Hungary is In-grouping, and Securing its Border

Hungary is In-grouping, and Securing its Border

Despite international protests, Hungary has begun building a huge anti-migration fence along its 175-kilometer (109 miles) border with Serbia. Some 900 soldiers are involved in the project using materials provided by inmates.

Hungary’s government says it is crucial to stem the flow of migrants choosing the Balkans route to reach Europe as an alternative to the dangerous boat trips that have killed many.

In tropical temperatures, troops managed to erect the first part of the four-meter-high (13 feet) fence. They arrived in armored vehicles turning the area into a war zone. Several police officers are also in the neighborhood, adding to a frightening atmosphere for refugees.

Some were lucky. A group of Afghans arrived in a nearby village just before the fence appeared. “It was a long journey. We went through Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and now Hungary. We are going to Germany. Germany is beautiful,” he tells Vatican Radio.

The influx of refugees has created new challenges for Morahalom’s Szent László Catholic Church, explains priest Balász Jó. “An elderly priest met refugees during Mass. They were crying for bread. He was accompanying them to a shop to buy food for them,” Jó recalls. “But we are limited in our resources.”

However if it’s up to Morahalom Mayor Zoltán Nógrádi if the ruling Fidesz party not more refugees will enter the town, and the church. “You realize that more than 2.5 million people are on the move in the Balkans towards the European Union,” he says.

As resources constrict, r-strategists are programmed to migrate to areas of freer resource availability. At the same time, the populations in the lands they head to will grow more K, and less welcoming of outsiders. It is no coincidence that all over the world, we are now seeing waves of desperate migrants, and populations they are migrating toward who are simultaneously growing less tolerant. This is the earliest stage of K-selection, as economies begin to contract, and parts of the populations begin to feel it.

When you add in that many of these migrants are Muslim, you see where this leads.

Apocalypse cometh.

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9 years ago

[…] Hungary is In-grouping, and Securing its Border […]

9 years ago

Imagine being a lemming. The population in your area has just exploded and stripped the land of edible vegetation. You must now flee to escape starvation. To stay at the leading edge of the migratory wave, you must travel at maximum speed in a straight line away from your birthplace. If water blocks your path, jump in and start swimming even if you can’t see the other side. If it’s the ocean, who knows, you might reach a lush green island before your legs cramp up and you become fish food.

9 years ago

There is a slow and steady migration of the natives out of these immigrants preferred destinations also, which means the native populations are being replaced one family at a time. In a hundred years time the Islamic flag will fly over 10 Downing St, without a single shot being fired.