Importing the Muslim Risk

It is doubtful the risks Japanese Americans posed during WWII were worse:

More than eight-in-ten American Muslims say suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilian targets are never justified (81%) or rarely justified (5%) to defend Islam from its enemies. Worldwide, most Muslims also reject this type of violence, with a median of 72% saying such attacks are never justified and 10% saying they are rarely justified. Just 1% of U.S. Muslims and a median of 3% of Muslims worldwide say suicide bombings and other violence against civilian targets are often justified, while 7% of U.S. Muslims and a global median of 8% of Muslims say such attacks are sometimes justified to defend Islam.

Given 2.75 million Muslims in the US, that is 375,000 Muslims admitting that they would consider suicide bombing. No word on how the numbers surge if you ask whether they would support a mass shooting or sniping attack that didn’t kill a Muslim.

Britain isn’t much better off:

1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihadis

NEARLY one in five British Muslims has some sympathy with those who have fled the UK to fight for IS in Syria.

The number among young Muslims aged 18-34 is even higher at one in four.

These are the r-ified numbers, with free welfare, no conflict, and a rabbitized coddling of the Muslim population’s ego. Let the collapse hit and the money dry up, let some non-Muslims do some widely publicized incidents of violence on Muslims or mosques to amp up threat, and then let the rabbits in the Muslim populations fan the flames, and they will in-group. As they do, expect Muslim areas to become no-go zones, out of which will flood Muslim criminals. They will seize resources from non-Muslims nearby and carry them back into the no-go zone, which will protect the criminals to protect their economy. Of course within that environment will incubate the radicals who just want to destroy all non-Muslims, and nobody in those no-go zones is going to stand up to them.

Given that, it is impossible to see the drive to import more Muslims, and not view it as a clear and present danger to the United States.

Apocalypse cometh™

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[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]