Is The Vatican A Wing Of The Cabal?

It seems so:

The president of the Polish bishops’ conference cautioned Polish and Hungarian political leaders against fostering nationalism and xenophobia as both countries face European Union sanctions over their alleged authoritarian direction.

Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan acknowledged that patriotism “characterizes our nations and is a great value,” but urged vigilance so that patriotic values do not “give rise to … contempt for others.”

“Given our common history, we should strive to be linked not just by a shared past, but also by a shared future,” Gadecki said in his homily March 23 at a Mass for Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day in St. Michael Cathedral in Veszprem, Hungary.

You get the same thing from the Pope.

Notice the unified messaging between the media, the governments, and even the Vatican, all pursuing the same objective.

It makes sense. The Roman Empire’s leadership was insanely rich, powerful, and intelligence-oriented for the time. As government-leaders, they would have had access to and control over the vast intelligence network established by the Empire. They would have been like whoever controls our Western intelligence agencies and governments today. Many think their power structures survived.

Most likely, when the Empire was going down, just as today, the Plebes were totally blind to what was coming. But the Cabal back then was probably just like the Alt-right today, only with phenomenal wealth, incredible influence, and complete access to all the power of the intelligence infrastructure.

What do they do once it is clear it is going down? They control everything, and can issue orders to everyone. How do they use that to maintain their power and influence, and continue their control, until the next turn of the cycle?

The Empire is going down and they can see it coming, so they need access to something that will persist after it, control the opinions of millions of people, and allow them access to wealth, power, influence, and intelligence, as well as a place to stash their wealth. The Church was perfect, all they had to do was use their power to insert themselves in control of it.

From the Inquisitions, to everyone having to confess all of their sins, it was the ultimate in intelligence gathering on everyone, wealth, lack of threat, and power over the opinions of people. Once you are in power, those who oppose you aren’t even opposing you in the eyes of the people – they are opposing God, the very origin of good, and are such bad people they are going to spend all of eternity in Hell because even the ultimate authority, God, feels they should be punished. Millions will burn your enemies at the stake, and travel the world to kill, on little more than your assertion that your enemies are unholy, and oppose your belief system.

In retrospect, of course they would disappear into the Church. In retrospect, the move is a decision so brilliant, it should almost get an award of some sort. I doubt most STEM Nobel Prize winners could have come up with a more brilliant plan, given all the information at the time. These people really see a different world than us, and think completely differently.

And then as the chaos subsides, the Church sponsors the art of the Renaissance to infuse the period’s culture with their institution’s belief system, probably promoting the cultural, artistic, and governmental figures who support their power. And once established and back in control of the culture and the governments, the elites in the Church push for the separation of Church and State in the following Enlightenment, probably while in control of both, so whoever wins they are in control, and until one does, they control two entities that are moving the masses how the elites want them to move, instead of just one. Sure there are periodic internecine power struggles as events play out – nothing is easy. But many of those players may not even grasp the scale of the plan or the entrenchment of the real, unseen players as they make their ham-handed and amateurish moves against the hidden masters of the art.

It is interesting, when you note that one thing which some assert precipitated the First World War, was the Church’s gradual loss of authority:

AS the anniversary of the first world war draws closer, we will be hearing more and more arguments about the causes, both long- and short-term, of the global bloodbath. Was it just a battle between rival powers over markets and resources? Did class conflict play a role? Was it a clash between different ideologies? Or was some spiritual malaise at work? A conservative public intellectual, George Weigel, is advancing the latter theory. He thinks the collapse in the restraining power of religion helped to push the world into the era of total war.

Given that we are all products of the more secular age which “the war to end all wars” ushered in, many people will find his theory pretty far-fetched. But as one of America’s leading “theocon” thinkers, Mr Weigel has the gifts of erudition and persuasion to make a respectable case. And as he points out, in an article (pay-wall) in the journal First Things, he is in distinguished, if rarefied, company. Alexander Solzhenitsyn had once asked why, in 1914, a Europe “bursting with health and abundance” had “fallen into a rage of self-mutilation”; and the Russian writer offered the same explanation as he did for all the disasters of the early 20th century: man had “forgotten God”.

The war ended, the 20’s roared as the stock market was played out, the crash happened, things stagnated, and then an illegitimate Rothschild suddenly rose from nowhere and created the greatest war in history. When it ended, the Church was reestablished in totality, and we cruised – until the present day when the Church’s authority is once again in question, and everyone, from the Church to the governments, to the intelligence agencies, to Law Enforcement are all working in unified fashion to import as many hostile, low IQ Muslims from foreign lands to set the stage for civil war, as they all simultaneously set the stage for a world war with Russia, or Syria, or North Korea.

That North Korea and Syria were suddenly was taken off the table entirely, does feel like somebody changed the script unexpectedly in the middle of the play.

Let’s hope we get a few more script changes like that, before the main act.

Spread r/K Theory, because man’s nature is to strive to control events

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6 years ago

Roman leadership obviously hijacked early Christianity. They incorporated the symbols of a popular fertility cult, the cult of Mithras, into their worship. These symbols are all over Papal regalia and most Cathedrals. Some, not as many, but some, of these symbols pop up in Orthodox Christian worship as well. This is why Protestants believed they had to have a reformation, but of course they were limited in what they could achieve. And I doubt anyone here would think the Anglican Church or the “Evangelical” Lutheran churches are unconverged. Those two, in particular, are becoming abominable. After that the only Protestant churches left are for profit megachurches or rapidly declining smaller denominations, mostly in North America. Only by going back to the source, BEFORE the Roman controlled ecumenical councils can you get closer to the intent of the early church. Churches that do this are called Restorationist. They are the restored churches of Christianity.

6 years ago

How will they control the moslem hoards? Do you think some leader is already established over them and in communication and agreement with the existing western cabal? They seem completely wild and uncontrollable.

6 years ago

[…] Is The Vatican A Wing Of The Cabal? […]

6 years ago

Another power center you might not have considered were the ancient pagan cults. They were also rich and powerful (one of the Seven Wonders, the statue of Zeus, had a massive amount of gold; their temples in general were monumental in size). And as Christianity rose and even supplanted and subsumed them, I came to the conclusion recently, that the true believers (priests and other leadership) likely did not simply disappear, but took their wealth and power underground. Today, they all would fall under the rubric of Satanism. That’s what thinking about Pizzagate led me to conclude.

6 years ago

Yes, let us hope. I think war with Russia is what they salivate over as it would be white on white, distracting, bleeding wealth and lives for absolutely no reason but for carpetbaggers and vultures tp pick over the bones and sharks to make money off weapons, clothes, meals, boots and the whole military industrial catastrophe.

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
6 years ago

There’s little doubt that the RCC is now part of the cabal or (at the very least) controlled by the cabal. The pedo scandals, money-laundering for healthcare and human-trafficking (= rapefugee-resettlement) are no doubt just the leakage of the putrid effluvia from around the edges. Christ himself used a fine term for them – white-washed tombs. It’s way beyond the RCC too. All the state-funded churches in the EUSSR are in on it, as are all the so-called “mainline” Prots in USSA and more than a few of the “Conservative Christian” (Churchian) bodies. Barnhardt’s theory is that the infiltration of the RCC started in the 1920s. Various other theories are out there of course, including the alleged Imperial families listed above. This seems a bit far-fetched in light of the history of the empire – and don’t forget that the Eastern empire went on for another thousand years after the Vandals sacked Rome in 455 (the Western Empire formally ended in 476).

Joe Katzman
6 years ago

Here’s the challenge: quality of successors.

You can have all kind of intelligence, and wealth and other forms of power at your disposal. If you’re an idiot, it can and will vanish quickly. And your fellow families in the Cabal? the ambitious just see an opportunity to feed themselves, and they’ll take it. The result doesn’t have to be catastrophic; all it has to do is erode what you have in various ways. And then you’re less useful. And then your successor has to be better than average to regain any lost ground. Otherwise, the default is further diminishment.

This is why aristocracies have such trouble maintaining themselves.

It’s interesting to speculate about a Cabal that has existed in a prominent position since Rome. But the things we’d have to believe about this cabal contradict our experience watching other humans in positions of power.

I think what we’re looking at is closer to Boids than Undying Borgias, with very real conspiracies embedded within various elements pushing the hill-climbing functions. Cultural Marxism being the most significant example. I can also see sub-sets with wealth and power climbing aboard.

Next thing you know you have The Cataline Conspiracy Rebooted, on a globalist scale.

Dismal Farmer
Dismal Farmer
6 years ago

Kinda skipped over 8 centuries of history there, Sport.

6 years ago

You might want check out
Mark Passio at

He says outright that the cabal are sorcerers and satanists who understand how the human mind works and have used that knowledge to control the human race for thousands of years…if not longer. He gets into symbolism, astrology, numerology, gematria, elite bloodlines…basically everything that’s been around forever but we’re told is bunk.

You might also want to checkout the peace revolution and project constellation podcasts from along with some of the videos they’ve produced, the ultimate history lesson with John Taylor Gatto is especially informative.

Then there’s but most of his older stuff is behind a paywall. Here’s one of his podcasts

I haven’t been into the conspiracy stuff much for the past 2-3 years and I have to say everything that’s been coming out recently has really confirmed in my mind that all of it is real. I thought that without the constant injection of conspiracy I’d go back to being a normie but that hasn’t been the case.

I know this is a lot of info, but that’s just kind of how this stuff goes. There’s a ton to read/watch before you can really get an idea of what’s going on.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I can see that but I can also see how this information could have been passed down from an ancient very high society. There’s evidence that this planet and this solar system have gone through some terrible upheavals which could explain why we are so obsessed with the “end of times”. Which also could be why humans are so easy to control. If the human race is collectively suffering from immense emotional trauma from having lived through a literal end of the world event then that opens up some deep seated fears to be exploited.

At any rate in this scenario the major remnant of humanity has been driven crazy by living through horrors we today can only imagine while a small portion secreted themselves and a great deal of accumulated knowledge and technology away to emerge when everything settles down.

Imagine what that small elite could do if they had access to high technology and advanced knowledge of not only the human mind but of reality itself. They would be gods.

Now imagine that there are multiple factions some of which want to use their knowledge to rebuild and heal humanity and some who want to subjugate humanity. The jew vs gentile animosity may be a continuation of a very ancient war…not between Jews and gentiles but between soulless psychopathic destroyers and those who love creation.

It’s all very fanciful I know but I believe that the best sci-fi/fantasy authors somehow unknowingly tap into these collective memories.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Most definitely. It’s the Q/Trump stuff coming out that’s got me reexamining everything that I’ve read over the past almost decade of being “woke”. Something very big and very real is going on, I personally believe it has its roots in our ancient past but I’m also aware that I may be wrong.

Last thing. I just want to thank you for your site. The information you’re putting out has really helped refine the way I see the world and myself. I understand now that these past few years of growth have been a shift from r to K. I still have some work to do but it’s nice to have an idea of what’s going on. Add to that your openness to entertaining what most would consider crazy ideas…it’s really just a breath of fresh air.

Thank you and God bless.

6 years ago

You’re making me think of a conversation an accountant acquaintance had while in a car discussing accounting networking events with another accountant who had recently retired. He mentioned that given the size of the accounting community in the city, after one attends a few of those events, everyone pretty much knows everyone and you don’t really develop new contacts unless you relocate to another city.

I don’t buy into the idea that the elites being smarter than the general population, but rather so well isolated from the mundane that they can be focused on things the general population would be otherwise too distracted to focus upon, let alone consider. They’re not wasting time shopping for groceries, commuting to jobs, or cleaning and making their own homes. That’s tens of hours free to do other things. After a few years that really adds up.

For all we know, until the Mongols came along, every time the civilization would collapse, different branches of the same primary families would rise to prominence. I mean, Barack Obama’s related to many of the past US presidents thanks to one relative, so it’s definitely plausible.