LE Intel vs Local LE in the San Bernardino Shooter Case?

This is interesting:

The chaotic sight of reporters, photographers and TV cameramen scavenging about the apartment of San Bernardino mass murderers Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, raises many questions about who was is in charge of the crime scene.

The crime scene is the critical nucleus of raw undeveloped information that will unlock the code of who did it and how it was it done. But this crime scene has been totally compromised and no longer has any investigative value.

FBI spokeswoman Lourdes Arocho said the Redlands apartment was no longer an active crime scene.

Yet San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputy Olivia Bozek said, “As far as they told us, it’s still an active investigation going on over there so I don’t know why there’s people in there…”

After processing a crime scene, additional evidence may be developed, so it’s not unusual for investigators to have to return to the scene.

There was absolutely no reason why that crime scene should have been opened to the media. The crime scene should not only have been secured, it should have been guarded.

That article was by Nicholas Casale, an ex-NYPD officer and a former deputy director of counterterrorism for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Why would the FBI block out the San Bernardino Sheriff’s department from knowing what was going on in the active shooter investigation, and then let the crime scene be contaminated, even before the Sheriff had a chance to clear it?

There are a lot of potential reasons, but the one I find most interesting is that the FBI might be sabotaging any criminal investigation/case which could arise from the local agency. It is not impossible these two shooters were on the FBI’s radar at some point. If they came under suspicion, it is likely the FBI would have launched an intel operation and tried to get an informant in close to them to do a quick assessment of just how much of a threat they posed. Maybe they even did more.

Remember LE Intel, (and the FBI is the big dog domestically in LE Intel), acts covertly (and often illegally) on a regular basis. They routinely skirt rules and break laws to perform their duties. They get away with this because their investigations are often not investigations designed to gather court-admissible evidence for prosecutions, but rather they are intelligence operations designed to gather the background intelligence that is necessary to go about structuring an official investigation, which will then yield the court admissible evidence which will comprise the case.

It is not impossible the FBI went into that apartment to both gather intel and sanitize any remnants of a prior intel operation, like pictures of the couple with an Imam who is still working as a Confidential Informant in other cases, letters from a CI posing as an ISIS recruiter, old inactive listening devices planted in electronics they bought online, or other incriminating evidence of the prior operation. If these types of things were present, the FBI’s worst nightmare would be a local Sheriff getting them, and launching investigations into all those people, searching for who had ears inside the apartment, and maybe even compromising other intel operations publicly.

I’m sure if this is the case and there was a quick once over of the couple, the FBI would have cleared them. Maybe they weren’t radicalized at the time, or maybe they were good enough to spot the informant and make him think they were just a loving family couple. But I can’t see any other reason the FBI would keep the Sheriff’s department out of the loop, prevent them from having access to the scene before it was ransacked by the media jackals, or let the scene be destroyed when preserving it would have taken so little effort.

Either way it is another mile marker along the path of divergence between the shadowy covert sides of Fedguv and the more open representatives of law and order in local law enforcement, as well as the people the government is supposed to honestly represent. It cannot bode well for the future of our union, as the apocalypse which threatens to destroy it approaches.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Off-topic, but in ch. 27 of the r/K book it is implied that r-selection leads to a decline in intelligence. What then of the research from social science lit that says liberals have higher IQs than conservatives? Is it manipulated? Also here is an amusing take on it, arguing that libertarians are the smartest of the bunch:


General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

there are reports that there was an active shooter drill going on at the same time and same place.

funny how there was an active shooter drill going on at Sandy Hook when that shooting happened.

funny how there was a drill and search for explosives at the Boston Marathon when that bomb went off.

Reply to  General P. Malaise
9 years ago

Solid sources or it’s bullshit.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
Reply to  gruffles
9 years ago

it was reported on news channels not just alternative media.

it is hard to prove anything these days unless you witness it yourself. the main thing is we are being played from sunup to sundown and I don’t trust anyone.

my take is false flags and the drill would be cover in case it didn’t go over as planned.

Reply to  General P. Malaise
9 years ago

So bullshit. Thanks anyway.