The movie theater shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana occurred in yet another place that banned permitted concealed handguns. The shooting occurred at the Grand Theater. It’s “conduct policy” openly bans the carrying of guns, just like where the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting occurred. While The Grand Theatre company owns three theaters in the area, none of the other local movie theaters that are owned by other companies appear to have a similar policy
Such shooters are shooting because their amygdalae are already overloaded, and they can’t handle the strain. This is why when such shooters encounter armed resistance, their first response is to put the gun in their mouth and kill themselves. They can’t take the additional amygdala activation. They would literally rather die.
It would seem that in a pro-gun state, such a policy is just an invitation to a lawsuit should a shooting happen. Get a jury of shooters, and they’ll award your entire company to the victims. I know I would. Dumbassed-edness needs to be punished.
Also note, these shooters build up during free resource availability, which dulls them into apathy and leads to their accumulation in the population. It isn’t until things begin to turn harsh that their amygdala begin firing off uncontrollably, and needing the relief of shooting someone, anyone, just to stop the angst.
There will be more as the collapse unfolds. Stay armed wherever possible.
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]