Reuters had an interesting poll page here.
If you go there, and look at the polling while limiting the pool of respondents to Republicans (click the Political tab on the left, and then click Republican), then you will see what you would expect. Donald Trump dominates with about thirty percent as everyone else hovers far below.
But if you eliminate that Republican filter, and open the pool up to all voters, out of all voters only around twenty five percent say they would rather not vote than support a Republican.
The poll samples at 60% Republican and 40% Democrat, but still, that makes you wonder – why are so many of those who would normally support Democrats pitching in to support one of the Republican candidates?
Some may be liberals trying to prop up Bush, but you have to wonder if the majority of the crossovers are moderates who normally support Democrats but who now support Trump, viewing him as an outsider unaffiliated with any party.
Is America really starving for a rugged outsider who will tell everyone in the system to go screw? Or is Donald a modern day Svengali drawing in the low-information rubes under his spell? Is it possible there is a vast swath of fad-following idiots and imbeciles, who are putatively assigned to the Democrat party because that is how they often vote, but who are actually so clueless as to defy ideological categorization? Has Donald managed to tap into them? Only time will tell.
GOPocalypse cometh™