Is The Political Problem In The West Conduct Disorder With Callous And Unemotional Traits?

Great article on child psychopaths here. Something which jumped out, although the subject was already covered in the book:

Broadly speaking, Kiehl and others believe that the psychopathic brain has at least two neural abnormalities—and that these same differences likely also occur in the brains of callous children.

The first abnormality appears in the limbic system, the set of brain structures involved in, among other things, processing emotions. In a psychopath’s brain, this area contains less gray matter. “It’s like a weaker muscle,” Kiehl says. A psychopath may understand, intellectually, that what he is doing is wrong, but he doesn’t feel it. “Psychopaths know the words but not the music” is how Kiehl describes it. “They just don’t have the same circuitry.”

In particular, experts point to the amygdala—a part of the limbic system—as a physiological culprit for coldhearted or violent behavior. Someone with an undersize or underactive amygdala may not be able to feel empathy or refrain from violence. For example, many psychopathic adults and callous children do not recognize fear or distress in other people’s faces. Essi Viding, a professor of developmental psychopathology at University College London recalls showing one psychopathic prisoner a series of faces with different expressions. When the prisoner came to a fearful face, he said, “I don’t know what you call this emotion, but it’s what people look like just before you stab them…”

The second hallmark of a psychopathic brain is an overactive reward system especially primed for drugs, sex, or anything else that delivers a ping of excitement. In one study, children played a computer gambling game programmed to allow them to win early on and then slowly begin to lose. Most people will cut their losses at some point, Kent Kiehl notes, “whereas the psychopathic, callous unemotional kids keep going until they lose everything.” Their brakes don’t work, he says.

Faulty brakes may help explain why psychopaths commit brutal crimes: Their brains ignore cues about danger or punishment. “There are all these decisions we make based on threat, or the fear that something bad can happen,” says Dustin Pardini, a clinical psychologist and an associate professor of criminology at Arizona State University. “If you have less concern about the negative consequences of your actions, then you’ll be more likely to continue engaging in these behaviors. And when you get caught, you’ll be less likely to learn from your mistakes.”

That last one is not an overactive reward system. It is a lack of a restraint system which makes the reward system into the only system driving the machine. “Faulty Brakes,” as they call it, is an amygdala deficiency. I shouldn’t need to point out how faulty brakes, AKA an unhinged reward-pursuing system, would be advantageous in an r-selected environment, where there are no consequences and the game is to consume and repro0duce as fast as possible, while covertly saddling competition with disadvantages and avoiding consequences for it.

So psychopaths are tailor-made for the r-selected environment.

Obviously, leftists have diminished amygdala volume too.

But what struck me were these passages:

At 11, Samantha is just over 5 feet tall and has wavy black hair and a steady gaze. She flashes a smile when I ask about her favorite subject (history), and grimaces when I ask about her least favorite (math). She seems poised and cheerful, a normal preteen. But when we steer into uncomfortable territory—the events that led her to this juvenile-treatment facility nearly 2,000 miles from her family—Samantha hesitates and looks down at her hands. “I wanted the whole world to myself,” she says. “So I made a whole entire book about how to hurt people…”

She tells me that she pretended to kill her stuffed animals.

“You were practicing on your stuffed animals?,” I ask her.

She nods.

“How did you feel when you were doing that to your stuffed animals?”


“Why did it make you feel happy?”

“Because I thought that someday I was going to end up doing it on somebody.”

“Did you ever try?”


But even at a very young age, Samantha had a mean streak. When she was about 20 months old, living with foster parents in Texas, she clashed with a boy in day care. The caretaker soothed them both; problem solved. Later that day Samantha, who was already potty trained, walked over to where the boy was playing, pulled down her pants, and peed on him. “She knew exactly what she was doing,” Jen says. “There was an ability to wait until an opportune moment to exact her revenge on someone.”

When Samantha got a little older, she would pinch, trip, or push her siblings and smile if they cried. She would break into her sister’s piggy bank and rip up all the bills. Once, when Samantha was 5, Jen scolded her for being mean to one of her siblings. Samantha walked upstairs to her parents’ bathroom and washed her mother’s contact lenses down the drain. “Her behavior wasn’t impulsive,” Jen says. “It was very thoughtful, premeditated…”

One bitter December day in 2011, Jen was driving the children along a winding road near their home. Samantha had just turned 6. Suddenly Jen heard screaming from the back seat, and when she looked in the mirror, she saw Samantha with her hands around the throat of her 2-year-old sister, who was trapped in her car seat. Jen separated them, and once they were home, she pulled Samantha aside.

“What were you doing?,” Jen asked.

“I was trying to choke her,” Samantha said.

“You realize that would have killed her? She would not have been able to breathe. She would have died.”

“I know.”

“What about the rest of us?”

“I want to kill all of you.”

Samantha later showed Jen her sketches, and Jen watched in horror as her daughter demonstrated how to strangle or suffocate her stuffed animals.

I look at that and I feel a leftist in her. I see that little girl, all grown up making a serious face, and talking sternly about how white culture needs to be eliminated, and how we need to import rapists, and people need to adjust to the new diverse environment with crime and Islamist violence, because this is how it should be. I see her smiling inside when pretty young girls are raped, and innocent grandparents are murdered, and nobody can go out at night for fear of being attacked. I see her frustrated when everyone in a homogenous, non-diverse society is happy and safe, and enjoying their lives. They aren’t denying migrant crime – they want it.

I think of these words in the above quote, “She knew exactly what she was doing,” Jen says. “There was an ability to wait until an opportune moment to exact her revenge on someone… Her behavior wasn’t impulsive. It was very thoughtful, premeditated…” That is what leftists are, and I suspect that is why they are doing what they are doing in Europe, and our Muslim enemies are only too happy to take advantage of these enemies within our gates.

I see this woman, who somebody just pointed to in the comments:

The left plays stupid, but I am increasingly convinced they know exactly what they are doing, and they are reveling in the pain they are inflicting. And I am increasingly convinced they are completely, inarguably pathological.

If the article is any indication, trying to repair the defect is futile.

Hopefully that will be recognized in the Apocalypse.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because there is no cure for conduct disorder with callous and unemotional traits in adults

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cuckservatives, Decline, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Narcissists, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Splintering, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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Cecil Henry
7 years ago

I never thought the left or equalitarians did not know what they are doing, even as a child.

Self-deception, the ability to lie for your advancement– while being unfazed by the dishonesty, is a very useful trait to exploit others.

The enemy of my enemy ….. comment image

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7 years ago

Women like this are only fit to be trapped and killed.

7 years ago

Samantha sounds like a future environmentalist. Still, it is shocking to realize children can behave that way. This isn’t damage or childhood trauma, nope. Some people are just born evil. And if both parents are liberal and/or narcissistic it seems psychopathic progeny would be much more common occurrence.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Yes, though I am thinking this could be more a brain deficiency rather than something learned. I also have a hard time seeing how somebody like this could ever fit in society. Even when they eventually learn to mask their more violent streaks, its still an unstable situation endangering everybody they come into contact with. Since this kind of violence is random, I can see how r-s would have no problem turning them loose on society though…

7 years ago

I am currently reading your book on narcissists (luckily just out of curiosity).
It seems to me that your definition of narcissists is slightly different from the other definitions found online. I get the impression as if you are working with a definition that is closer to psychopathy.
Could you maybe spend a few words on how you differentiate between narcissism and psychopathy?

7 years ago

With the recent swatting, no one in gaming has taken exploits, cheating, or hacks seriously, there was no public punishment for these behaviors which allow negative character traits to foment. Now that someone has died watching the responsibility be denied is appalling. But what did they expect since it was “only a game.” Games are practice…

There is a cultural problem at issue and it is about to get ugly–really, really ugly.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“whereas the psychopathic, callous unemotional kids keep going until they lose everything.”

This why they do stuff like 9-11 and cause false flags. They will continue to push until we kill them.

“…The left plays stupid, but I am increasingly convinced they know exactly what they are doing, and they are reveling in the pain they are inflicting. And I am increasingly convinced they are completely, inarguably pathological…”

I believe you are really, really, really wrong about this. Sure many are but a HUGE amount of Liberals and leftist are really sensitive people who want everyone to just get along and love each other. They may be wrong about human nature but they are good people. A lot of us here are hard assed but loving people even with all their faults in noble. Misguided maybe but it is not a sin. It’s something to aspire to among our own. Where it gets transferred to the World at our countries and families expense is where it goes wrong. A lot of them are Women who feel terrible when they see people suffering. Once again they may be a bit whacked in their inclinations and probably should narrow their affections but we want Mothers to be loving and caring. Even if they sometimes let their emotions cloud the truth. If they didn’t then who would love all the little brats in the world? Many kids go through a phase of complete selfishness. Only a loving Mother could put up with their nonsense. Now I’m obviously not talking about the little Satan in the article who we would be best to treat as the Mother did in the 1954 novel “The Bad Seed”. The Mother in the novel loved the child even then.(If you haven’t read the Bad Seed then…your missing out.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

”This why they do stuff like 9-11 and cause false flags. They will continue to push until we kill them.”

It affects both sexes. And they must be put down.