Intellistreets Lampposts – Funded by DHS, Can Record Video, Conversations

This is not some one-off project. This is a small part of a very comprehensive program by the federal government to buy with federal grants, a level of environmental awareness within America that has very few peaceful and legitimate purposes in a free society. In Britain and the Netherlands, they are fitting lightposts like these with X-ray scanners capable of undressing passing citizens.

My guess is the primary use will be to give the powers that be the power of blackmail and destruction over as many people as possible. If you are here, there is a high likelihood your name has a file they hope to fill with blackmailable material.

I will guarantee you, if this went for fifty years, some day a potential candidate for office somewhere will be confronted with the video of him soliciting a hooker when he was 20, on spring break in Vegas. He will be told to either drop out of the race, or sign his autonomy over to the machine. I have always suspected every brothel in Vegas had enough video rolling to act as a movie studio.

There is a tendency to think that this is only being installed in cities, or high population density areas. There is a tendency to think that the chances of it alighting on you, or of some bored technician deciding to listen to what is going on in your home is unlikely. I suspect those would all be erroneous assumptions. If it makes it to your street, it will record the raw feeds 24/7, and they will pry into your life at some point, “Just to see what’s going on.” And it will make it to your street.

Think about it. Bill Clinton was by many reports, a drug using rapist with enough illegalities afoot to produce several life sentences. Obama was by many reports a gay crack-head known in the Chi-town bathhouse circuit (I saw a listing linked way back for Barry Soetero on an STD website, listing him as a gay black, and saying he was infected with HPV and Herpes). Hastert was reportedly a pedophile. Gingrich an adulterer. Larry Craig appears to have sought out gay sex encounters in bathrooms. Throw a dart at Congress and you’d hit someone like Gary Condit who reportedly had the semen of three different men in his bed when authorities checked due to Chandra Levy. Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Anthony Weiner – is it all coincidence? Are all our leaders moral reprobates by chance? Or might it be by design? The only ones who aren’t, like George W Bush, probably have a giant tattoo on their back of the illuminati pyramid with the eye on top.

Keep your nose clean, and never assume “they” are not watching, recording, and keeping detailed records. Because today, increasingly they are.

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9 years ago

Two things

1. like George W Bush, probably have a giant tattoo on their back of the illuminati pyramid with the eye on top

I’m so sad to read that. Not because I didn’t already believe it, but because I have been trying for a long time not too. I wanted to think well of him.

Keep your nose clean, and never assume “they” are not watching, recording, and keeping detailed records. Because today, increasingly they are.

Well, if we are going to be honest with ourselves, there are two parties who are watching.

God, and those who I will call the “Nimrodians” as they have deluded themselves into thinking they are capable of opposing Him much like the infamous warlord who introduced warfare and tyrrany to mankind.

So I think that this surveillance is in a real way a blessing. Because our generation is weaker than the previous ones, it is harder for us to conceive that God is capable of knwoing and hearing everything, down to anticipating our thoughts. I believe that one of the reasons He has allowed this atrocity to occur is so we can take pause, experience the matter before us, and apply the same concept to God.

It is much like everything else in life. For example, I have no children, but I am given to understand that once a man has a child, his understanding of how God looks at him changes dramatically.

These Nimrodians wish to pretend to be God. But they aren’t. When all is said and done, their knowledge, however vast relative to us, is nothing. It’s air. And no matter how much pain and agony and confusion they can inflict on us, which I assume is considerable, it is not eternal.

But God is eternal. His rewards and punishment are absolute. He sees, hears, and understands everything. And there is no escape from him. So maybe the point of this is that we have a choice. We can either choose to deepen our fear and love of God which is our entire life’s real work, or we can be forced to fear and “love” a bunch of silly cruel men.