Is Michael Flynn Now On A Secret Mission For Team Trump?

An interesting, if thinly sourced report:

An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing “multi-level” concerns after President Donald Trump abruptly “shadow moved” [?????] his National Security Director, General Michael Flynn, from the White House to the most powerful, and secretive, American spy agency known as the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)—and that occurred exactly 7 hours after General Flynn personally directed the US Department Of The Treasury to place immediate sanctions on Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El Aissami and his associate Samark José López Bello for them being international drug traffickers linked to the CIA, Islamic radicals and the Clinton Crime Family. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, nearly immediately upon President Trump taking power on 20 January, General Flynn, in his position as National Security Director, tasked one of the US militaries most secretive undercover intelligence officers, named Robin Townley [the SVR states this name is “not true” and there exists no photos or public information about this “operative”] to begin an investigation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and this spy organizations links to international drug cartels.

A lot of the Flynn affair did not make sense. Flynn was a professional, who would have known better than to discuss sanctions on a monitored embassy line and lie about it. The Russians would have known better than to illegally raise the issues of sanctions with a pending administration they were clearly hoping to establish good relations with. Combine that with the CIA denying a security clearance to Flynn’s top aide, despite him being the top aide to the next Director of the National Security Council, and add in Flynn’s prior criticism of the Agency, and this report begins to look at least plausible.

It brought to mind this old episode of Unsolved Mysteries, which implied the death of an accountant was related to a CIA/drug-cartel/organized-crime nexus:

I got up, went to the door and opened it and there was Chuck. He was missing a shoe and had one plastic handcuff around one ankle and a set around his hands. When he motioned to his throat, and didn’t say a word, I asked him, ‘Can you talk? Can you write?’ He shook his head, ‘yes,’ so I went and got a tablet and a pen. He wrote that his throat had been painted with a hallucinogenic drug and that the drug could drive him irrevocably insane or destroy his nervous system and kill him. I wanted to call a doctor and the police, but he was adamant that that would be signing a death warrant for the entire family.”

Over the next week, Ruth nursed her husband back to health. Before his voice returned, he began to hint to her that he had a secret identity as an agent for the federal government:

“He wrote, ‘They took my Treasury identification.’ That was the first I’d heard of it. Then he told me he had been working for them for about two or three years. And that was it…”

Chuck Morgan had done real estate escrow work for at least one mafia family, and possibly helped with the purchase of gold bullion and platinum, a more convenient way to launder money. Journalist Don Devereux investigated Chuck’s story:

“He was around the edges of a couple of very large organized crime groups in Arizona at that time. It was very easy to get in over your head, and I suspect that over the years, Mr. Morgan was in that kind of situation. He was doing, perhaps, upwards of a billion dollars of escrow work in bullion and platinum. These were transactions that only existed on paper. He was a straight businessman that probably got a little a too close to the flame.”

Ruth knew little of her husband’s work:

“Chuck mentioned to me once that there was money laundering going on, but nothing that he himself was involved in. He told me, ‘The less the girls and you know, the better off you will be.’”

After his kidnapping, Chuck took no chances. He wore a bulletproof vest and made sure he was the only one who drove his daughters to and from school. But two months after his first disappearance, Chuck vanished again…

Two days later, Chuck’s body was discovered. He was wearing his bulletproof vest and had died from a single bullet fired at close range into the back of his head. The bullet came from his own .357 magnum, which was lying beside him. The investigators also found a piece of paper with directions to the murder site written in Chuck’s handwriting, and a pair of sunglasses which definitely did not belong to him.

The police made one additional discovery. Chuck had clipped a $2 bill inside his underwear. Written on the bill were seven Spanish names, beginning with the letters A through G. Above them was the notation, “Ecclesiastes 12,” with the verses one through eight marked by arrows drawn on the bill’s serial number. This was the same Bible verse the mysterious female caller had given to Chuck’s wife. On the back of the bill, the signers of the Declaration of Independence were numbered one through seven, and there was a roughly-drawn map. The map led to an area between Tucson and Mexico, to the towns of Robles Junction and Salacity, both known for smuggling.

Despite the unusual evidence, many in the sheriff’s department believed Chuck’s death was a suicide. They claimed he had shot himself in the back of the head…

After her husband’s death, Ruth Morgan was visited by two men claiming to be from the FBI:

“They opened and closed their identification very fast. They said they wanted to come in and look through the house. They never said what they were looking for. And to this day, I don’t even know what they were looking for.”

The men tore the house apart, looking for something that they never found. Ruth was so upset she didn’t write down their names. No one knows for sure if the men really were from the FBI. Don Devereux contacted the FBI to get more information on the Morgan case:

“When I made a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI, they had never heard of Mr. Morgan, despite the fact that they obviously opened an investigation, despite the fact the FBI interviewed Mr. Morgan’s attorney. They were all over this thing like a blanket for a while. But now they’ve never heard of the guy. He never existed. No card, no file, no nothing.”

The episode then went into how the reporter looking into it almost got whacked himself, before another reporter in DC who thought it was related to CIA activities was bumped off:

On May 14, 1990, at 11pm, Doug Johnston left for work at a computer graphics company. An hour later, he was found shot to death in his car. He had been shot behind his left ear from a distance of at least twelve inches. At first, authorities believed that Doug’s death was a suicide. However, Doug was right-handed, there was no powder residue on his hands, and most importantly, there was no gun found at the scene. For unknown reasons, authorities have not determined that his death was either a suicide or a homicide. Doug Johnston had a similar house and drove a similar car to Don Devereux. Devereux lived across the street from the parking lot where Doug was killed. Devereux is a journalist whose work was allegedly a threat to mob figures in Phoenix. Devereux was also investigating the suspicious death of Charles Morgan…

In 1991, Devereux was contacted by a writer from Washington, D.C., named Danny Casolaro. Devereux agreed to share with Dan the information that he had uncovered about Charles’s money laundering. However, before Devereux could even mail his research, Dan Casolaro was found dead. Dan was found with his wrists slashed in a hotel bathroom. His death was ruled a suicide, but Devereux believes that Dan was murdered.

I will say this. The post-9/11 government domestic security machine is immense in ways nobody outside it would believe, particularly in urban areas and outlying suburbs. From what I have seen, there is no way, if that machine were unleashed in the drug war, that there would be any heroin or drug epidemic near any city. It is big enough that right now, from a standstill, I would think in six months it could go from zero to identifing 99.9% of all drug dealers, as well as assemble a complete flow-sheet of their hierarchies and relationships, tracing over 99% of the incoming drugs back to their original suppliers overseas and the exact paths they are taking to American streets. If you gave that intelligence to the shooters in the armed forces, I would think the majority of the drug war could be cut off at its source overseas covertly in six months or less. Mexico might not be happy, but who would care?

And yet the drug epidemic continues unabated. That the machine would seem to not be tackling that problem at all, and is even freely spending resources on other endeavors worthless to any LE objective would seem to indicate that the above report on Flynn being assigned to tackle an organized crime/CIA nexus would not be impossible. These are weird times, and I am not sure any of us has the cognitive flexibility to grasp out of hand what is really going on anymore. Things are just too outside our reality bias.

Clearly there are elements in intelligence who seem to have it out for President Trump. It is probably not a bad time to devote a moment or two here and there to pray for him and his safety.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because we are all afflicted with too much reality bias these days

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8 years ago

4chan ran a thread today purportedly from a Trump insider stating several things among them that Flynn is will be working with Trump in a new Role. Also they have the identities of the leakers and they come from orders up top. Heads will roll soon and they will give daily updates.

We’ll know soon enough…

Reply to  pandemoniumpiper
8 years ago


8 years ago

If the establishment has made little effort to limit illegal drugs, and indeed encouraged the states to de-criminalize them, then it follows that the establishment thinks a population that is stoned much of the time is easier to manipulate and control.

Jake Saga
8 years ago

Continuing our conversation from yesterday: yes, I am sure local LEO’s do what they can.
The deep, dark intel operations seem to have developed a way to cloak themselves from the immune system of the nation. This seems like a form of cancer. How can it not metastasize? Have you heard of Prof. James Fetzer? He did an interview some years ago with a Minnesota woman who investigated child trafficking in the state. She ended up being poisoned with arsenic in her water bottle. Her dog also poisoned. She survived, miraculously… the local LEO’s and even FBI started investigating, then BANG. Even the FBI stopped, told her/hinted it was stopped from above.

Jake Saga
8 years ago

Then nothing.
To me, this indicates that thus far, few local, state and even Federal law-enforcement have had the cognitive ability and will to stir the hornets nest. Maybe 99% of people just don’t have the guts to do it.
But as this cancer grows, it just won’t be able to be hidden much longer.
I suspect there will be a civil war of some kind, and that the dark intel people will be on the wrong side.

Jake Saga
8 years ago

Wow. It took some digging, but I found the link to the podcast on the woman who was poisoned. Her daughter threatened. House broken into, etc. for investigating child trafficking in Minnesota:

Her name: Mary Hartman
Interesting details for you, I think. I listened to this years ago. I wasn’t as awakened then, but I believed her at the time.

Prof. Fetzer is someone you could get a hold of via phone or Email or Fakebook. He’s very onto the patterns. He sometimes seems to see things that aren’t there, but he doesn’t miss much.

8 years ago

That “Octopus” stuff with Danny Casolaro is worth a post in and of itself.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

“…The deep, dark intel operations seem to have developed a way to cloak themselves from the immune system of the nation….”

The whole problem is they have “get out of jail free cards”. Take their cards away and the will very, very quickly lose power.