If you haven’t seen this post, go take a look.
Liberals need to feel that they are brilliant, because deep down they are insecure about their intellects. When science basically takes some liberal bedrock idea, and shows it to be as stupid and ridiculous as it is, that creates a level of cognitive dissonance in the liberal which we cannot imagine. When a giddy shiv-sticker like Heartiste delivers the shock with a twist of his blade, it is even worse. It is akin to the overwhelming force driving the insanity of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It is the false reality punctured, shredded, and burned to ash, leaving the narcissist with nothing but a clear, horrifying view of their own inferiority and their enemies laughing at them.
Well done Heartiste. I can’t wait for the big post coming.
In other news, Roosh is reading the Bible, and it is more than an “SJWs don’t like it so it must be good” thing. That is how it starts.
Scott Peck believed true evil was the result of embracing a lie. Satan of course is the father of lies, and as Vox points out, liberals always lie. Inherent to evil is an embrace of lies, because being created by weakness, the evil are so weak that they cannot even be evil boldly and honestly. They need to be able to tell themselves they are not evil.
In few other fields is embrace of truth as necessary as in pickup. When you want a girl to feel attraction for you, and make an effort with a knowledge of game, you will either succeed or fail based on your knowledge of truth. Embracing lies will do you no good.
Whenever you have such an individual, driven to seek truth, they will find God at the end of their path, barring some sort of evil that is innate to their being. That this holds in pickup only serves to demonstrate that game is, at its root, truth.
When you have an individual who is so driven to know truth that they can navigate the bizarre, counter-intuitive path through the female libido that is inherent to pick-up, you have an individual doubly addicted to truth, and adroit at observing and remembering the most subtle details in the world around them. That is a prescription that will lead all but the most evil individuals to see the subtle hand of God around them.
The only reason Heartiste has not yet made the jump, if he has not, is that God wants him where he is for the time being, as some sort of Mephistopheles-like Morpheus, slinging out red-pills to a vast army of truth seekers, who might not otherwise have had the veils torn from their eyes. Heartiste is helping them realize that there is the truth that the collective tells them is true, and then there is a real truth they must find for themselves. The people he reaches were not going to be reached by Jerry Falwell or the Family Research Council.
But have little doubt, Heartiste will at some point be shown a glimpse behind the curtain, and make the jump as well.