Interesting Gangstalking/Domestic-Surveillance Videos

As long as we are here, documenting the decline for posterity, I stumbled on this youtube channel. The creator reports he is being hit with Directed Energy weapons which are causing heart palpitations in him, and he uses a phone app to document them. He also reports his house was vibrating with the energy and tries to film the door’s vibration to document it in another video. For the record, I had never seen his site before today, so he is independently reporting those descriptions of what is happening. I can personally vouch for both. I have seen a room, from the walls to the air, vibrate with a deep, low hum. You open a door or window, stick your head outside, and it is utter silence. Bring your head in and close it up, and the hum/vibration is incredible.

Here is some of the vehicle stuff he has seen. A hallmark of it is drive-bys as you head out and when you come back, something you would never see with regular Law Enforcement/intelligence surveillance:

I am on a far more isolated road with fewer houses, and I can get five or six cars when I go out if they are pissed about something. If it were not for this, I could expect one car per five to ten outings. The increasing reliance on cars may be a sign the program is transitioning more to mass-service of many people. Early iterations focused more on foot surveillance, and seemed to have more of a small team feel, as if they were just operating around the area of the target, and everybody was assigned to that one target:

If that team needed to hustle to pick up another target somewhere else, it would have been a mess as they tried to pick up all the foot operators and split, without the target seeing them.

More modern versions feel as if it is more spread out in zone coverage, and the cars are about being able to create a constant flow of different vehicle units by the target, which can be quickly reallocated to another target if the need arises. You still will have foot, especially where you land to go into a store, but on the road they will be static posted units, mostly posing as people sitting around, waiting at bus stops, sometimes begging. But the vehicular seems like the backbone, made to be more mobile. Gone is the small team feel.

Here he is in a building under construction with no electricity, and his EMF meter is off the charts, until he talks and makes it clear he is filming it for youtube, at which point it suddenly drops right on camera:

When you are under this, not a word gets by them. They are always listening.

I have no idea if that App is actually measuring EMF, but it is picking up some curious environmental alteration, and I can attest, there can be interesting environmental alterations.

This channel pretty much captures why I began using the term the “American Myth.” This dude just seems agreeable, especially for a guy for whom it seems, everyone he crosses paths with has allied in some sort of conspiracy against him, for no reason at all. And especially given he is physically degrading due to some sort of electronic harassment, he has been stripped of all privacy, his mailbox is being knocked over repeatedly, he is being hit with DE weaponry, his kids have to be exposed to it, and there is no recourse. And apparently they are using DCF to take his kids from him, using an account from one of the stalker’s kids claiming he is an abuser, and saying he is crazy because he thinks he is being stalked by some sort of organized group. It is one thing to single out a young single guy with a certain toughness, and do this to him. But this guy has a young son and daughter. Even worse, I have to wonder if some elite has decided his kids look pretty and they want them groomed and put into the pedophile system by getting them away from him, and the harassment is just to degrade him and his will and ability to resist as they move in. This is why I signed on to Q so early. Q is no joke. There are some seriously terrible things going on.

Notice also, he gets a lot of cop action. The natural tendency is to think this is the Police. It is not. I know a local cop, and they are not involved in this. I know another cop who even without knowing this was so bad, was pissed about all the running around it had them doing. When dealing with them, they are almost apologetic. They are, however, forced to do what they are told by this entity. My assumption is Bush put through some rule after 9/11 making all cops be completely subservient to federal agencies, and this has feds who pull weight for it. Cops generally like me when they meet me, and I have no problem going up to talk to them, so I think they don’t bother sending them around me because if they talked to me, they might get second thoughts about the orders they are getting. They may recruit a cop more directly, here or there, but I would bet money the cops in these videos have no idea what is going on with this guy or ho he is. They are just told to drive around to some place and sit for a bit before taking off. So if you are under this, do not believe the cops are responsible. I have zero doubt Miosotis Familia and Natalie Corona would have been aghast. And I will bet cops get as much coverage as you, though much more covertly.

It also captures why I view this as possibly, and maybe even likely, foreign in origin. This is a secret society doing things most Americans would not do. I could not do this to some random fellow American. I am exponentially happier where I am, than I would be on the other side. The only way I could see being able to do that is if I absolutely had to do it to foreigners/others, in order to save the life of a member of the Military. Even then, it would be morally troublesome, and I would bust ass as much as possible to not be seen, and minimize any disruption on the target. I also cannot see this secret being successfully kept, unless (((They))) feel as if (((We))) are their enemy and they are raised to believe it, to the point they will actually feel a burden to keep the secret from us even as children.

I am not sure how the Storm will deal with them. On the one hand, it would seem there will be too many of them to do anything, and it is not even clear many know what it is they are doing. On the other hand, if the Secret Society model is real, I am not sure how Trump and Q intend to prevent some of them from trying to put the band back together after the Storm passes.

Along these lines, this is an interesting video made by a guy who says that the energy weapons were active as he filmed it, and they seem to have created white dots on the objects in his apartment, and the dots were not dust.

It makes me wonder if those might be pinpoint nodes of constructive interference of some sort of energy waves, heating/molecularly-stimulating those objects at those points, creating increased IR emissions, or maybe some sort of fluorescence, that appears as white dots, revealing something about the tech. Those dots are just the points which happened to land exactly on the surface of those objects. Other pinpoint nodes would sit deeper within those objects, and still others would be hanging in the air. It is possible if each node lit up, that room would look like a Christmas tree. Obviously those nodes in the air would sit there, altering air pressures and temperatures, and creating air movement.

Most interesting is to look at the orb under the lamp turn from an orb into a ring as it moves through the air at 1:24, and another again at 3:01. I’d love to know the mechanism behind that. It is almost like the orb is some sort of small ball of compressed/cooler air being driven through the air, and as it passes through a pinpoint node, that pinpoint node suddenly expands and warms the center of the ball, and that suddenly warming/expanding center turns clear and expands, turning the ball into a donut, which keeps moving along that axis. Very cool to watch, not so much fun to have to deal with, because presumably that is happening in pinpoint nodes dispersed throughout his body, acting on his cells/DNA/etc. I also wonder if that ball could have been a small aerosolized droplet of something they were releasing into the air somehow, for some reason.

Things are heating up lately, even as funds may be running low, so I assume we are coming up on some sort of climax. On the one hand, it is not a pleasant period. But it is a historic one, and given this program was expanding, and I think most people would have eventually been forced to live in fear of it under Hillary, we are incredibly lucky to be witnessing this transition as the American Myth is turned into an American Mythos.

Go Q, and Go God Emperor.

Spread r/K Theory, because the time is nigh.

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6 years ago

Judging as a professional videographer, the things you are seeing in the video are not in the room as you think of them. Those are near microscopic (dust sized) and moving right in front of the lens (inches and fractions of an inch, not feet). The depth is an optical illusion from the movement, but they are right in front of the lens and light up in infrared.

6 years ago

Stalkers are a bunch of gay faggots and in Countries where SHTF is unavoidable (such as France and Germany) they will all get the rope they deserve.

Cheers AC, God with us!

6 years ago

[…] Source link 2019-02-17 16:02:20 […]

6 years ago

Could any of these phenomena have to do with fracking? We know it has caused earthquakes… The large trucks and the machines pumping millions of gallons of water under extremely high pressure could create unpleasant vibrations, even at a distance.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t be paranoid to some extent re TPTB, but I tend to have an Occam’s razor outlook. I think it might be hard to justify the amount of energy (time/human/material) in following individuals with (what I see as) little concrete threat potential. Just a thought.

6 years ago

“The creator reports he is being hit with Directed Energy weapons which are causing heart palpitations in him, and he uses a phone app to document them.”

How convenient that the phone app displays no units for the measurement. Neither are we let known what frequencies are being received nor their distribution – it’s merely a “field” that’s “0.50” strong.

Even more importantly, whatever band that app is using for its measurement, it has to be one the phone is designed to receive, such as WIFI, Bluetooth, 2G/3G/4G etc.. The signal is so strong that it causes tissue heating(!), but it won’t instantly fry his phone along with all other electronics in the house, or even cause service disruption for him and his neighbors? LMAO!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

But not me, because when I searched for evidence, none of it was sufficient to support your claim. A glorified compass app shows a unitless value go up by a tenth. Could it be stray signals? Naturally-occurring background noise? A transformer being turned on? Ferrous metals in the building or on his person, perhaps even in the camera? You haven’t even attempted to rule those out, or tried to show what values could normally be expected, versus what the readout for an energy weapon would look like. How do you come to a conclusion like that?

The experiments are not hard to perform either. A $500 wide-spectrum analyzer would light up like a Christmas tree when the megawatt signal came in from the alphabet agency. A glass of water with a thermometer in it would suffice: as the beam hit your bedroom, the temperature of the water would inevitably rise. It would be a slam dunk case, proof that you were right and I was wrong. Yet even such a simple experiment has not been performed by the TI community, and I suspect you don’t want to because of what the result would be.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Where have they shown it being done?

There are no direct sources. Nowhere does it say the people mentioned are behind the website or in any way endorse it. There is no individual or organization listed as officially running it – it’s just an anonymous write-up.

The copyright in the footer was last updated in 2017 for heavens sake.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Here’s how curious that video made me … I immediately went to the Google Play store and bought the pro version of the app (woo-hoo, 99¢!).

My reading is ~34; normal magnetic field of Earth is 30 – 60.

“The app gets real magnetic measurements directly from the sensor…If all readings are 000 it means that your device doesn’t have the magnetic sensor and this app can’t work without it.”

It can display Tesla or Gauss, along X, Y and Z axis. It’s probably about as reliable as a divining rod, but who knows?

6 years ago

Oh my gosh! You said everything I was thinking and helped me see the local law enforcement (for the most part) as unwilling participants. Last speeding ticket I got I was treated with professionalism. You are right I can’t wrap my head around what to do with the local perps. There are just to many to put in the jail system. I feel they are committing treason and crimes against humanity, no matter how small the offense. As far as the energy, I will put this idea out there without research first, I immediately thought of thorium, that is mentioned on the website. The word you used, orb is what brought that to mind.

6 years ago

I have watched these videos a couple times and don’t know what to make of them. The second is inexplicable. The first video, the one with the family car pulling into the driveway, clearly documents a man/family being watched and intimidated. Now, AC, put yourself in his shoes. If you walked over to the car and took an image of the license plate, wouldn’t you be troubled if the car didn’t move away? If the driver was doing something “irregular” I would think he’d be worried about being seen, let alone identified: although that car eventually drove off, its driver wasn’t in much of a hurry. And why didn’t the family man walk over to the side of the car, bend down, and take a video of the driver within? Intimidation works two ways, no?

How should an innocent citizen react?

Gathering information seems like a good first step, but obviously, in this case, the driver wasn’t worried about being identified which suggests he believes he’s immune to consequences. One could set up cameras with streaming images and then give these images to … whom? Information is only as valuable as the willingness or ability to utilize it.

Again, what would you have done (and what should we do in such a circumstance)?

Be safe and thank you for taking the time to write this blog.

Reply to  K
6 years ago

They want only the targets to see them to intimidate and have plausible denability, so if you call it out YOU will look like the crazy one.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

I saw the Trump video for “Everybody Hurts”. Seemed like some good lulz and keks, twisting the shiv into the Democrats. Then I went and watched the original REM video for the song. Completely different message. I think Trump was holding out an olive branch to Cabal. Telling them not to worry, don’t commit suicide, he’s going to unite the country and they can still be included. Get out of the dark place they are in and rejoin humanity.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

So the Democrats tears in the video are tears of relief… amygdala relief.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

I don’t think that is the case and Q is saying that it won’t be that way.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 years ago

Right. But offering them a little amygdala relief (and a chance to repent) makes it all the more devastating when he squeezes it next time. Keeps them off balance, stops their amygdala from adapting.

6 years ago

“But the vehicular seems like the backbone, made to be more mobile. Gone is the small team feel.”

Bring back artisanal gangstalking!

6 years ago

Health issues and vibrations are likely due to infrasound device.

6 years ago

To what extent are job openings and homes available on the market, let alone who ends up buying them, under the purview of the Cabal? Would it have been beyond their influence or control to ensure such-and-such moves here, so-and-so gets that job, even outside their mouthpieces?

If they can conduct surveillance like this, how hard would it be to guide troublesome individuals into a job or a part of the country where they are effectively neutered? Where what they can do, their inherent skills and abilities, are contained so that they cannot become a hindrance?

How many K-strategists *have* been drowned in resources to ensure they don’t go too far off the reservation?

How expensive would it be to sustain a low-tech community of folks who “just want to be left alone”?

Is there any slice of human experience where absolutely nobody participates because of status?

Questions, questions, always more questions.