Immigrants Wage Devastating War On Women

Jobs shock: 100% of female employment gains taken by foreigners since 2007

All of the employment gains among women since the recession hit in December 2007 have been taken by foreigners, even at a time when the numbers of U.S.-born women surged more than 600,000, according to new federal statistics.

The jobs data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed gains in the “employment level” among “foreign born women” and losses among “native born women.”

The charts show that 9.041 million foreign-born women held jobs in December of 2007 compared to 10.028 million today – or a gain of roughly 1 million jobs.

In contrast, 59.322 million U.S.-born women held jobs in December of 2007 compared to 59.258 million today – or a loss of nearly 64,000 jobs.

Even though the employment numbers are probably all conjured bullshit, it is still pretty shocking even if only half true.

As K-selection approaches and rabbit amygdalae go into overdrive, it will be come easier and easier to set these little neurotics on each other, since everybody will be short on resources, and nobody does “bitter-envy” like a rabbit. As they fight, the nation becomes more K.

It should also be noted women will tend to weigh beta-provider game more heavily, which is in line with K-selection, where mere survival is a demonstration of fitness as a mate. I am convinced K-strategists are the ones who need to learn game because in their mind women should just be impressed by their survival and their provisioning capability. Only in r-selection, where survival is assured for everyone, must guys learn to present themselves in a way so as to stand out from the crowd.

Not that game doesn’t work in K-selection, just that it is not innate to K-strategists, because in evolution it was not part of their plan. Survive in the coming K-selection and run game, and you’ll be a double threat.

Apocalypse cometh™

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