If Trump’s Staff Reads This


If it happened exactly as they said, so be it. If not, heads should roll, and something should be done so it never happens again. A guy like that should be off limits.

If it wasn’t innocent but he can’t do anything, have him leak names and IDs of who was responsible through some unattached third party.

And if you have no idea what this is about, show it to Trump anyway because he will know, and he may want to use this for Propaganda at some point in the future.

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6 years ago

Who do you think made CBS cover it? To quote Q,

Who made it public?
Who really made it public?
Who is making it all public?

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

I wonder if you have the right link. What’s linked is “How IEDs may be physically causing PTSD”. It doesn’t exactly match what you’re talking about.

6 years ago

I’m so tired of this crap. I want all of these bastards crimes to be front page news for the next 100 years. I want ALL of their crimes exposed. Not hide part of it Q says. Everyone in my family thinks i’m a fricking nut job.

Everything must be shown. The guy got his face blown off for a cabal war….he shouldnt be fighting in the first place. And then gets off’d because he sets up a successful charity. These bastards need to be piked.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Thanks for the pep talk. Appreciate it.

I’m just impatient for the IG Report to drop. The whole Q phenomenon is really similar to the CMKX diamonds talk. A lot of us got hopes up and were crushed as it all just fell apart. This appears to be linked to that “conspiracy”. It has all the same players. This has been going on longer than anyone knows, at least since the fed was created….

6 years ago

It would make no sense for the Cabal to push this story now. At best, they might prime people with the idea that brain injury sometimes makes people think the CIA is out to get them; but if the Cabal ran this story for that purpose, it is guaranteed to backfire on them.

Here are photos of the charity’s current leadership (some have joined since 2015; some probably left too): https://archive.is/2hzIC

Some of them look like they have disgust face.

6 years ago

Not completely sure what to make of this, but his own family said they thought he was paranoid/insane.

6 years ago

Are you sure that is the right link? Doesn’t make sense.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“I’m vaguely bothered 2 here, on this small a site, immediately knew.” Between Q and your blog posts, the pattern was easy to recognize. Selection bias among your reader population contributes.

6 years ago

I read the whole article. About Brian killing himself years after an IED. And I didn’t get your angle of concern over it.

Reply to  Gareth
6 years ago

He ran successful charity that helped veterans and the Cabal had him killed for it. The brain trauma angle is gaslighting a future reason to get rid of any veterans that suffer IED. Brain trauma can cause problems but it be more prominent in year or two from the initial IED injury.

6 years ago


White Guy
White Guy
6 years ago

I see it. IT BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN what was going on, Lord willing the man was just severely injured. If not, then I bet Q knows, I hope he releases the ‘hounds’ if true.

6 years ago

I knew a guy once who was a Vietnam Vet – Special Forces. The hell he had suffered through was unbelievable. Despite the passage of time, he pretty much was unable to readjust. I liked him, but was under no illusions that he had the capability to be a hardened killer. He hated the VA shrinks with a passion. He used to tell me that they were there to “fuck up his mind further “ and to make him worse off. If he refused the meds they gave him, he was ineligible for his disability payments. He hated the drugs and shrinks so bad, that he eventually gave up both and pretty much lived this unconventional life in a cabin in the woods with a wolf-hybrid as his companion. With no benefits ( b/c he refused the shrinks) he lived a life of abject poverty. Its bad enough these poor guys are sent off to fight useless wars but when they come back they are treated like dirt and many have weird Mengle like experiments performed on them by dark op CIA agents working within the VA. Its truly horrific and evil.
Hasten your coming Lord Jesus….that true justice might be served!

6 years ago

[…] got mental healthcare near where he grew up, and Banner is about three miles from his home. Also note, the post where I complained about this first, somebody came on and said he didn’t know what I was talking about. Then he proceeded to […]