House of Payseur

The name Payseur had popped up on Q’s board a while back. Q had mentioned a “P” and an anon asked if P equaled Payseur. Q reposted the question, but did not comment. Payseur was a family like the Rothschilds, but Q did not elaborate in the significance or if it was archival or current:

The Payseurs are basically what I would expect to find at the top of the Cabal. Their roots go back at least centuries, they own vast swaths of the United States’ business environment from the very top, and yet nobody really has any idea who they are, and you will never, ever see their names mentioned on the evening news, no matter what happens involving them. According to an unsourced account, when Lewis Cass Payseur died in 1939, his assets were divided through three trusts in three different states. Following is the holdings of just one of his three trusts, which leaked out of court in one state:

I found this interesting, from David Ickes’ book The Biggest Secret, on the family’s origins:

After the ‘revolutionaries’ executed King Louis XVI (Ramses-Piso-Bush) and Queen Marie Antoinette (Ramses-Piso-Bush), her son, Crown Prince Louis, still a toddler, was placed under house arrest at the Paris Temple. Two years later he was smuggled out in a laundry basket by his doctor, Dr Naudin. The retarded nephew of the Marquis de Jarjayes was substituted and he died in 1795. The prince was secretly taken to the Vendee Palace and given sanctuary by Prince Conde. He was later moved to a fortress on the River Rhine where he lived under the name of Baron de Richemont.

He arrived in England in February 1804 with the former royal paymaster of France, George Payseur, and was protected by King George III, the monarch at the time of the American War of Independence. The Prince changed his name again to Daniel Payseur while George Payseur became George Bayshore. King George III gave the prince, now Daniel Payseur, a ship and awarded George Bayshore 600 acres of land in North Carolina. When they arrived in America they were given help by the Boddie family, who were related to the British monarchy.

Before leaving England, the prince bought shares in the Virginia Company and once in America he acquired gold mines, including the Gold Hill Mining Company, which he purchased secretly using a trustee, George Newman, as his frontman or proxy. With the invention of the steam engine, Payseur began to build railroads and leased them to operating companies. He also established the Lancaster Manufacturing Company to produce timber for railroad products and the Lincolnton Iron Company which later located in Chicago and formed two subsidiaries, Carnegie Steel and Pullman Standard Company.

What strikes me in the face immediately is, why the conspiracy to protect him? It even extended to the King of England, who bent over backward to protect him. And then, as if that was not enough, The King works to elevate him to the highest levels of society, despite him being the blood relative of a supposedly rival superpower’s former leadership. The King gave him a ship and 600 acres in America, and sent him forth as if he were an agent with full state support. When he arrived in the US, another powerful family related to the monarchy helped him to advance through society effortlessly. Where did all of his money for investing come from? Why can you assume his investment decisions were all made with the most sensitive intelligence, and never in any doubt of being successful?

And the Payseurs were reportedly not just tied in with intelligence – the intelligence apparatus was founded with their employees. David Ickes wrote in The Biggest Secret:

The Payseur empire became heavily involved in banking. Their Bank of Lancaster became the North Carolina Bank and then Nationsbank. The biggest bank in Texas, Interfirst, of which George Bush is a director, merged in 1987 with Republic Bank to form First Republic. This was later absorbed by Nationsbank which then merged with the Bank of America.

These two launder CIA drug money and that’s appropriate because the forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs’ own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System. It’s all wheels within wheels, family within family, and Americans have not a clue who really runs their lives and their country.

Ickes says the Payseurs have lost control of their family fortune. It could be. But he could be controlled opposition, and covering for them. Or they might have organized a great deception which has given everyone the impression that they are no longer players in the game, even as they changed their names yet again (Payseur wasn’t even their real name) and went even deeper underground. In this game, it is difficult to divine the truth and who you can really trust, because if there is someone who people are listening to, that person is instantly a target for either corruption or removal. And even if they are trustworthy, the deceptions can be so effective even an honest outlet can be drawn into the deception. But there are things you can figure out for yourself.

Think about it. Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Jobs. And yet each of those only owned one business/investing empire. The Payseurs were/maybe-are bigger by an order of magnitude, but you’ve probably never heard their name, seen it on the news, or heard of it in discussions of the American business environment. There are no red carpet photos, or socialite daughters partying across the nation and posting pictures to Instagram. You can’t even find their names in accounts of history or any mainstream media outlet today. They dwarfed the robber barons whose names dominated the history books, and yet they are barely mentioned online outside of niche conspiracy sites. There is literally a news blackout on their name.

What I find even more interesting is the beginning, however. Looking at the origins of the family, what we see is a toddler with no power or influence, who a major power wanted control over, if not to kill. He was just another orphan with not only nothing, but a death threat, for anyone who helped him, hanging over his head. There was no advantage to helping him, once he shed his identity by changing places with the retarded nephew of another royal (who could easily have been murdered and buried to conceal the secret exchange of identities, or even killed by the monarchy who thought he was the one, to end the future potential Payseur threat).

Why did everyone treat him as if he was somehow destined to become a major power? Why was it not just one person who labored on his behalf, but a full conspiracy that spanned continents, including everyone from the doctor, to high level royals? And what are the chances this one child would be the one to found a major power in the world, but a major power nobody would ever have heard of? What did everyone who labored to produce this result all know?

It feels like there is something even more, concealed here. I have no idea what it is, but it seems there are many who know all about it, and are working together and risking everything to advance it – but none of them are talking.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory r/K Theory, because seeing a mystery solved is a tremendous pleasure

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6 years ago

1. By 1803, Napoleon was poised to invade Britain, and showed every intention of doing so. Since Britain relied solely on her navy to defend against invasion, there was widespread fear in England that if Napoleon made the crossing, he would easily overrun British forces. To defend the homeland, volunteers came forth in record numbers. In October of 1803, King George reviewed over 27,000 volunteers at Hyde Park, and even volunteered to lead them against Napoleon should he cross the Channel.

During this time of national crisis, in 1804 the King again was overcome by insanity. But luckily, he recovered in time to learn of the defeat of Napoleon’s fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. But by then, Napoleon had already turned the most feared army in all of Europe on the Austrians, defeating General Mack at the Battle of Ulm, and then defeating a combined force of Austrians and Russians, led by Tsar Alexander at the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805. These victories, and the subsequent defeats of Prussia and Russia, left Great Britain alone in her struggle against Napoleonic France.

2. People weren’t so vicious years ago, for example. “Note that Charles of Orleans was kept confined in England after his capture at Agincourt, and Henry wouldn’t have him ransomed, because he was deemed too important an opponent. He was kept in England for twenty-four years, because he posed a serious risk as the leader of the important Orleans-Armagnac faction and was a duke of royal blood. ”

3. But in this case George III did an extraordinary amount for the French noble. Why is a very good question.

Reply to  Joe
6 years ago

Weren’t all the nobles intermarried? All those male hemophiliacs… I’ve read that the 16th Earl of Oxford adopted a son of the Queen Elizabeth (unmarried) after she was compromised by the people she was staying with. This favor was returned when a descendant of the Earl one Diane Spencer was married to a royal son which didn’t turn out too well. The royals still believe they are special. Elise Broach wrote a children’s book about Shakespeare (Amazon) that seems to be well researched. There is other disinformation about this that doesn’t at all ring true.

Tom Fahy
6 years ago

The subject, one Lewis Cass Payseur, recounts his experiences as a young lad during and shortly after the conclusion of the War of Northern Aggression:

Reply to  Tom Fahy
5 years ago

Seems that the link is now broken a year and some later from this posting. If anyone should have the body content of the link, please… add to the comment thread if you are able. Thank you so very much.

6 years ago

Great analysis. The last time I read of the dauphin was in Mark Twain’s Sawyer or Finn.

It was presented as a matter of public speculation at the time.

Maybe there are more clues there

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Wow! Those holdings if true are…everything.

6 years ago

“Looking at the origins of the family, what we see is a toddler with no power or influence, who a major power wanted control over, if not to kill.”

This never made sense to me either. Why? The elites have no problem snuffing out entire civilizations. Why would some toddler hold such power? It would be trivial to end the threat or seize power. What kept them in check?

They must really believe in “family” bloodlines (Merovingians?). I just can’t believe how thoroughly they maintain control of their own families. Are we to believe this was the only baby of that line to survive? Were they trying to advertise themselves in “the DaVinci Code”?

Interesting that Osama Bin Laden was reading about the bloodlines.

Reply to  Bman
6 years ago

Ran across this guy with a bunch of info on the Payseurs:

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
Reply to  Bman
6 years ago

That a massive conspiracy (alternate reality) could hide in plain sight is entirely sensible, given that people are predisposed to ONLY see what their minds can grasp, and so a library of evidence can exist in plain sight yet be utterly invisible.

My better question is, how does a multi-generation (presumably) hereditary conspiracy get around the axioms of genetics? It would remain ESSENTIAL to cull from the operations-bloodline every weakness-emergent member born. This would imply that a father would literally cull all of his children from the forward-process (or uncles/cousins would get away with it) lest even random gene mutations undermine the regime from within.

There’s a reason for the term, “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”

If an extended family network can avoid these biologically inevitable obstacles over periods measured in double-figure generations, I am baffled as to how.

Reply to  Deter Naturalist
6 years ago

Maybe they swapped the genetics.

6 years ago

What’s your null hypothesis with regards to these cabal conspiracy theories?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Yep. I don’t have firsthand knowledge, but the more I learn, the more I swear I’m immersed in some dystopian fiction. Everything seems normal, but it’s like the “Matrix” wiggles and shimmers here and there.
Hang in there.

So Damned Curious
So Damned Curious
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

An already established group, who can keep a huge secret for generations. Hm. Who could it be? Are they a Super Ultra Double Top Secret group that hides among us?

Or are they hiding in plain sight, amid a secretive, exclusive greater group?

If the latter, did the secret elite group (that hides among the secretive, exclusive greater group) find a way to make it nearly impossible for the secretive, exclusive greater group (themselves included) to be criticized? If your group cannot be criticized, you have a large measure of protection on even an individual level.

Did the secret elite group that hides in the secretive, exclusive greater group sacrifice hundreds of thousands (some say millions, but I’m not buying it) of their own lower echelons, at least in part to make it nearly impossible for outsiders to criticize the secretive, exclusive greater group (in which they hide), not to mention to gain a homeland?

And what relationship does the secret elite group have with the group invading Europe since around 2015? They cannot be criticized for anything, at all, ever. They are a weapon of the secret elite group. Oops! I mean, could they be a weapon of the secret elite group that hides amid the secretive, exclusive greater group?

Duke Norfolk
6 years ago


6 years ago


Recorded in the spellings of Walton and Wolton, this surname is of Olde English pre 7th Century habitational origins. It derives from either one of the various parishes called Walton, or from a “lost” medieval village somewhere in the south east of the country and called “Wolton”, or from a topographical site with the suffix “tun” meaning a farm or hamlet plus one of the prefixes “wald” (a wood), or “walh”, a farm worker or “walesc” – a foreigner.

“Their symbolism will be their downfall.”

Reply to  Phelps
6 years ago

Also, compare:

comment image

comment image

Northwest Watching Thing
Northwest Watching Thing
6 years ago

A plausible explanation is that as a surviving royal he would be rightful heir to the defunct French throne. Perhaps somebody had designs that about 2 generations after the French terror, they would long for monarchy again and he’d be right there to step in. And then things didn’t go according to plan.

American Graffiti
American Graffiti
6 years ago

The US keeps a lot of potential leaders in case they ever need a coup candidate. Sailer is always talking about that Gulien from Turkey who they let get rich on these bizarre charter schools schemes. So it’s not immediatley bizarre that England would stash away a French royal.

Moms fight too
Moms fight too
6 years ago did an excellent article on the Payseurs. I dont know how to embed but it was on Aug. 16. He does hat tip @ Inthematrixx for some of the info but it’s quite good.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

The more I think about this Payseur thing the more I think it’s just another huge ball of bullshit rolled our way. The people most involved in the deep state in terms of what we can see are the Jews. If you look at the deep state and all it manifestations you see it Jews all the way down. Now certainly there could be some deeper level but with the power the Jews have…why would they let them run things???? We have to use a little common sense here. We know the Jews will kill you in a second if they feel threatened. Even of they think you might be a threat in the future so why would they let anyone else run the show.

I’ve seen numerous “trends”and silly ideas to explain things that are outright lies laid out by the Jews. One good example is how they were trying to convince alt-right types that the only reason there were problems was we got rid of kings. They proceeded to go into great detail all these reasons kings were the shit an dhow we just had to have kings. When I simply pointed out that we had a perfectly good system of limiting voting to those that paid some taxes or had a stake in society…crickets. They didn’t want to hear that because they were the ones that fucked up that system in the first place. I’ll bet this whole Payseur thing is just more bullshit to waste our time and point us anywhere, anywhere but the Jews.

I’m willing to bet if we banned the Jews from everywhere but Israel and refused to let them control anything the morality, health and welfare of the whole planet would jump up positively by leaps and bounds.

Rather Not
Rather Not
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I am surprised more hasn’t been done or found on Paysuer research. I think that relative lean-ness is meaningful.

There was a large and long hubub on the chans for months over ‘who is [P]?’ which dwarfed any progress since P was revealed as Paysuer. Self acknowledgement, I was wrong, I was in the camp of Pindar or some such cult-religion title. The satanic-pedo-cult equivalent of the title Pope. (although given that Payseur is apparently french for ‘Pay Master’ it is possibly still a title rather than family name, but at least google translate doesn’t recognize it as such).

The question of who is P cannot be more interesting than the answer. We have the answer, and an army of autists, and not quite, but almost, nothing. Whether that means so powerful and well hidden they leave nothing to find, or it is red herring misinformation, I would be interested in AC’s take.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Just a observation on names. King Louis XIV’s surname was Dieudonne which translates to Theodore in English. Are there any leaders with that name that could be connected to Payseur, maybe Theodore Roosevelt? Royalty tend to be very proud of their names, would it be possible that when Payseur’s goes bankrupt the family actually is absorbed into another wealthy family that is actually an unknown member of the family. Kinda like the royalty of Europe is all related through the Hapsburgs & Queen Victoria.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

King Bulan, The Alans and the Khazaars. Coversion to Judaism, war like people, spread out in the land, Gog and Magog. The Anti christ.
Left you some clues.
There all interconnected because there all from the same tribe. Ps includes royalty.

6 years ago

Did George III still own land in NC in1804?

6 years ago


6 years ago

For the record, the document reproduced above gets it backwards regarding common and preferred shares of stock. It is common shares that have voting rights, while preferred most often do not.

6 years ago

Do the prophecies of Daniel give any clues do you think?

Robert Bubnis
Robert Bubnis
6 years ago

I found it very interesting and I believe it ! I have been just waking up for about a year now, and the things I found out… unbelievable ! I also believe we might be in trouble soon. I just checked into you a little today. and we must stand together !

Reply to  Robert Bubnis
6 years ago

Yes sir, we are in big trouble and we have been in trouble for a long time. These monsters have been pushing this agenda of theirs for a long time and i suppose they had some set backs along the way (the 1933 coup attempt and Smedley Buter blowing the whistle, 1993 WTC not coming down etc as examples) Is this awakening of the many also part of their twisted plan? They love to project what they are doing (obvious symbolism) and many believe that in their own rules they must “inform us”. In return, we whether knowing or not must give them our “informed consent”. Public Laws and how they hide them in plain sight comes to mind. As for standing together? i look at my ow family and friends and can’t get any of them to even use discernment and look at what i am trying to convey to them. i am sure you and everyone else here is experiencing the same thing.

Johnny T. Sollitto
Johnny T. Sollitto
6 years ago

It’s Mr. Wilson in the dining room with the candelabra.

6 years ago

There is a large current military secret intelligence operation underway in the U.S. which will enforce 60,000 seal indictments indicting high level intelligence, FBI, State dept., NSA, CIA and others in media and other black ops agencies. Be prepared to see emergency alerts on your cell phones announcing temporary marshal law for the round up of the seditious, treasonous snakes that have infiltrated our government and agencies, Senate, Congress and many others. Be prepared and watch for alerts don’t panic the white hat constitutionists in our military will defend you your families and the infrastructure from these seditious anti American fascists and communist infiltrators. Stay cool and have 3-4 weeks of food and water. Don’t leave your house for this time unless absolutely necessary.

6 years ago

the book of daniel 8 or 9 the six kings of media the 6 kings without kingdoms think 6=vi =vikings =pirates 6 corporations that run the world=corporate or co pirates,holland spain france italy portugal england.=pirates the crown of england = rothschild.they are stealing your inheritance

Reply to  michael
5 years ago

It’s 4 kings, Michael.

The Bible doesn’t do secret codes that require convoluted twisting, or adding things that didn’t exist at the time (like Roman numerals and Vikings).

Stay focused.

6 years ago


joe neu
joe neu
6 years ago

keep in mind, icke was a blavatsky-ite. he’s distanced himself since he was open about it. given all the symbols he still uses, it sure looks like he still is. kinda like foster gamble. of course the only way to get any credibility is to publish some things that are true and important. so who knows. something to keep in mind though. gatekeeper? controlled opposition? judas goat?

6 years ago

Joe says:
September 10, 2018 at 10:04 pm

most, if not all Royals are insane to one degree or another. and I believe it’s from eons of inbreeding and adrenochrome.

James E Clark
James E Clark
5 years ago

Interesting reading. But in 1804 North Carolina was a Ste of The United States. How on earth could the King of England grant land to someone. The timing of this is suspect.

5 years ago


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End The Rinse
5 years ago

Thanks for firing torpedos into stupidlands…. @W. Brett Wilson.. for a guy who thinks he’s pretty damn smart and smug its wreckless to use that big platform to promote a lawyer advocating fluoridation in Calgary.. but I digress.. the stupidity is thick as fuck in this nation.. cheers from the fabulous unfluoridated region of southern New Brunswick Canada..

Howard McGonigal
Nov 18
Replying to
Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland . The pineal gland is your intuition … they want you stupid

I think its too late for most of us who know..

4 years ago

This is definitely an actual Illuminus comm, because they always use WhatsApp. This certainly isn’t a clumsy pinko chink scam.

Sam Fisher
3 years ago

You have hit the nail right on the head there! All my own research leads to Payseur, both Icke and Spingmier seem to write them off? Springmier, I believe, is due to error and like many others, is taken in by the Lewis Cass Payseur, only having 2 daughters by his death, with Jo male heir to carry on the family name.Icke, I’m a bit more skeptical that he’d unintentionally made the same error, as the reason I didn’t but Springmier did, was because he’d not had the information I obtained and I dare say icke would’ve too? So it’s (shall we say, for politeness sake?) ‘Puzzling’ why he would make that same error? Because the source of the missing appear to be unknown to Springmier, as he never makes mention of them? But Icke does!!
Anyway back to the Payseur’s
So to ensure their name would continue, even after marriage, they made a deal with their spouses before they were we’d, that the first male heirs would be actually Payseur’s, effectively turning the tables on the family lines they married into. In exchange, tjeuly would steward their vast family estate, until their sons were old enough which they would take over?
There is a clip, I think still on YouTube, but might take some serious digging first, if an interview with the Bognadoff twins but ‘Prior’ to their runaway plastic surgery addiction took hold of them (ie: Stil coherent and reflectively sane) one of them, (I can’t remember which? Sorry) let’s slip that there the 2 male, progeny of the Payseur daughters are the ones who call the shots, though they aren’t called Payseur in public.
This was something that the interviewer very obviously, was pretending he’d not heard and the look from the twin that said I’d, essentially said everything about how foolish he’d been and how terrified he was of them?
One of them, i truly believe is Nathan Rothschilds, but he’s not the one In charge because he was born 2nd and therefore not the natural heir to the lineage!
Nice work anyway, regardless

1 year ago

Daniel Paysuer was a Merovingian by blood.
cr. Marie Antoinette And Her Son
a historical novel by: L Mulbach
New York D. Appleton and company
copywrite 1897

Last edited 1 year ago by LuminatedPatriot