Hepatitis C Increasing Among Drug Users

Another K-ifying circumstance:

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is the most common blood-borne infection in the United States, with approximately three million persons living with current infection (1). Percutaneous exposure to contaminated blood is the most efficient mode of transmission, and in the United States, injection drug use (IDU) is the primary risk factor for infection. State surveillance reports from the period 2006–2012 reveal a nationwide increase in reported cases of acute HCV infection, with the largest increases occurring east of the Mississippi River, particularly among states in central Appalachia (2). Demographic and behavioral data accompanying these reports show young persons (aged ?30 years) from nonurban areas contributed to the majority of cases, with about 73% citing IDU as a principal risk factor…

Although the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among young persons who inject drugs in central Appalachia is currently low, the regional increase in cases of acute HCV infection described in this report raises concerns about the potential for an increase in HIV infections because IDU is a risk factor for both HCV and HIV infection.

Addiction is directly related to long form DRD4 gene carriage, so this will be a Darwinian disadvantage for that allele, and the leftist predisposition it facilitates in general. Given it is also incubating new strains of diseases in walking immunocompromised incubators within the densely packed cites that are home to our society’s rabbits, the Darwinian disadvantages for the rabbits just keep coming. It does point to why you want to minimize exposure to these populations, especially as the Apocalypse and associated pandemic close in.

The big question which remains is why heroin use is so high, especially since we now control one of the major countries that produces the poppies used to produce it. It is possible there are powerful elements facilitating the import of Heroin for their own purposes.

But perhaps more likely is that as the K-shift closes in and the stress of shortage begins to increase, just as leftists increasingly embrace fantasy as an amygdala relaxant, other high long-form DRD4 carriers embrace pharmacological means of shutting off the amygdala’s production of angst and anxiety.

And yet another means of rabbit destruction emerges at the exact right moment to cement the destruction of their kind as the K-shift takes over.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because all problems of r-selection are ultimately self-limiting

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7 years ago

[…] Hepatitis C Increasing Among Drug Users […]

Andy Smith
7 years ago

Is there any way to figure out whether someone has the long form DRD4 variant from their 23andme testing? As near as I can tell, the answer seems to be no, but you have more expertise in the matter, so I thought I would ask you. If not, then how is the determination made? Is there any literature on how best to manage the issue if you happen to be the parent of such an individual?