How to Blog Anonymously

If you want to blog these days, you are best served making some effort to keep it anonymous and unattached to your identity. There are different levels of anonymity, and things worth doing, vs things not worth doing.

The first thing you should do is get a VPN. You want to first anonymize your IP address, so it cannot be tracked back to you. There are a lot of choices, NORD is probably the biggest. All are likely comped by Cabal intel, and will draw Cabal-intel’s attention to you. But Cabal intel is going to find you one way or another, and a good VPN should protect you from doxing by Cabal’s lower-level clueless idiots.

Alternately, you can take other measures. An anonymous 4G mobile plan off a burner phone linked to your PC off  PdaNet is good. Stealing your neighbor’s Wifi can work if you can get away with it, though your neighbor will probably figure out what you are up to. But if you are under coverage, it may not matter. You can even use public Wifi access points.

Once you have an anonymous IP, get an anonymous email. Anonymous email places will record your IP, so get the VPN first. I do not really have a preference here, as I assume all are comped, and if your IP is anonymized, you should be good. Make sure you give them all fake information, but record the fake information you give them. I would also get a burner phone to use for account recovery, but that is me. If you have it for 4G already, problem solved. And do not open attachments, or somebody may end up digging through your entire computer. For that reason I would recommend you buy a $250 laptop to dedicate to just anonymous blogging for security, but if you can’t the truth is you will probably not need it.

From there, you can set up a blog on one of the free sites, but be warned, you can then be silenced very easily by any low level cog working at the blog company. And there will be low level cogs, looking to feel powerful, with nothing better to do than look for conservatives to ban. And if you begin to see success, they will find you and try to nip it in the bud.

From there, be cautious with the personal anecdotes in your writing. Once you have worked that hard to be anonymous, don’t blow it by revealing something that allows people to pin you down.

If you intend to make any sort of money, you should probably get an anonymous corporation, and bank account for it. There are several ways to do that, you can google it. Some lawyers sell an entire pre-made package for several hundred dollars, which you can then use to open a bank account. Bank of America is a pretty easy place to convert a corporation to a bank account with minimal effort. Then you can sign up for google ads, or receive payments for things like kindle books, or even donations under an anonymous corporation. Truth be told though, there is not any money in this. If you think Drudge makes $35 million per year, and you can get to 1/500th his traffic, and make $70,000 per year, it doesn’t work like that. But if you decide to go this route, do it before you get the VPN. Though I assume Nord, as a glowie operation, will tend to keep all payment information secure from the low-level clueless ideologue idiots who are your real concern. As a general rule, glowies will know all your business, but they will keep it secret because they don’t want others thinking of doing something like buying a Nord subscription to think it is anything but secure. If the Cabal glowies decide to out you, they will need you to make a mistake they can use as cover for how it happened innocently.

Whether you make money or not, if you intend to be a force, or think you can have a real effect, I would get a domain and host my own site. Basically, you rent a computer at a massive warehouse with computers connected to the internet, and you put your own blog software on the computer, and run your site there. You can still be shut down, but it is much less likely as hosts really don’t care what you put on their system unless it is criminal. By getting your own domain (, you make it so if you get kicked off of one host, or just decide you want to use another host, your readers will not notice the move, since wherever your site ends up, your readers only need to know your domain to find it. This is usually around $120 per year, but if you google hosting, first year deals are usually for much less with a free domain. Be sure you register it all under the anonymous corporation, and use it to pay for everything. Do not use your name or credit card.

This should protect you from being doxxed by the clueless idiots who don’t even know about Cabal, but the truth is, I am not sure how much of a risk that is. Nor am I sure how much you will care, if you start to get successful. Because there are much bigger pains in the ass, believe it or not, and I do not think you can escape them. Get even slightly successful for a few years, and your last worry will be getting outed by Cabal’s low-level useful idiots.

The thing is, none of this will make you anonymous to the powers that be. To that end, you should know what you are getting into. If you begin to get successful, or show any potential, the machine will show up on your front door, looking to push you around. In truth, it will probably be there unseen from before you start, and only reveal itself if you look like you might be successful. I have no idea if the show it will put on is designed to intimidate you, or just to feel out how you will feel about an all powerful organization that pushes people around, to see if you might be willing to serve under it.

The basic deal is, they want to control the dialog. And if you are talking on a platform, that means they want control over you. I don’t really know whether they will recruit you or not under some circumstances, or if being a voice is reserved for their own. I do know it is a Matrix-like experience. The redpill is truth, and I would not have it any other way than to take it, but there is no measurement for how much more enjoyable ignorance is. Once you see the truth, there is no going back, and it is not clear to me Q will take this down in our lifetimes, if ever, or even if he might try to take it over himself for US domestic intel. You might be signing on for a lifetime spent knowingly in the fishbowl. And that status will probably transfer to your kids.

So blogging is sort of a tricky proposition. If you go out there and begin to succeed, your path will get much more difficult and unpleasant. On the other hand, the alternative is to leave an online dialog where the only voices are (((Their’s))), and the unknowing public is completely manipulated by what looks to me a pretty evil mechanism of total control that promotes utter sociopaths and child molesters to positions of high power. Fighting is a noble cause, but if you have family, or are just looking to make a living at this, I’d recommend just commenting on sites, as my impression is they don’t care about commenters so much.

But understand, succeeding at this, if it even can be done on your own (I still really have not, and I have been at it a while), is not all upside. And the consequences are pretty major. I am not sure what would happen if this site suddenly went viral and got Drudge-like traffic. Vault-Co didn’t blog consistently, in a massively fun way for years, and just shut down for nothing.

From there, understand building an audience is a long process, and the only way is through consistency. People will tend to stop by and move on, even if you write every day. But a few people here and there will come back, and they will accumulate, but only if you provide regular content they find interesting. And if you miss a few weeks, 98% of five year’s work can be gone in that time, and you will have to start over. So put your nose to the grindstone, and crank out something you find interesting as often as you can.

There is probably more, but I think that covers most of the basics.

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4 years ago

Anon, do you have some method of communicating your new location when this site finally gets shut down? I have contemplating creating a site that just exists to help people who are banned from twitter, etc, communicate where they have moved to (for instance, I would like to know where Molyneux is going to take all the egg-talk, but there’s no place for me to type in and pop up a message from him saying hi, I’ve moved, here’s my new location).

But if this site goes down, how do I find your new site?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

oh, aye. I can absolutely guarantee you’re on a list somewhere – and loud pointless dog-n-pony-show congressional hearings aside, big tech **is** going to keep ratcheting down. and it will only accelerate as biden’s dementia becomes ever-more obvious. rule 2: SJW’s always double down

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’m sure you will want multiple options but you can post any new place to go at Libertyauthors, we will want to know where to find you too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC I wish you’d open a gab account just for this reason
So we can find you if this site gets blown out

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sunspot
4 years ago

You could mirror your site on I2P. It has a built in server where you can make your own web site. I don’t know all the mechanics as I’ve never built a web site but I believe that you just put all your files in the site folder like a regular site. As long as you have internet access then you would have a web site that couldn’t be shut down and could be anonymously accessed by anyone. I’m not sure how comments would work as hardly anyone uses JavaScript on I2P.

comment image

Inter Planetary File System is also another option. IPFS is a distributed system.

Of course these are a bit more drastic than just changing sites but they have the advantage of being permanent solutions.

4 years ago

When getting a domain read those terms of service carefully
Sometimes you’re buying a domain
Sometimes the registrar owns the domain and is allowing you exclusive use of it
Big difference in those two if someone wants to shut you down

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Purchase Amex gift cards to be able to make anonymous purchases. Just make up any name and billing address, they work great.

4 years ago

Thanks for keeping your blog alive fren. It’s a very important resource to anyone who wants to understand the modern world, and shows how the elite gaybal pedophile satanists keep themselves safe, basically by having as their first line of defense a network of criminals who do illegal surveillance on everyone else (and some don’t even know who they really work for, others get manipulated into it, others bribed, some threatened (they try to absorb some targets into their network, like they did with me, but I refused because I don’t like people who help elite pedos stay safe)).

Fuck the gaybal faggots.

4 years ago

Thank you for the insight. It seems like a certain level of talent would be required to run a blog or at least be successful. Knowledge of how computers work , gathering relevant material ,above-average intelligence, consistency and honesty.

Unfortunately talentless hacks on the left get a free ride thanks the monopoly liberals have on mainstream media. After watching these boobs for a short time it’s obvious they have some small army of support behind them. Even the ones higher up on the food chain must have handlers feverishly working in the background.

Funny thing is their help tends to be of a lower grade. Every once in awhile one of their minions screws up and gives you a peek behind the curtain. Then again some just go full Benedict Arnold, e.g. Matt Drudge, Glenn Beck and sadly one up-and-coming blogger Z-man.

Perhaps Cabal is just too powerful ? It’s easier just to give in rather than endure the withering onslaught. This is where more successful people on the right disappoint me. Would like to see more support for up-and-coming conservative bloggers.

In any event thank you very much for your contribution . Look forward to reading your blog everyday

Reply to  sirlancelot
4 years ago

Z Man? What happened? He’s one of the best conservative writers I’ve ever read.

4 years ago

Thank you. Very appreiciated.

4 years ago

You are incredibly successful. Smart and hard working. I read you daily. I dont always agree, but I am still here.
Don’t quit. You are not “Three feet from gold.”, you are wading in it. The disconnect of not doing this face to face makes it hard to see.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

I wonder if that is why Google killed RSS a few years back. With RSS you can go way 5 weeks, and when you get back your regulars are all right where they were, because they are alerted as soon as you post again. But since almost none of the newbies know about RSS, once something is gone a few weeks, it is like you said, it might as well not exist. I found it frustrating when people moved their blogs over to Unz and a couple other sites… suddenly the RSS feed was broken. Yes, RSS is still there and working, but support was taken out of major browsers, and the major RSS aggregator sites were bought out and shut down. I don’t know how other people use RSS; I had to write my own program to grab and process the feeds.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

There are RSS aggregators that you can use such as feedly, inoreader, newsblur (the one I use, free version) , etc…

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

I pay for Feedly, and I also find RSS valuable. I get annoyed when blogs don’t provide an RSS feed.

I would gladly give up gmail to get Google Reader back. That may have been Google’s best product.

4 years ago

A few random thoughts to add to this excellent post.

If you have written a lot of stuff that is available online, be aware that textual analysis can be used to identify you based on your writing style. It is very difficult to change your writing style so that it can’t be used to doxx you. The way Q’s drops are written is probably partially done to prevent this.

When choosing a VPN, decide what is important to you. As AC says, assume all the VPNs are comped. I’ve decided that I want to make it hard for the VPN data to be used against me legally so I avoid any VPNs based in 5 eyes (or even 14 eyes) countries. That way, if they decide to use that data in court, they’ll have to potentially expose how they got their hands on the data. has a good VPN comparison list. But don’t trust any of the claims of VPN companies ( is a perfect example). Check out forums and blogs to find out which are less trustworthy.

Always keep an offline backup of all your content. If the hosting company decides to drop your site, you could lose everything. When Chateau Heartiste was finally killed off, the one thing he regretted not having a backup of was the hundreds of draft posts.

4 years ago

From a friend:

I know not everyone has the savy to do this, but make your own VPN server.

For windows:


Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Reading gab I again found a damn interesting post. I bet AC would interested. I mentioned that Hydroxoycloroquine was found to stop some cancers and was amazed now it seems that it can also de-calcify the pineal gland. I need some of this stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Speaking of cures, if you ever feel inclined to, make sure you give EFT a try. It looks/sounds kinda silly, but that shit works (I have no idea if it is placebo fueled results kind of situation, but I don’t gib a fug, it works for me for massive TMJ pain):

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Very interdasting.

4 years ago

One caution regarding the burner phone. When it is turned on, tower or GPS services locational data is generated. If your regular cell phone is also on, it will not take them too many incidents to figure out which other devices are constantly nearby when the burner is used.

Even if you use it outside the house, they will be able to determine a general area to begin their search for you.
