In-grouping, Blacks vs Hispanics

Blacks are turning on illegals

Temple, who now lives in the Hawthorne area of Los Angeles, was protesting the council’s recent decision to appoint two illegal aliens to city commissions…

“Please do not tarnish the name of black slaves by comparing them to your plight. There’s no comparison. None.

Black slaves did not break into this country, okay. They were brought here against their will. Also, black slaves are not immigrants. Immigrants are people with a choice, they come here by choice. Black slaves didn’t have choice.

That’s offensive to me because I’m a descendant of a black slave…

This country has been good to illegal immigrants. You have been given jobs, houses, tax money, free tax money, welfare, Social Security, they open up business for you guys, et cetera.

None—I don’t know of any illegal aliens who have been hung from a tree. I don’t know of any of them illegal aliens who have dogs been sicced on. So that’s very offensive for you to sit up here and allow these people to say that and get away with it. Things that people are going to feel sorry for. That’s very offensive, OK? Do the right thing.

My people get three strikes… My people commit a crime, they go to jail. You people commit a crime, they get amnesty. It is wrong…

And we’re not going to have it. We’re not going to have a set of laws for you people and a set of laws for us.

This will become amplified as the economic situation deteriorates. One winner?

She added that she supports Donald Trump “a hundred percent.”

Turn leftist constituencies on each other, and you will make the enemy of your enemy your friend.

Trump cometh.

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9 years ago

“I don’t know of any illegal aliens who have been hung from a tree. ”

So far