Is The Heroin Epidemic Terrorism?

An interesting question was asked on Free Republic, though you won’t find answers at the link:

Usually selling drugs is all about money. Drug dealers don’t care who they hurt just as long as they have a strong cash flow. One would think the the heroin epidemic is a case in point.

Looking at the data I find that over the past 15 years the supply of heroin has almost doubled. Over the past 20 years the price of heroin has fallen more than 50%. I also notice that Hezbollah has become a major drug trafficker and that it uses its profits for weapons.

Now this is all bad enough but a thought occurred to me and that is what if flooding the market with cheap heroin isn’t about just money but deliberately crippling and killing the youth of America? What if the goal is to disrupt American society in a fundamental way to render America a much weaker enemy?

I, for one don’t believe in coincidences. The heroin epidemic may just be an act of terrorism on behalf of the Iranian government.

The US has been protecting opium poppies in Afghanistan since at least 2010, and we see what that has done to heroin availability on our streets.

Again, I wonder about the Saudi princes who hated the US so much they used to finance Bin Ladin. Suppose you had an additional $100 billion a year you no longer could give to Al Qaida, but you still wanted to use it to lash out at the Great Satan. How would you spend it? Notice Hezbollah did help set up a pipeline for heroin into the US, and Obama’s administration appears to have cleared the way for it.

Plus, not only do you cripple and kill Americans, the money they give you can be funneled back into terrorism elsewhere.

Now think about how much Law Enforcement is diverted to the drug war, and away from securing the homeland from terrorism.

It will be interesting going forward, now that the God Emperor appears to have brought the Saudi Royal family into our fold. If the heroin epidemic was being funded by deep pockets in the House of Saud, and that funding has been cut off, watch for the heroin epidemic to abate dramatically in the coming years as what remaining supply is in the pipeline is delivered and disposed of.

Add in a wall as well as Border Patrol focusing all their efforts on interdicting vehicle loads, and domestic intel refocusing from Trump Tower and Mara Lago to the cartel kingpins in the US, and the drug war may end up being one more easy win scored by President Trump where everyone else had failed in the past.

Spread r/K Theory, because enemy attacks come in many forms

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7 years ago

“This is a political action. And the coke and the marijuana has been converted into a revolutionary weapon against the North American imperialism. The Achilles heel of imperialism are the stimulants of Columbia.”
– Carlos Lehder, Drug Kingpin

7 years ago

Cheap, powerful narcotics can be a potent weapon against an enemy nation, but the danger of blowback is great. A lot of workers are needed to grow, process, and distribute those drugs, and many will try them too, even if the penalty for doing so is death. Iranian and North Korean children, especially scions of the ruling class, are not immune to drug addiction. The Saudis try and fail to keep alcohol out of their kingdom, and heroin is much easier to smuggle.

7 years ago

If you think Hezbollah works with the Saudis you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. The idea that Hezbollah is behind the heroin epidemic is so deluded its hard to believe a serious person could believe. You want to know who is behind the opiate epidemic? It’s the Jewish Sackler family behind Purdue Pharma, the purveyors of the toxic drug behind used to genocide white Americans, oxycontin.

Reply to  Volk
7 years ago

When the jews can run their Pharma Empire they have no use for heroin smuggle operations. Also the Hezbollah always works with Sunnis against non-muslims. They trained Hamas fighters who are sunni, the Iran aided the Taliban who are sunni. And don’t talk about genocide when the whole act of murder depends on the actions of the vicitm taking drugs. Thats not a genocide, thats eugenics weeding out the weak drug addicts. The more drug addicts die the better.