Immigrants Commit Crimes At Double The Native Rate

Not surprising:

The report, from the Crime Prevention Research Center, used a previously untapped set of data from Arizona that detailed criminal convictions and found that illegal immigrants between 15 and 35 are less than 3 percent of the state’s population, but nearly 8 percent of its prison population. And the crimes they were convicted of were, on the whole, more serious, said John R. Lott Jr., the report’s author and president of the research center. His findings also challenge the general narrative that immigrants commit fewer crimes. Those past studies usually don’t look at legal versus illegal populations, …. Mr. Lott said the Arizona data is able to peek behind that curtain, and the differences between the populations were stark.

Among nearly 4,000 first- and second-degree murder convictions, undocumented immigrants accounted for nearly 13 percent — significantly higher than their percentage of the population. Legal immigrants, by contrast, were less than 1 percent of convicts. Native-born made up the rest. Undocumented immigrants also accounted for five times the rate of convictions for money laundering and kidnapping, and were three times more likely to be convicted of drive-by shootings.

Not surprising if you know r/K. Committing crime is a time-preference and group-morals issue. If you have a short time-preference, and low group-cohesiveness/morals, then taking free resources from an old lady who can’t resist, or enjoying the relatively free resources of drug dealing will be the only life you are designed to lead. After all do rabbits have any rules within the fields about who eats when or how? Do wolves have any rules within the packs?

Migrant populations are high in carriage of long form DRD4 alleles that predispose to r-selected psychologies. As a result migrants, especially those moving for economic wealth rather than freedom or reduced government, will tend to be r-strategists, and thus they will gravitate to these behaviors.

It is something future generations need inculcated into them, if they are to maintain the K-status of their people. Borders existed for centuries for a reason. Migrants were poison to societies.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because K is all that matters.

This entry was posted in Betrayal, Cuckservatives, Decline, DRD4, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Just look at military service rate among DACA recipients, there are around 800 out of 800,000. Then look at military service among upper-middle class Whites. The rate is over 15 times the DACA rate. That multiple increases even more moving down the socio-economic ladder. What a privilege.

Robert What?
7 years ago

Only double?

7 years ago

Why couldn’t urban areas be rabbit death traps? Let the abundant resources be bait only to end up culled.