the oppressed are not impressed,” “shame, shame, shame, shame,” (an ode to the Faith Militant’s treatment of Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones, though why anyone would want to be associated with the religious fanatics in that particular conflict is beyond me), “blood on your hands,” “the revolution will not uphold the Constitution,” and, uh, “liberalism is white supremacy.”

This went on for nearly 20 minutes. Eventually, according to the campus’s Flat Hat News, one of the college’s co-organizers of the event handed a microphone to the protest’s leader, who delivered a prepared statement. The disruption was apparently payback for the ACLU’s principled First Amendment defense of the Charlottesville alt-right’s civil liberties.

Organizers then canceled the event; some members of the audience approached the podium in an attempt to speak with Gastañaga, but the protesters would not permit it. They surrounded Gastañaga, raised their voices even louder, and drove everybody else away.

The rabbits are feeling the victimhood pinch. As the public stops caring because they have their own problems, the rabbits have begun fighting amongst themselves for the ever decreasing slices of the victimhood pie that are left available.

As the white leftists get excluded by their minority brethren, watch for them to invade the white identity movement, and begin trying to co-opt the white population, turning them against minorities as a proxy army to serve as the white leftist’s protectors. Adolf Hitler the socialist will become Adolf Hitler the ultra-nationalist, ultra white-nationalist, and ultra-American patriot. In part it will be safety, and in part he will be genuinely pissed at the underprivileged who rejected his offer to lead them to victory over his fellow whites.

The white leftist SJWs of today will ultimately end up writing white nationalist material which will make the Alt-right uneasy. They will do it because the minorities and victim groups will have ejected them from their ranks, and the White leftist, alone, afraid, and enraged over the betrayal will respond with more amygdala than any of us would have while looking rationally at the situation. That amygdala will fuel extremism, of a sort we are just not capable of today.

We want them all to go back? Well, they stabbed the white SJW in the back, so they will want them tortured, medically experimented on, and fed into the ovens. We want a restriction on total numbers of immigrants? They will want citizenship revocations and racial and ethnic purges.

When ITZ hits, the ones who will want us to kill our enemies and put their heads on pikes the most will be the white SJWs.

Of course they will want us to do it while they hang back and take care of the women.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because you never trust a rabbit to decide who should fight

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Cuckservatives, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

They will be ethnonationalist and their ideals will be at odds with merit. And they will be the most enthusiastic proponents of cruelty.

Like Hitler they will be unstable and end up sabotaging the movement they proport to support.

7 years ago

I’ve noticed that too. In the modern West, any proselytizing non-Christian probably shouldn’t be considered a member of the right. Right wingers are traditional above all else, and in the West that means being Christian. Being a WN is not a substitute for good prepping. Being a WN doesn’t put 3 years of storable food and a dozen AR-15s in your attic. No farmer I know would feed somebody just because they’re a WN, you still have to pay money for things. And most importantly you still have to train, so just being a WN and nothing else won’t let you do cool stuff like this.

7 years ago

Just a question. Would you rather side with a black christian or a white atheist?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Yeah I think we would have to judge best on stereotype 1st before finding out the person’s character.

”but I recognize that in reality, when our life depends on it, we will have to side with the white.”

Although I think its more likely the actual black Christian would be more likely to be right-wing and loyal because you are his brother in Christ. And the white Atheist would be leftist that would make him less trustworthy.

Aren’t Christians supposed to be as loyal to each other as their own ethnicity?

Reply to  info
7 years ago

From experience probably the White. I would try to judge the person first though. There are some Whites that just look, to put it bluntly, messed up. AC has done a bunch with face structure, and its helped me. And from watching Bombards body language I can tell you, if I ask somebody if they’re a Christian and they wiggle and squirm like its difficult to say “Yes”, well that person is lying to your face. I have seen most Blacks do this. So given that choice (which to be honest would be unlikely) I would usually side with the White. Of course, they’d get annoyed with me, I would keep trying to convert them.

7 years ago

I linked to this on /pol/: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/147440267#p147440267
Maybe there’ll be insight, maybe just trash talk.

7 years ago

[…] Source link […]

7 years ago

Anonymous Conservative, would you consider writing this for altright.com? I’m not associated with them, but I bet if you submitted it to them they’d welcome it. It would be good for discussion, and something of a white pill.

John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

Hey Anonymous in your opinion will many of the white leftist SJWs today will a big enough number turn to religion and/or religious institutions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam? And also how many of them will go on to be fanatics from SJWs to religion?

I have seen many former christian women and men turn away from religion to atheism. They most often become one, some or all of the following feminist, pro fighting climate change, anti racist-ism, Liberialism, socialists, Communist, pro gay, and or Libertarianism.

I guess that many of those that need or look for religion will if there are none create it.

MAGA - VET (@gunnm001)
7 years ago

This would go a long way to explaining Richard Spencer. Honey-pot to ensnare the leftist fascists?

7 years ago

“citizenship revocations and racial and ethnic purges.”

Oh, I dunno. I’m all the way Alt Right. I’m not SJW and never was. I am ABSOLUTELY ON BOARD with sending them all back — by whatever means! Racial and ethnic purges sound like a GREAT ideas! Leave peaceably or you’ll be forced to leave: non-negotiable! Return our NATION to a NATION, a genetically connected extended family!!

I don’t see that as “extreme” but necessary. Because our enemies have managed to destroy our nation to this extent, then I have no problem destroying the destroyers! Uncomfortable? Sure. Mean? Maybe. Necessary? 100%!

Reply to  Avalanche
7 years ago

Then you have to do your part Avalanche. If you are a woman that means having lots of babies with a good man and raising those children right. Don’t delay. Armies of the future are going to need loyal men, lots of them. Your sons are going to need wives too, and God-forbid if they sacrifice all on a battlefield you will have to care for their young- your grand children. It’s the natural (Right) way of doing things.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…As the white leftists get excluded by their minority brethren, watch for them to invade the white identity movement, and begin trying to co-opt the white population, turning them against minorities as a proxy army to serve as the white leftist’s protectors. Adolf Hitler the socialist will become Adolf Hitler the ultra-nationalist, ultra white-nationalist, and ultra-American patriot. In part it will be safety, and in part he will be genuinely pissed at the underprivileged who rejected his offer to lead them to victory over his fellow whites…”

This is one of the most perceptive and a non-normal-logic thing that I think you’ve said about r/K. No I don’t mean you are not logical I mean that the r’s behavior to a normal seems illogical. It’s very interesting and provides for a cascade of further societal effects. The statement really stuck out and grabbed me. Maybe this explains why societal changes happen so fast. A small group steadfastly sticks to a position until they reach a certain trigger point then all the r’s switch to what they see as the winning side. These deep shifts could be thought of as “r” selected shifts. Not just a change in information that people suddenly see as true. A stampede.

It would seem to make this shift happen the best way to push it, given the irrationality of the “r’s” is for whatever side wants to win to make AS MUCH NOISE AS POSSIBLE. So all the people saying that Klan, KKK. Nazis, Anti-Semites and other assorted loud noisy people are doing harm is inaccurate. The fighting in Charlottesville was super eye candy to the r’s. They’re necessary for the noise. This would also explain how with all the corruption and dishonesty in the US State they can continue to hold power as long as the mass media continues to blurt out the State’s side. No matter how irrational, as the recent events in Vegas show. This is starting to break down as no young people watch much of the TV news at all and don’t believe what they’re saying anyways.

7 years ago

Easy there. You’re giving me wood :^)

6 years ago

I have always been very far to the right of the alt-right, ala day of the rope and Ben Klansans white man bibble. The rest seems like cucking. If I am Larping I might as go all the way. i prayed for ebola chan to wipe out the non-whites etc.