How The K-shift Will Demoralize Liberals

It is all amygdala:

James Franco, who stripped down in an eyebrow-raising video supporting Hillary Clinton, says he’s “spiraled into a depression” following the Democratic presidential nominee’s election loss to President Trump.

“I mean, I’ve been reacting really badly!” the actor, star of the new film “I am Michael,” tells The Daily Beast in an article published Monday.

“I’ve spiraled into a depression and I’ve been questioning everything that I am, and how I’ve been doing things,” Franco, 38, says.

The Academy Award nominee acknowledged to The Daily Beast in the interview, “It’s been a rough few months.”

Each time he contemplates politics now, it triggers his amygdala, and makes him feel shocked, horrified, and miserable. His amygdala is gradually building reflexive pathways which will trigger each time he contemplates liberal concepts.

That is what he means by, “I’ve been questioning everything that I am, and how I’ve been doing things.” The liberal is fundamentally a hedonist psychology. Up until now, he has thought liberal ideals, and then reveled in a rush of dopamine at the thought of how enlightened just having those thoughts made him. He is a genius.

Now he thinks about liberalism, and immediately realizes everyone rejected his ideals, and his side just got its ass handed to it. It is painful, which is a new thing for him. Think liberal thoughts, and suddenly your brain hurts. That is not how it is supposed to work. So now his next thought is, “If I am thinking things, and they hurt, could I be wrong? Maybe I need to think something different, so I can feel better.” He will literally become a different thinker, not because facts or logic altered his understanding, but because his amygdala hurt when he thought the old way.

This is a natural process, and part of the brain programming of human beings. As things turn K, r becomes a painful brain program to follow, so the brain is designed to focus on the pain it causes, while instilling depression, and forming amygdala pathways linking r-selection with pain and unhappiness.

This is where President Trump has a real opportunity. He needs to hack liberal brains, instilling a spark of an idea about adopting Trumpism as indicating a superior aspect to the person who does it. Or how coming around to see the light on President Trump himself and how he is helping the downtrodden Americans is a sign of an ability to see something counterintuitive, and to be more compassionate than those who do not. That spark needs to be couched in their mind as a sign of heightened cognitive flexibility, or increased intellectual adaptive ability, or some other form of tangible superiority.

If he can do that, liberals could become the biggest Trump supporters in the world, because once they make that jump, it will relieve all the pain of being liberal and anti-Trump. Add in that once they do this they are a part of the working-class-America group, and are in-grouped with all those scary blue collar workers who are pissed off, and it will amplify the effect greatly.

The only caveat is he has to continue to make contemplation of liberalism cognitively painful as he does this, so they have a force pushing them away from liberalism that is stronger than the hedonistic force pulling them back to liberalism. That means ridicule, out-grouping, humiliation, and reminders that they lost because nobody liked their ideology. The very idea of liberalism has to be attached at every turn to cognitive pain so the amygdala keeps on forging those pathways, while leaving the door open for the individual to change, and become accepted, thereby relieving the strain.

Liberals are robots, you just have to program them right.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is an amazing piece of code to reprogram brains

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Economic Collapse, In-grouping, K-stimuli, Liberals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] How The K-shift Will Demoralize Liberals […]

Duke Norfolk
8 years ago

Very interesting. Many of us on the right worry (rightfully so) that the left is impermeable to logic and reason (which they are) and therefore will never come around to seeing things in a more sane way, etc. It’s good to see that there’s a mechanism to bring about the change that we can’t see being at all possible right now.

8 years ago

Why would they change their mind? They treated conservatives just like that for the last 8 years and none of us switched sides. What’s the difference? Is it because you’re saying they’re mental weakness makes them more susceptible to changing course just to fit in and feel better?