Israel Has A Cuck Problem Too

Again, r and K are everywhere:

As government rhetoric regarding mass deportation continues to unnerve Eritrean and Sudanese asylum-seekers – as well as many Israelis – Rabbis for Human Rights launched an Anne Frank-inspired campaign last week to protect them.

And on Saturday, 470 university professors from across the nation wrote an open letter to President Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of Knesset, also demanding deportation efforts cease immediately.

We, academic staff at universities and colleges in Israel, call upon the prime minister, the president and the members of Knesset to take a courageous moral stand on the issue of asylum-seekers from Sudan and Eritrea,” the letter states.

“We urge you to reverse the government’s decision to arrest and forcibly expel asylum-seekers who are in Israel…”

Although the Interior Ministry has not confirmed the reports, the government is offering African migrants $3,500 each to leave the country voluntarily. Those who refuse to self-deport will reportedly be imprisoned indefinitely, or sent to Rwanda, whose government will reportedly be paid $5,000 a head to accept them.

The r-strategy began as a mere r-selected reproductive strategy, designed to exploit a glut. As it evolved, those r-strategists who migrated to gluts, enjoyed more gluts than those that did not, so they multiplied. Today we see the long form DRD-4 genetic alleles associated with political leftism and r-strategy behaviors like promiscuity and addiction are also associated with migratory populations.

But to live among regular humans who in-group innately, these r-strategist interlopers needed to develop psychological quirks which would allow them to integrate quickly into the populations they were migrating to. So they evolved an aggressive out-group favoritism which made them arrive almost pre-integrated into the new population. They were naturally disdainful of their own culture and people, and eager to demonstrate fealty to, and curry favor with, the new population of strangers in the land they migrated to.

The problem arises when this migratory psychology finds itself in a wealthy land, where migration is no longer necessary, or advantageous. They have no land of greater resource availability to migrate to, so they stay put. But they still have those r-selected migrant urges to surround themselves with strange and unusual novel cultures, ingratiate themselves with the strangers belonging to clear out-groups, as they demean and castigate their own people as inferior and backward, even compared to migrants with half the IQ, twice the violence, and none of the decency.

These left-wing Israeli cucks, fat on the free resources produced by their people, and enjoying the safety provided by the IDF soldiers who’d risk all to defend their homeland, have triggered a mixture of r-selected rabbit genes, epigenetic triggers, and environmental modeling of their brains. Now they have the r-selected migrant psychology. The instincts this has produced are so ingrained they will replace the Israeli citizens who would never hurt them with low IQ migrant savages from the biggest shithole on earth, and destroy the very wealth, safety, and security that has produced their own weak, defective psychology, and allowed it to survive.

Notice how you probably would not see this if Jordan and Egypt were in the midst of an invasion. If Israel was under a great economic depression, and all these cucks were struggling day to day just to survive, they wouldn’t care about African migrants. But add free resources, safety and ease, and these cucks are like robots, bent on engaging in totally illogical behaviors that will destroy the very state of Israel.

This suite of migrant drives arising in first world nations, that is so illogical and so destructive and yet so uncontrollable, more than anything, highlights two things. First is how all of leftism is totally instinctive and completely illogical. These Israeli leftists are following instinctual urges which we can see were advantageous in their evolutionary past, but which will almost guarantee their own destruction today.

Second, it highlights how the r-strategy has not yet adapted to many facets of the modern world, like the perpetual gluts of the first world, and the dangers of inviting r-selected savages from low IQ shithole countries into your r-selected utopias to consume your resources, rape your women, and destroy your ease and comfort.

The dividing line is r and K, and when the time comes, we will all have to purge those who fall on the other side of the line. Jews will have to purge their rabbits, just as Europeans are going to have to expel their European rabbits back the shithole countries of which they are so fond.

It is the only way forward to the second Renaissance.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the rabbits are the problem, everywhere

This entry was posted in Betrayal, Cuckservatives, Decline, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Splintering, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

As you are an expert in evolutionary psychology, what is your opinion in “The Culture of Critique” of Kevin B. MacDonald?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Could it be possible that part of the evolutionary strategy of jews is to promote r in the goyim to divide and conquer them and parasite their resources?

For example Sheldon Andelson seems like a K and invests money to foment K ideas for the jews, but makes his money controlling degenerate gambling habits for the goyim. He also has no problem to use the K goyim soldiers of the US military to fight wars against the enemies of Israel in the Middle East.

There are also r jews that have gotten high on their own supply so to speak, but it seems that even the K jews of the USA do not believe in Amercia First.

I agree that the Netanyahu family is admirable in many ways, even his son Yair has been vocal against King r George Soros.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I agree that jew and r selector is not the same.

I think there is not only an internal war between K and r of a tribe, we also have a longer term war between K form different tribes.

When populations compete there will be K on K violence. For example, I would argue that Rome and Carthage were both K superpowers and the Mediterranean was only big enough for one of them, Rome’s K exterminated the Carthage’s K and remembered Hannibal as their greatest foe, both of these populations used lesser tribes in their struggle against the other.

In theory it could be beneficial for K selected jews to destroy the rest of K selected European nations to rule unchallenged thanks to the difference in IQ with mongrel scum.

There is no doubt that Sheldon Andelson is K selected, but he is Israeli first and American second. Without doubt he prefers to lobby risking thousands of US military K selected lives if it helps securing the existence of Israel and the destruction of its enemies.

Additionally it is great for Israel to gather K selected jews while r selected jews feel the urge to migrate to Europe or the US where their r selected tendencies will not directly harm the homeland.

7 years ago

Would women fleeing war be considered r-types? If they can’t find an alpha type man (or protector) in their own country might they be attracted to go where the high-T men are? I know this happened frequently regarding Ireland during the troubles and Russia following the Soviet collapse. I myself have seen numerous US soldiers come back from European deployments with new brides. If Europe goes down the crapper will White European women flee to the relative safety of North America?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I think the mistake was assuming K is the same for men and women. It seems that often the focus on the r-stategist males that are weak and effeminate. Whilst r-strategist females exhibit many K male traits.

7 years ago

During the Gaza war, this leftist chick I went out on a date with was in a state of horror about something and asked me to console her. It wasn’t about the missile attacks on civilian towns, it wasn’t because she had friends getting shot at, it wasn’t even because she was upset that the @#$# hamas had started yet another border war with us.

No. It was because a bunch of older blue collar Israeli men whose sons were in the middle of combat, got sick and fed up with her elite leftist friends trying to undermine the country in the middle of a war, so a bunch of them went to her organizations hang out and threatened to beat the living hell out of them all. The police had to be called in to erect barricades.

These men were the construction workers, the plumbers, the cab drivers, the warehouse workers, the guys that wire up the electricity, and the farmers.

Thank you AC.

7 years ago

This is why whenever there is a revolution, one of the first things the new regime does is round up and execute the “intellectuals” and other opinion leaders/rabble rousers who helped foment the revolution. In doing so the new regime is not simply eliminating potential rivals; they understand if left unmolested, the rabbits will keep rabbiting and undermine the new regime as well.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

My jaw dropped when I saw the organization was called “Rabbits For Human Rights”.

Then I looked again. Funniest misread in a while!

7 years ago

I don’t see how humanity can ever advance into the stars or progress technologically at all if every time it happens we get a bunch of degenerate cucks that want to ruin the whole thing for everyone. It’s a dark thought, but what do you think AC they would do if there was only one race on the planet – say the chinese. With no outgroup to subjugate themselves to, what would their impulses cause at that point?