Hospitals In England On The Verge Of Collapse

A glimpse of America’s future:

The body that represents hospitals across England has issued a startling warning that the NHS is close to breaking point because of its escalating cash crisis.

Years of underfunding have left the service facing such “impossible” demands that without urgent extra investment in November’s autumn statement it will have to cut staff, bring in charges or introduce “draconian rationing” of treatment – all options that will provoke public disquiet, it says.

In an unprecedentedly bleak assessment of the NHS’s own health, NHS Providers, which speaks for hospital trust chairs and chief executives, tells ministers that widespread breaches of performance targets, chronic understaffing and huge overspends by hospitals mean that it is heading back to the visible decline it last experienced in the 1990s.

“Taken together this means the NHS is increasingly failing to do the job it wants to do and the public needs it to do, through no fault of its own,” Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers, writes in the Observer.

We are all r-ified to some degree. We cannot imagine what is routine in K.

Imagine taking your most cherished loved one into the hospital. They are diagnosed with cancer. There is an easy treatment, and it would work in a heartbeat. Other countries would immediately give it. In other countries, your pet could get the treatment in a matter of days, because rich people paid veterinary clinics to do it, and that left the equipment for other people to hire out for their pets at reduced cost.

But for your loved one, there is a waiting list. So on you go. And you wait. And wait. And wait. As you wait, you watch your loved one suffer, and deteriorate. Eventually they die, without ever getting the treatment.

That literally happened to a teenaged girl in Canada, because they didn’t have enough Isolation Rooms, for post Bone Marrow Transplant treatments. She died, waiting for a simple clean room to open up.

That is coming to America, unless Trump reintroduces some measure of self-regulating capitalistic, free-market reward for expenditures to the system. And it will arrive before the Apocalypse, meaning once the Apocalypse comes, the system will then go downhill from that starting point.

There is no end to the evil and destruction produced by liberalism.

This entry was posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, Europe, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Hospitals In England On The Verge Of Collapse […]

8 years ago

“There is no end to the evil and destruction produced by liberalism.”

Indeed. And every day, our eyes and minds are shocked by new depths plunged.

8 years ago

We weep not for what is, but for what could be, but isn’t.

Then again, this is part of a natural cycle of which we all are but a submicroscopic part.

Robert What?
8 years ago

I’m voting for Trump but let’s not pretend he is a small government, free market, low regulation capitalist.