KGB General Who Helped Compile Trump Dossier Found Dead

Or, as the Russians would say, “President Putin sends warm greetings to President Trump’s administration:”

The Kremlin may have covered up the murder of a former KGB chief accused of helping ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele to pull together the notorious dossier on Donald Trump.

Oleg Erovinkin served as a general in the KGB and was found dead on Boxing Day in the back of his car in Moscow.

It has been claimed he died of a heart attack, but an expert on Russian security threats believes he was murdered for his role in the explosive dossier.

The suspected murder victim was close to former deputy prime minister Igor Sechin, who is named throughout the leaked memo, according to the Telegraph.

Obviously he should have kept his eyes open for surveillance, because an uptick in that would likely have preceded his hit. Then again, in Russia surveillance may be ever present on intel-chiefs, so maybe he couldn’t have told the difference between what was normal and what would precede an attack.

This will come to the west eventually, if it hasn’t already. It goes down in Russia now because as heavily in-grouped K’s, the leadership has no compunction about killing rabbits who do not support the group. But as the west declines, I expect it to arise initially because the rabbit leaders will find specific people unbearably triggering, while the broader populace will initially be so amygdala atrophied that it will not have the motivation to move to stop it.

As the Apocalypse progresses and K grows, expect the worm to turn when K-strategists begin to get worked up enough to drop bodies themselves. Then, rabbit leaders will eventually end up on the losing end of the equation, as you see in Russia.

And as Russia begins to realize the threat leftists pose to all of civilization and Mother Russia’s security through their embrace of Islam, we might just see Soros-esque leftists of the west begin to drop like flies courtesy of our Russian comrades.

Spread r/K Theory, and maybe Vladimir might kill someone else for us

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8 years ago

[…] KGB General Who Helped Compile Trump Dossier Found Dead […]

8 years ago

Reminds me of the war arc in Babylon 5. Since they were fighting a civil war, every ship had to be individually assessed if it was a potential ally or a recent appointment and hence not an ally. One ship tried to defect but the xo took over at gunpoint. At the end of the first battle they radio to the last ship and demand a surrender, prompting a struggle for control between the captain and the xo on the ship. Fortunately the xo prevailed and was able to radio their surrender in time. It’s those sorts of conversations that go on in places like Fed Ex or Netflix now.

I can’t find a clip but the whole episode was posted on DM (feel free to del if not allowed). Battle starts at 26:00:

8 years ago


Second headline was the best.

8 years ago

I describe it as America being a democracy, while Russia is a darwinocracy. This leads to diplomatic misunderstandings where the Americans cannot believe that the Russians are really that evil, and the Russians cannot believe that the Americans are really that naive (must be secret plot to destroy Russia!)

8 years ago

“And as Russia begins to realize the threat leftists pose to all of civilization ”

Russia knows this since they got rid of the KomIntern. Stalin’s role stays a riddle: After all he murdered most of the top Bolsheviks until he dissolved the KomIntern in 1942. Then reinstated the Orthodox Church. Good guy? Kaganevich though, the organizer of the Holodomor, one of the most vicious ones, survived and died demented in 1989.

Only the Kremlin archives know the full truth.