HRC Video FrazzleDrip Drops On Darkweb

What is known is a video is reported to have dropped on the Darkweb called Frazzledrip, supposedly showing Hillary and Huma molesting a prepubescent girl and cutting her face as part of some ritual. It is reportedly quite graphic, though alleged screencaps of innocuous parts appear to be in night-vision style, and somewhat hazy. It had previously been reported there was a video on Weiner’s laptop that supposedly made NYPD Detectives want to vomit, though we have no idea what that was. I have no searched out the video, just because if it features the molestation of a child, it is a crime to view, and if it is not related to Hillary that is a needless crime committed.

What we do not know is if this is a real video, or if it is the NYPD video, or even if it is related to Hillary. There is a rumor it was a product of a Russian troll farm, but that is exactly the rumor I would expect to be spread if the real video dropped, or if Cabal operators thought the real video dropped. But my gut says this is probably not the real video. These things sort themselves out, so we will see. [Ed Note: Since writing this, Q-anon has said this Frazzledrip video is fake, but there is a real video of something which is under Trump/Mil-Intel’s control, and several anonymous sources claiming to be NYPD have said there was a video of Hillary molesting an underaged female on Weiner’s laptop.]

What is interesting about the whole thing is that one, people are showing up all over Reddit, Voat, and the Chans posting to everyone that downloading or viewing the video is a federal offense, and you will be prosecuted, so for your own protection, do not click on anything purporting to be it.

On the Chans, as fast as articles go up about the video, they are deleted, and several users have reported being banned from posting after posting a thread or commenting on it. You can find articles on 4Chan about Frazzledrip on google, and when you click to view them, they are already taken down.

From what I am seeing somebody has a pretty well organized pre-planned operation that has been on a hair trigger just in case something like this dropped. Claim it is a Russian video, claim it was AI fake-porn featuring Hillary’s head on another person’s video, remind everyone they are not allowed to look at it legally without risking arrest for child porn, and delete everything discussing it as fast as you can. Q is right, all the releases of information up until now, from the “Russian interference” meme to AI fakeporn, have been convenient for the Cabal if something like this should happen to come out.

I assume this is not the real video, based on the fact the internet is still up. If the internet goes down, then all bets are off. Then I would assume it is the real deal, the internet will be down while they try to comb through it and delete all references to the video and all copies, find where it came from, and track down whoever downloaded it so they can take them out too. Once they are done, the web will come back online, and they will hope for the best.

That the web has not gone down may point to this initial video being a disinfo preparation by Cabal for any potential real video, which they might think is imminent for some reason. If this is shown to be fake, then in two or three days when the real video comes out, it will be conflated with the fake video in the minds of everyone, thereby blunting the emotional response to the real video and allowing Democrats to dismiss the real one as the one that was shown to be fake.

That the disinfo actors and mods on the alt-right boards self-activated to shut this video down without knowing if it is real might confirm that much of the Cabal is a set-it-and-forget it conspiracy. Everyone knows they are serving something bigger than them, and they try to serve its interests as best they can, but they do so on their own initiative, without ever getting explicit orders. They were not read in on the pre-release of a fake, so they self-triggered in response to this as if it were the real deal.

Q has said to back everything up and expect the internet to go down, so I assume that will be the sign we have the real one. Judging by what I see out there, I think it very likely some sort of video exists, and the Cabal has extensive plans ready to go in the event it comes out.

And whatever it is, judging by the response it is probably more horrific than anything else we have seen to date, and it will likely have the ability to break the Cabal’s spell. Pizzagate may very well seem tame compared to the truth. My guess is that until Trump, you didn’t get to be President unless the Cabal owned you totally. I can only imagine what you had to do on video to make them entirely sure of that. And with a nasty sadist like Hillary, I have little doubt she’d do anything.

If only we can get whatever it is in front of people when it comes out.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because literally anything is possible today

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6 years ago

The paranoia runs deep in you, good sir.

That is very, very good. We all might need the extra dose of uber-awful reality your speculation delivers. Thanks for making us all think.

6 years ago

The freedom of speech is a strong freedom with very few exceptions. For CP to be illegal it must fail the following test. “Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.” If this video contains serious political value it is constitutionally protected speech and it would be legal to to possess share distribute view sell or do anything with you can do with any non CP content.

6 years ago

Now it all makes sense, why HRC visits India now and then, which is perhaps the origin country of her beloved aide Huma. And, yes, sick rituals are carried out in India, do research on that. Who’d know, Huma could be HRC’s “Sick Ritual Guru”. Honest people in the govt must seriously investigate about this issue, and the relationship between HRC, Huma and India and other Mid-Eastern countries.

Reply to  Mary
6 years ago

You fucking idiot! First of all, India is not part of the Middle East. It is South Asia. Secondly, it is well known that Huma Abedin is SAUDI ARABIAN and a Muslim. She is not a guru. LOL. Thirdly, what “sick rituals” in India are you referring to? Have you been there? Do you have any clue what you are talking about, or just have some vendetta against India?

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

FACT CHECK: *Abedin is of Indian descent*

*At the age of two, Abedin moved with her family to Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)* (She was not born in Saudi Arabia ?)

“India *AND* other Mid-Eastern countries” (Never mentioned India is a Mid-Eastern country)

Yes, Huma is considered as Aide and Personal Advisor (GURU meaning Teacher, Advisor, Instructor in Sanskrit, Hindi)

Resources on Human Sacrifice Rituals carried out in INDIA:

Please do research for more evidences.

* The only thing you were right about your defending statement was “Huma is a Muslim”

I feel sorry for you. But you tried so hard to defend your beloved country, Huma, Hillary and yourself and failed. But do fact check and have evidences before defending, or you will regret and feel disappointed.

India is a great nation for lot of its facts, but it’s people keep covering up the facts only makes it less greater.

God Bless You. God Bless America.

wikileaks ZTE
wikileaks ZTE
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Vacation of course and her pal Weinstein lets her view movies pre-release date thay he sends while she is on vacation according to her emails on wikileaks.

Reply to  Mary
6 years ago

Here is why your comments pissed me off. They come off as ignorant and racist.

First of all, yes their family are ethnically Indian, but they have adopted a foreign culture and are Saudi nationals who have fully embraced Islam and even its more extreme elements of jihad, etc. She spent almost no time in India and is basically a Saudi. Technically I was not wrong. If you want to look at a people who are much more often sexually and martially deviant, look no further than the Saudis.

Secondly, I have been to India 8 times. I am a white American, yet was raised in a Hindu tradition. If you knew how incredibly large the Indian population is, you would realize that these incidents are statistical anomalies, likely occurring even less often than in many other countries. Yes, I am aware that in pagan societies (and frankly Abrahamic ones too), sometimes certain cults go south and resort to the deepest darkest aspects of their past, but again this is such a rarity that it is laughable you paint this as if it is a norm.

Your use of the term “guru” is incorrect. You are using it in a colloquial sense that has no meaning in the country of origin. People do not call their “advisors” gurus in India. This is a flip of the term the West has created. Only spiritual teachers with an direct bond to students are given this title.

I feel sorry for you because of your deep level of ignorance. Your disparaging insinuations about a gigantic nation with thousands of different cultures do not hold true.

I hate Hillary and Huma. Let’s clear that up now.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

You are an idiot.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Spiritual teachers, such as someone who performs rituals. Not all spiritual gurus are good people.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Now that this person gave you the source to her comment… You are now using an excuse to cover up your own ignorance.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Quit acting like a snowflake, if you revert to snowflake ray you’ve already lost the argument. Facts don’t care about your feelings

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago


Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Sounds like your the idiot!! Not only a idiot a flaming liberal idiot!!

Reply to  Mary
6 years ago

Also, it appears that you didn’t notice that several of the links you posted are referring to the same story. Look into the Thuggees. You will be able to lay most of these crimes at their feet. It is ignorant to call what are basically a satanic lawless mafia cult anything close to the norm in India. OK? Ironically this cult became their murderous once they merged with Islam.. so isn’t that interesting.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom

Reply to  Mary
6 years ago

One final comment from me.

I read all of these links and reports. I even dug a little deeper than you did. I guess you are not aware that Tantric religion is considered extremely taboo in most of Indian society, both by Hindus and Muslims, even the more tame stuff to an extent. So I am not particularly shocked that this very minor tradition in India has some crazy backwards adherents.

I did the numbers. The highest estimate was 2500 people killed in a 10 year period. Let’s be generous and make that double, just to stay safe. In fact, let’s double it again. Let’s say 10k people were killed in human sacrifice in India in the last 10 years. 10,000/1,324,000,000 = 0.000755287009063 % of the population. I bet you anything the percentage is higher even in the US of A. So, long story short, I don’t think your weird prejudice against Indian culture is really warranted.

Rosalee Martinez
Rosalee Martinez
Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

10 percent of one billion is 100 million so don’t try toake it look like 10 percent of over one billion people sacrificing humans isn’t an EXTREMELY LARGE amount of HUMANS sacrificed because even the original 2.5 percent you originally quoted is too many HUMAN sacrifices you fucking psycho!

Kyle Burris
Kyle Burris
Reply to  Rosalee Martinez
6 years ago

It isn’t 10% and I didn’t say 10% you epic fucking moron.

Kyle Burris
Kyle Burris
Reply to  Rosalee Martinez
6 years ago

Apparently you don’t know what 10k is or 2.5k. Aka 10,000 or 2,500 people. The original claim was 2,500 people in ten years, meaning 250 people a year on average in a population of 1,324,000,000. Again, in a country that size it is such a small percentage as to be extremely statistically anomalous. Learn math or STFU.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago


Reply to  Mary
6 years ago

Very good come back Mary. Thank you for your info and time. Research is very important some people will just never get that.

Reply to  Dawn
3 years ago

I agree, good come back. Kudos to Mary.

Reply to  Dawn
3 years ago

I agree, good come back. Kudos to Mary.

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago


Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

And that my friend is how the grapes are squashed

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Daaaaamn!!!! Sorched Earth! You’re the shit!

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Bravo. That was how you handle business 😆

Nancy Gorrow
Nancy Gorrow
Reply to  Mary
3 years ago

Great reply….slam dunk

Beijing yank
Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

I don’t recommend you visit the Indian temple dedicated to rats.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

U got owned like a slave

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

dang, mary smaacked you around like a red headed step child

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Another stupid idiot. Huma Abedin is Palestinian not from KSA.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Geez you sure are touchy!

Whoa DJ
Whoa DJ
Reply to  Mary
5 years ago

Well, the government obviously knows. The CIA and many other whistleblowers have come clean About child sex trafficking. It goes much deeper than that

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Huma is middle eastern not indian dude but I know what u mean.

6 years ago

Things seem to be getting to the point where the video will drop as Q has said on 8Chan. On Conservative Treehouse, Sundance links to Tracy Beanz (she used to follow Q at one point). Her Twitter feed links a section of Comey’s new book to unreleased material found on the laptop by the NYPD. It appears to have been covered up by Loretta Lynch, basically by threats over the death of another person. Complicated business……

Another change of perspective from Q. It wasn’t Scalia that LL was to replace. He says HRC would have appointed someone else (who?), then Ruth Ginsberg would step down and LL would step up to get her reward at the Supreme Court (for suppressing the video). Memes spreading about the Tarmac meeting.

6 years ago

Much of the internet, including twitter, was reported to be down yesterday, just sayin’. As for the video, maybe it’s Cabal just knowing certain types won’t be able to resist. Embedded in the file is malware, deep planting of ‘proof’ of your ‘crimes’, to be hauled out on you at a time of your inconvenience, something like that.

I used to really believe that ‘Two Girls, One Cup’ was the Internet Age’s snipe hunt. As the video rolls, I’m still convinced that at the last second, they look at the camera and say ‘psych!’. No such luck. As for the Shrillary video, maybe legit, maybe not. Assume it is, and set aside legalities, but realize this, as I learned with TGOC, some things once seen, cannot be unseen.

Mary, I think Huma is Egyptian.

John Morris
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Nah, don’t worry about the cops brah. If they can penetrate your (one presumes) sensible safe surfing precautions I really don’t think a cop will be showing up at your door. You will wish it were only a cop wanting to put you in general population as a child porn junkie.

Reply to  bikermailman
6 years ago


Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

Two Girls One Cup. If you don’t know, don’t look for it. It’s no snipe hunt, it’s depraved. Again, you can’t unsee some things.

Reply to  bikermailman
4 years ago

I saw 2 g one c whwn teen. Disgusting yes. But not what near as evil as this if true

anne harris
6 years ago

NYC Police Officers have come forward to say the heinous tape made them vomit and cry. It will surface if it’s out there. And it’s authenticity can be easily proved. Woe to those that abuse God’s innocent.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

why not just make a recording with a tiny recording device or even a mobile phone?!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

100% true.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

You can never return to a normie.

6 years ago

Google was down late nite on the 15th..i think others were’re on point except there are 2 or 3 hrc vids/ BIG things will come by nov 2018,to assure Trump is reelected and dems are forever done…bet

6 years ago

So its a crime to view a crime?? WTF bullshit is that.
If I had the dam video you can be sure I would sent out the evidence to the web to expose whoever is responsible.
It is evidence of a crime, murder is not pornagraphy just as rape is a crime, not pornography.
If it existed it wouldn’t be so dam hard to find.

4 years ago

The real video is out there,
If you know where to look

We do not forgive
We do not forget
We are legion

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Where? I know it exists. There are two videos. One where HRC & Huma are in a room with like a 14 year old girl tied to a bed. A doctor is present as well. The doctor is the one who de-gloves the child’s face for HRC & Huma. However the worse of the two videos is the other one. Looks like an 8 year old girl who is chained to a tree. Both Hillary & Huma remove this child’s face very crudely. They both take turns wearing it over their face to traumatize the child. Next they cut open her abdomen and remove her intestines, then they both wrap some around their necks and dance around tormenting the child even more. The child then cries out “why are you doing this to me?”. Next Hillary takes what appears to be some kind of long hemostat or other surgical tool and rams it up the girls nose only to extract her pineal gland. She must have experience. She gives half of it to Huma and they both eat it. Next they are seen drinking the gushing blood from the child’s nostrils. These are demons from the demonrat party. They are not human.
P.S. I don’t believe that person is “white” that says they are “hindu”.

Kyle Burris
Kyle Burris
Reply to  Tommy
4 years ago

Well, a lot of shitty scumbag people keep replying, just confirming my comment that most of you are racist ignoramuses. Tommy, you’re a dumbass. I’m as pale as it gets. European background. Deal with it, hoss.

Let me just REITERATE that I think both Hillary and Huma are the worst of humanity. Maybe you can get that through your thick skulls that at least we have that in common.

It is quite retarded to lay the deviancy of Hillary Clinton and Huma at the feet of Hinduism, a religion you don’t understand or know anything about. Especially considering that the Clintons are also initiated into voodoo, kabbalah & Hillary is even said to be in a witch coven in California as well. But no, it must be the ETHNIC background of Huma to blame behind it all, not even her non-Hindu religion, Islam. None of you seem to be capable of critical thinking or have basic cultural knowledge. Just superstitious assholes looking for something, anything to blame for how bad these people are. And the first thing that popped up into your tiny pea brains is to blame Huma’s race, so it must be Hinduism and Indians that caused it all, even though it’s well known that the SAUDIS are the main dealers in human trafficking and slave trade, and also the FACT that Hillary was quite evil before roping her sidekick into this nasty shit.

My grandma was a Catholic and the other side of my family are lapsed Methodists. When she got divorced from a bad husband, the Catholic church shamed her endlessly, so she looked for another path of spirituality. After an aimless search for a while, that ended up a guru from India. Then my Dad and his sister started to go with her to that country. That’s how I wound up being born a Hindu. I didn’t have a choice, just like many or most of you probably didn’t have a choice about being raised Christian. And frankly it was a wonderful influence on my life, and there certainly were no human or animal sacrifices. For fucks sake, most Hindus are VEGETARIANS who don’t want to harm any living animals or people and believe in KARMA, which entails your own actions coming back at you, which means you BETTER be a good person in life. DUH!

If you automatically hate people because they aren’t Christians, then you’re a redneck piece of shit idiot and not a real American, nor do you live in the American spirit of the founding fathers of this country. Your confused response to all this just betrays how little you know about the world.

Do any of you realize how incredibly stupid you are? I tell ya, it must be frustrating to be Q, because he has so many followers who don’t have two brain cells to rub together.

Reply to  Kyle Burris
4 years ago

I agree. Ethnicity has nothing to do with how evil the Cabal and it’s members are. The Cabal has an accumulation of the entire worlds knowledge of the occult and dark forces and how to use them. These rituals are a combination of the occult as a whole. The symbolism is the only consistency which is why it will be their downfall. Also, the new prince of Saudi Arabia, Ben I believe his name is has been helping Trump ever since the old prince has thrown out and arrested. Also, that old prince is the one who appointed Obama to be the president and had one of the 3 largest trafficking rings in the world. The citizens of Saudi Arabia knew about the missing children and even though they have their own troubles, they cross the lines at children and the rituals that were being performed. This fight we are in has nothing to do with skin color, religion, right wing, left wing, etc. It has to do with good vs. evil and that is it.

Kyle Burris
Kyle Burris
Reply to  Tommy
4 years ago

Oh and Tommy, I guess you never heard of Tulsi Gabbard, the Hawaian US House representative? The only anti-War Dem who ran recently, who is also a Hindu. Guess what? She’s half Samoan and half white, and she’s a Hindu because of her MOM, a white lady. Samoans are Polynesian and generally not Hindus.

Oh yeah & loads of Hindus are pro-Trump btw because he’s anti-Islam. Common enemy. Get it?

Maybe try to expand your horizons, read a book for once, get outside of that tiny town you no doubt live in.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Where do I look

Lafeyette Ransom
Lafeyette Ransom
4 years ago

I wish I could tell the troll who wrote this story I seen the sick ass vid of Hillery wearing the face of the little girl an imma just standing there as a witness or helper to Hillery. Sorry bout your boss, they all going down an we get to watch them die right after we rip their faces off!

Reply to  Lafeyette Ransom
4 years ago

where can i find the video???

Jason Arnold
Jason Arnold
4 years ago

#adrenochromeharvesting #frazzledrip #podestaemails #pizzagate #anthonyweiner #darkweb #Anthonyweinerslaptop #wearedadsfirst

4 years ago

9 of12… that’s how many of the people who actually seen Weiners laptop are dead… It pretty much speaks for itself.

4 years ago

talking about child rape, torture and murder here

people reacting: she is no/yes muslim/hindu from india/SA

you all are even more sick. getting your ‘right’ over these facts.

Reply to  fff
4 years ago


Kyle Burris
Kyle Burris
Reply to  fff
4 years ago

Hey fuckface. The point of that is that some people are painting ALL Hindus as potentially involved in this type of crap. The bar for intelligence of people in here is pretty low. That’s like blaming all Germans for Joseph Mengele. GET IT?

Reply to  Kyle Burris
4 years ago

Its not Hinduism. Its satanic worship

4 years ago
4 years ago

4 years ago

Who are the 3 remaining people who have seen the video what are there names? How do we know they have seen it why are they still alive why leave loose ends were can i find the video

4 years ago

Pic is an ad for a restaurant called hush