Jim Stone Was Poisoned – When Intel Ops Attack

I wanted to write about this before, but didn’t have the time, so for a moment I want to circle back. Jim Stone got poisoned, he believes by “The Jews.” I would think it more likely Cabal, but I am not on the ground there, and the two are not mutually exclusive, so I can’t really say. The post is here, in archived format since stuff rolls off his site and is lost over time. This would seem to me historically significant to those who will try to untangle what was going on with the intel op infiltrating the West later on. Read the post, but understand, that this is a guy who just got worked over by his coverage, he is in high amygdala, and much of what he has seen has been designed to confuse and mislead him, because that is how intel rolls. It is an ugly place to find yourself.

I already mentioned that his wife selling the property for a fraction of its worth, when she was going to pocket the proceeds anyway was strange, as she cheated herself out of $200K. Apparently she didn’t even pit the bidders against each other to raise the price. My assumption is she sold it at a discount to a Cabal bigwig for the protection she would need to take Jim’s stuff, probably, as a transaction Cabal told her was part of her orders to disrupt his life.

My own observation is that if you are reading some guy, they are important enough for Cabal to throw women at them. And when guys have women thrown at them, it is much more likely they will end up married to an asset. It is a little different for women I suspect, as even if Cabal throws men at them, they tend to have regular men making passes at them as well regularly, and women tend to be more selective and maybe more intuitive of deception. So a woman who is honest and popular could have dodged a Cabal-husband, but for men it is much less likely.

It sounds cold, but if you end up in this position, I would not form any relationship I could not walk away from without a look back. Unless you get to some place like Russia, where maybe you can get out from under this thing.

I just wanted to highlight three other things.


Claudia is gone and the extent to which she exploded is perfectly consistent with what happens when removing the thyroid results in an insanity disaster. Everything was perfectly fine with life going perfectly normal until her thyroid was taken out, and then it all spiraled right down the ol’shitteree.

As mad as I am at her for what she has done, the root of the problem is that. And knowing what caused it all won’t change anything, because the chances of the real issue being addressed are approximately zero and the damage already done is probably insurmountable.

All I can do is stand back and watch the disaster unfold. Years ago you could get good info on what can happen when the thyroid is removed but it appears the censor bots have buried all the technical reports that state what is possible. However, There is this. Take that and amplify it by 10X for Claudia’s case, she went stark raving NUTS.

Maybe. But I look at it statistically. For some reason, he became aware a thyroidectomy is associated with psychological change. Note, Cabal would have known he was aware of this because he is under that kind of surveillance, and him knowing that would be in his file. It puts him in a very small population, as if you asked 100 people, I doubt any would have any awareness of that linkage, or even probably know off hand what the thyroid does. You might need to ask 10,000, or maybe 50,000 people, before you found anybody who knew there was even a rumor of an association between thyroidectomy and psychology. There are doctors who probably never heard of it. And thyroidectomies are at 93,000 per year in the US, so he, in a very small population himself, happened to meet one of the 0.031% of people per year who get one and marry her. And one of the smaller percent of thyroidectomy patients which have psychological side effects, since many get it with no effect. What are the chances his very small probability crosses her very small probability, and forms the underlying reason for the single biggest disruption in all of his life? And right before “The Jews” got him with his coffee. And if you go back through his archives in the days leading up to this, you can see him having more and more problems with the site.

Now on the other side, an intel op, who knows he knows that, and is looking for a cover for what is about to happen to him which will cause him to think it happened entirely innocently, would say, “Well, he thinks thyroid removal causes batshit crazy-ness. Lets have her thyroid removed, and then she goes batshit crazy and wrecks his life.” And when I say thyroid removed, she didn’t actually have to have her thyroid removed. Unless I am mistaken, it is done with radioactive iodine injections even in Mexico, so whether she had it or not, he would have no idea. She could get a saline injection, and they could say it was done. And they have assets all throughout the medical establishment already at this point. If he is a target, and I would assume he is, there is no limit to the extent he could be gaslit.

For him, he wants to believe this is the cause, as subconsciously we all want to be right, and will believe things we already think are true. This actually validates something he has been fighting to prove. Whether this all is the case or not with her, you could never say with any degree of certainty, but it would fit very well with how they operate, and create covers for major events. And if he is a target, is it more likely his small probability crossed her small probability, or might it be as likely he was gaslit, as part of the operation to kneecap him and his site?

Second was this:

The final nail was when Claudia started snooping everything I had and found a note I wrote that mentioned she gave me VD in 2017. She did. She cheated and that’s how I found out. But that’s so common in Mexican culture that I blew it off, two other marriages in the same family had cheaters and I was like, “I don’t need to open this can of worms” and conveniently I found a VD cure pack right on top in the medicine drawer that I never bought. That cured it.

How did the medicine get there, if he never bought it? He glosses over that, like it didn’t even matter. Have you ever heard of a VD medpack fairy? If he is with an asset, they just want the problem to go away to keep their asset in place, and this is exactly how it would happen. This guy is probably under such close surveillance they one, knew his medical diagnosis before he did, maybe even knew he would get it before he got it, because they were following her, and knew she banged Juan, and that Juan had VD, and that suddenly Jim was going to start having burning on urination, or whatever. Two, they saw it was a threat to their asset’s placement as his wife, because that will be his observation post’s only concern. Three, they knew from their psych profile he would ignore it if it got cured. And four, they actually knew he would check the medicine cache for something when he found out. So, they made surreptitious entry to his house while he was out and follow team was making sure he was 25 miles away somewhere, went right to the medical cache they knew he maintained from his file (from them watching him inside the house 24/7 for years), they dropped an STD cure pack on top of everything, closed it all up, and then exited.

And then they sat back and watched from the observation post, as the puzzle pieces they dropped around him all got put together, he found he had VD, went to the medicine cache, saw the medicine, took the pills, and he solved their problem for them, and their asset was protected. And I am not just pulling this out of my ass. I have been saying all the major names get this kind of intel op assigned. It is why Rush Limbaugh purchased all the houses around him. You saw Ed Buck actually getting calls from his coverage next door telling him to stop raping the tied up homeless guy on the floor and have a glass of water to hydrate, or he would get the migraine he got when he didn’t drink enough fluids. And Ed would say, “Oh yeah,” and go get a glass of water before he returned to defiling the homeless guy. And here it is, almost the only explanation for this case. I just thought it all was interesting and should get archived for those who will one day be documenting this for history.

I could go on about this:

So the day before I noticed something came in to my cell phone but I did not see what it was. The next day I found out. It was a tracking bug, and Claudia did the silliest thing with it, she, after brainwashing the scout leadership, had them chase me all over town with that damn bug. It was a filthy one that jumped into a tablet and small laptop I had in the satchell also, so even after I smashed the cell phone on a brick wall, (damn batteries you cannot take out) they were still ALL OVER me everywhere I went.

Obviously if he is right about some tracker, that is not Claudia (I doubt they need it, and that was just more of the disorienting show they put on for him, to keep him confused and mistaken, and maybe to make him discard his cell phone, and isolate him more).

One of the most important things when you are under this is to slip into a probabilistic perceptual framework. You cannot know what is going on. A very experienced organization is fucking with you. Probably most of what you see is show, offered up specifically to confuse you.

The best you can do to form a framework of reality to operate within is to lay out all the possibilities, and try to assign probabilities, and let them all sit in your head like some quantum mechanical cloud of parallel realities, which someday may reveal to you which one is the one you are living in. Nobody can see what they show you and tease truth from fiction, reality from fantasy. That is their goal, and they are practiced.

Anyway it seemed a good case study in how this machine can collapse your life, if you are not careful. And anyone who is not one of them will always be at risk, if you are on your own wavelength, doing your own thing, and want to be left alone. Because those are the people they view as dangerous, because they are not lemmings running with the masses of plebes, going wherever the conspiracy’s pied pipers point the masses.

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2 years ago

“My own observation is that if you are reading some guy, they are important enough for Cabal to throw women at them. And when guys have women thrown at them, it is much more likely they will end up married to an asset. It is a little different for women I suspect, as even if Cabal throws men at them, they tend to have regular men making passes at them as well regularly, and women tend to be more selective and maybe more intuitive of deception. So a woman who is honest and popular could have dodged a Cabal-husband, but for men it is much less likely.”

I think they throw women at women – not in a lesbian sense though. As a close friend/confidante, the bestie you tell all your secrets to. I am in my 40s and have had aggressively friendly women befriend me in a particular way as long as i can remember, similar to love bombing, with often terrible impacts on my life over time. I used to just think I attract a certain type of disordered personality and surveillance is still such an interesting alternate theory.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

There are plenty of women who got corrupted by bad female company to make self-destructive choices and destroy their families.
Feeding feminist ideas to her for example that she “deserved better than this abuser”. And other ways to ruin her Husband or turn children against him.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Interesting, both my wife and I often “attract” a certain sort of person that like you say, are “aggressively friendly” and have “a certain type of disordered personality”. We’ve often commented on it when we come across those people. In spite of reading this site over the past few years, I’d never thought of those people and that they might be surveillance! Thanks anon!

2 years ago

First thought reading this. The meds were there because she
obviously had used them before? Hence they were in the house. Of course I coukd be wrong.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Food with a crowd (store) or grow your own
Don’t marry crazy
Don’t let women approach you, approach them
And if it’s too good to be true, IT IS

2 years ago

Sounds like a Lotta wacky BS.

2 years ago

Just regarding surveillance, here’s another odd Reddit post describing neighbours talking about personal things they can only know if they were intercepting his internet and cell phone data.
He sounds like a normal person and confused why this would even be happening to him.

2 years ago

From what I’ve heard, radioactive iodine is the more common thyroidectomy. But for some people it doesn’t work, as in they try it but it doesn’t sufficiently destroy the thyroid. Or, other people are averse to the potential side effects. 1) no trying to conceive for around a year, 2) isolate for a week or maybe a month so that you don’t endanger others with your radioactivity. There are surely other side effects that I don’t recall from what I read some time back.

The alternative is surgery, where there are risks that it is botched, risks they take too much thyroid or too little, they can hit vocal cords and cause you to permanently lose your voice.

Or you can medicate, methimazole is more commonly prescribed. I believe it’s available as generic now. There’s some other medication that’s been around since the 50s, propylthiouracil. Different set of side effects, more risk of permanent liver damage.

Endocrinologists have a reputation for showing no interest in their patients. They listen to your symptoms and just choose which drug off their standard list to prescribe, or just tell you to go get surgery to address it.

I’m interested in hearing from anyone else who has experience with natural thyroid disorder remedies because I haven’t been able to find any that appear reliable.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I haven’t looked into it much. I have a friend with half of a dead thyroid. For some reason, half of his died. I suggested he use more table salt, which contains iodine which the thyroid needs.

I read a book last year called “The Salt Fix”. Turns out, the whole modern medicine thing around salt is as much bullshit as the low fat diet. There is no “science” behind them telling you it’s bad for you. But since we trust people who profit off sickness to keep us healthy, we get what we deserve. I started doing the opposite of whatever the “mainstream” tells us. I lost 40 pounds.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

This (salt) ^^^^^^
A very small percentage of hypertension cases are sodium related. For everyone else, with or without hypertension, salt is a vital mineral and there is no downside to eating tons of it.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Don’t Jews eat a lot of salt, yet discourage it among the Goyim by issuing bogus scientific studies against salt? Absent enough salt, don’t people die? Also, was there really an ancient form of painful execution by prison diet totally lacking salt?