Kim Jong-un Surrenders Everything


President Donald Trump has agreed to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by this May, South Korea’s national adviser announced at the White House Thursday evening. He had briefed the president on a message from Kim earlier in the day.

The South Korean envoy said that in his recent talks with Kim, the North Korean leader had expressed an eagerness to meet with Trump as soon as possible.

He said that Kim had said he was committed to denuclearization, suspending more missile tests, and had agreed that U.S.-South Korean joint military exercises the North objects to must continue.

Basically a total capitulation, and he can’t wait to do it. Trump rally is a master persuader, and master negotiator. How many decades have all the “professional” politicians failed. The God Emperor dealt with it permanently almost overnight.

My only concern would be Deep State sewing 50 lbs of explosives inside Jong-un’s belly right before the meeting, and forcing him to be a suicide bomber. I hope Secret Service forces him through an X-ray scanner like they had in Total Recall, before the meeting.

And if I was Trump, I would have all of my personal security there too, because I am certain the Secret Service was compromised at some level in the Kennedy assassination. There is no telling what any of Jong-un’s associates might be up to on behalf of their old Deep State masters.

But if things are as they seem, this is a huge confirmation that Q is the real deal, and something huge is happening behind the scenes.

Spread r/K Theory to everyone, because you must trust the plan and believe

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6 years ago

Anyone tired of winning yet? 2020 Trumpslide, here we come!

6 years ago

They should do a complete cavity search on Kim. He may have a nuke up his ass.

6 years ago

According to Q, Trump has already met with Kim and the deal has been done.

Iran’s also next on the itinerary.

Reply to  cosplayconstruction
6 years ago

There is twitter user ThomasWictor that brings up interesting theory that Saudis via Gulf Cooperation Council are working behind the scenes to get rid of the Mullahs. What the GCC are doing is keep foreign influence (Deep State) out of the region and letting the people solve their own problems. Search for his twitter threads for more infomation:

To focus back on Iran. The recent attack on the Russian Mercenaries was Trump’s promise to Iranian people that US will not abandon them like Bush Sr. did with the Iraqis during the Gulf War. At the same time, GCC is helping the people overthrown the Mullahs at the present time.

6 years ago

It will be interesting seeing how this Nork thing turns out.

6 years ago

If Melania Trump can talk with and spend some time with Kim’s Mother, Sister and Wife this is over. Peace in our time. The three women in the North are the levers of power for this to work.

6 years ago

As nice as it is, I don’t care that much about what Nork does. BUILD THE WALL! DRAIN THE SWAMP!

That’s what matters.