‘Shocking’ 40 per cent surge in gun ownership and registration in NSW
MARK COLVIN: Figures obtained by the New South Wales Greens show a 40 per cent surge in gun registration in the State over the last 14 years.
There are now more than 850,000 firearms in private hands in Australia’s most populous state.
And Greens MP David Shoebridge says he’s so alarmed by the increase that he will introduce legislation to limit the number of firearms that people can register.
But that has angered gun enthusiasts, as Mandie Sami reports.
MANDIE SAMI: For Kym McEwen there’s no surprise that people from a diverse range of backgrounds and locations own firearms.
KYM MCEWEN: It’s not all rednecks, you’ve got doctors, you’ve got nurses, you’ve got barristers. It’s across the board.
We know what is coming. They are so terrified at the thought they can’t even acknowledge it. They would rather pretend it is madness and suffer death when it comes, than accept that a majority of the population believes it will be anarchy.
Apocalypse cometh™
And in Australia no less. The rabbit media and governments dominate absolutely. (As in have absolute power.) And they find this disturbing.
I find things like this reassuring. It means I’m not the last sane person in the country.