John Perry Barlow Was CIA-Associated

Interesting to find this, as Q had alluded to him being CIA:

After a decade of both fighting with and consulting to the intelligence community…

I was introduced to this world by a former spy named Robert Steele, who called me in the fall of 1992 and asked me to speak at a Washington conference that would be “attended primarily by intelligence professionals.”… Steele’s conference was attended by about 600 members of the American and European intelligence establishment, including many of its senior leaders. For someone whose major claim to fame was hippie song-mongering, addressing such an audience made me feel as if I’d suddenly become a character in a Thomas Pynchon novel.

Nonetheless, I sallied forth, confidently telling the gray throng that power lay not in concealing information but in distributing it, that the Internet would endow small groups of zealots with the capacity to wage credible assaults on nation-states, that young hackers could easily run circles around old spies… When I came offstage, a group of calm, alert men awaited. They seemed eager, in their undemonstrative way, to pursue these issues further. Among them was Paul Wallner, the CIA’s open source coordinator. Wallner wanted to know if I would be willing to drop by, have a look around, and discuss my ideas with a few folks.

So basically two former CIA guys, Barlow and Snowden, got together and created the software which whistleblowers are supposed to use to clandestinely contact members of the media. Think about it, because this appears to be a large part of where Q is going ultimately. Everything that could be a threat, is already infiltrated and controlled.

What nobody thinks about is how long the intel game has been going on. That is probably because nobody has talked about it throughout all the decades it was going on, mostly because intel controlled the media. But despite that, the game was being played, by hardcore pros who knew what they were doing.

Had it not been being played, then the world would look like you picture it today. Lots of groups, with different agendas, and conflicting leaders, all fighting each other create a sort of infinite web of checks and balances. The ACLU fights government, the media exposes wrongdoing, the publishing houses print books in search of profits, government agencies fight to try and each expand their own domains relative to others, branches of government check each other to try and maintain their power, and on and on.

But it doesn’t work that way. For decades, intel has been taking control, and subverting any outlet which could pose a threat, partly because that is what they do, partly because they are operating so outside the margins they have had to, because they can’t let their operations get exposed. And the farther that went, the deeper they got, and the more they had to do it completely.

Is the ACLU a threat to intelligence operations and control in America? Of course. Do they have any viable means of resisting an intelligence agency launching an operation to infiltrate and subvert their organization? Does the ACLU have an office of counter-intelligence? Do they do anything intelligence agencies do to avoid being infiltrated and compromised? Has the ACLU ever made an employee take a poly about past associations? No? They are babes in the woods, and the wolves are silent and have very sharp teeth.

It is a safe bet that decades ago, intel was infiltrating its people into the ACLU, just like SJWs infiltrate today, only done professionally and with planning, purpose, and focus, rather than organically due to neurosis. They compromised some, ruined others, framed still others, once that gave enough control they began hiring their own on into the organization.

The ACLU will still do ACLU things, and actually sue the government, and pay lip service to freedoms and principles, and so on. There will be protests and press releases, and those not in the know will think they are legit. But that is their cover. By maintaining the organization as controlled opposition, they can suck up the oxygen and keep any similar organization from rising up, and perhaps posing a legitimate, uncontrollable threat one day. The people the machine will elevate and place get an easy path to power and government favoritism courtesy of the machine, and in return the machine gets a friend in power who will do the machine favors whenever it wants. Think you can study the machine and then expose its operations with the help of a devastating lawsuit, aided by the ACLU? Not quite.

Unfortunately that has been going on for decades, everywhere. Finally it reached a point where the real, uncontrolled threats were so rare that when they popped up, the entirety of a machine that corrupted everything else almost simultaneously could focus on that lone threat completely, and it wouldn’t stand a chance. Pick an area today, and you will find some intel organization in control.

Judges, Law Enforcement, government agencies, professions which require a government license – from doctors to veterinarians, private organizations, media, media watchdogs, fact-checkers, even the online right’s personalities, can all be part of the machine because they can either be promoted or controlled. I would assume at least 50% of the names you recognize as Alt-right figures today are actually agents being run by somebody, and it could be 99%, for all I know.

It is tough building a following. Very few successfully manage it. Bill Whittle is brilliant, produces content better than anything on Fox News, and has amassed an impressive following. But outside of intellectual conservatives online, he is not anywhere near the name recognition of Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin. Why? Fame is not organic or natural.

So when you see some fast rising alt-right personality, my first question is, how are they rising so fast? Have they had help? Because when you control the machine, raising someone up is easy, and then you control the dialog.

I am surprised that it appears Trump is going here, because this is a massively powerful, incredibly well-designed machine. It encompasses everything from entire government licensed professions vital to the private sector, to civilian networks which would tear up the nation and pit brother against brother, and family against family if exposed, to the very ideals of America. My only conclusion is the entire thing was so thoroughly infested with leftist SJWs that it cannot be allowed to survive, in any form.

One thing Q says which makes sense is that Trump’s ace in the hole is the military. Because while politicians can lateral or be lifted quickly into high-level positions in agencies like the FBI or CIA, you cannot as easily corrupt Marine Corp Intelligence’s leadership. And those military units are highly likely to be filled with the exact type of principled, freedom-loving warriors who have no taste for power, and who are willing to sacrifice everything for the principle of the Founder’s vision.

If this is what it seems, I can understand why Q’s drops are part of the plan, and why he says they cannot reveal everything. What is out there is so shocking it will require a large number of people to help ease the population into accepting that nearly everything their senses have been exposed to via the media was controlled manipulation, the government they thought they elected was a mirage and what is there has been operating against them all along to make sure they never actually could pose any threat to the entire machine’s control over America. Even worse, many people they counted as friends and respected as professionals may just have been part of the machine that was working to control them all along.

And that ignores the dead bodies that have periodically piled up along the way.

It will be a harsh wakeup.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because harsh wakeups from nightmares are not that bad

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7 years ago

If it is as bad as you paint it to be, then no amount of support will be able to overcome it.

I can only see two ways:

– Utter chaos


– Replacement by a similar system.

The later being extremely difficult. About the only way I could see it succeed is by replacing it from the top down. Subverting the top one by one and relatively unobtrusively so that by the time it becomes clear (to the lower level) it is too late to reverse. And -most importantly- this would NEVER be disclosed to the outside.

No amount of bottom up would suffice. No amount of Q drops could change this. But Q-drops could help in turing people in the old structure. It creates leverage that a master player like Trump could use. But again, it would NEVER be disclosed. We -the masses- are used and possibly to good ends, but we would never know and may even feel betrayed (without actual cause).

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Almost everything we see happening today is in this book, published in 1932:

Almost everything.

7 years ago

The military angle is why I haven’t been bothered by the latest budget, which increases spending dramatically in a time when the FedGov is already $20 trillion in debt.

The military is helping to protect Pres. Trump, so it had to be funded, even with a lot of nonsense, unnecessary spending.

7 years ago

>Even worse, many people they counted as friends and respected as professionals may just have been part of the machine that was working to control them all along.

Add family to that. Specially if you have family members with high sociopathy and/or narcissism. They all expose themselves if you know what to look for. This might break some, others will just become fearlessly emboldened and willing to die in their fight agaist this rotten machine. It’s not just in the USA, here in Portugal this kind of shit goes down too, just as a small example,, not even a personal one is the Maddie Mccann main ivestigation detective getting sudenly fired just when he was making advances on the case. This shit does not happen unless someone forces the director of the investigation police force to burn the detective, which telegraphs governamental involvment from the Portuguese state into silencing the kidnap of a child just to protect Podesta and his brother Tony.

This machine needs to crash and burn. I don’t care how much I need to sacrifice, I’d rather be dead than complicit in the silence that allows the deep statists operate.

This is the PJ detective in question:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago


mark in atlanta
mark in atlanta
7 years ago

AC, wow, great post, google the Reece Committee, if you don’t know about it, it buttresses your thesis, truly incredible that it has been flushed down the old memory hole, all the best, M

7 years ago

At some point I don’t really have a problem with domestic intel operating doing what it is that they do- if it’s limited and not satanic or extremely illegal. If they are really trying to catch bad guys hey you’ve sometimes got to crack an egg to make an omelet. Alas, any system like that will inevitably be hijacked by effete, skinny armed narcissist libshits.

Additionally, you have guys in this country who are seriously messed up. If little jimmy no-guns has decided to put down the soy, and get his nuts back, more power to him. The derp state doesn’t want that however. Most of these guys who are reforming are overweight, big box workers or mid-manager types trying to act a little better, maybe buy their first gun, maybe wife a post wall-“reformed” slut- you know, pathetic shit. But they ARE trying to do better. A few drops of lemonade from some moldy life-lemons. And the liberals don’t even like that.

With the amount of estrogenized food, and drugs (big pharma and not) being pumped into our society, along with the accompanying propaganda telling guys it’s just OK to consume this crap, then bringing down the intel hammer on anyone who gets off the reservation (and tries to save others from it), it’s artificial control. It reduces mankind’s inherent God-given agency, which is pure evil.

No Name
No Name
5 years ago

“So when you see some fast rising alt-right personality, my first question is, how are they rising so fast?”

Yes. And when you see a fast rising media personality suddenly grow ill from an unusual disease or commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head twice, it means that they were organically rising and had refused an offer they shouldn’t have refused.