Hating Murder Isn’t Logical

Congresswoman in Tears Over Sale of Aborted Baby Body Parts – “These are Babies for God’s Sake”

Congresswoman Martha Roby of Alabama had just one minute to make her point on the floor of the House of Representatives today but she broke down in tears as she spoke for the millions of Americans who are outraged by the expose’ of Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies.

“This is one of those moments that — as a nation and as a people — we have to ask ourselves, ‘Who are we? Are we really going to tolerate this inhumanity?’” she asked, holding back tears. “Are we going to look the other way while babies are brutally killed and organs harvested for profit?”

“The casual and callous way [the Planned Parenthood executive] details how babies can be killed in such a way that their tiny hearts, lungs and livers can be taken and sold for profit is simply horrifying…”

“These aren’t specimens! These are babies for goodness sake!” she exclaimed, her voice breaking.

Technically, her position is not logical, it is emotional. The logical position would be that of Hannibal Lector, and would include eating parts of the baby, if such brought you pleasure.

I’ve always suspected the radical pro-abortion people, who make abortion their life’s cause, have something wrong inside of them, but the truth is it is merely something different from what is in me. They are merely inhuman r-strategists, who lack any normal human K-selected emotional drives, and to whom babies are meaningless.

If you are a K-strategist, the life of your tribe’s babies will be vitally important to you. Even the thought of losing a pregnancy will be traumatic. That is an evolved moral/emotional urge, which kept people’s tribes functional and growing. If people have it, they can’t be reasoned into abandoning it.

If however, you are an r-strategist, then nothing could be better for you than seeing everyone else’s babies miscarry, or even be killed. If all the other babies die, then the babies you make will have a much better chance in the mating game when they come of age, and the r-selected abundance you enjoy will not be disrupted due to over population. r-strategists like mortality, and I suspect this comfort with it is why no rabbits ever evolved to attack the hawk. It just isn’t favored in r-selection. Likewise, human r-strategists can’t be reasoned into seeing the K-position – their position is emotional and any attempt to change it will be futile.

The r-strategy is the only strategy where individuals benefit reproductively when their peers fail, and leftism is the only ideology which seems bent on bringing failure upon a person’s tribe, and their compatriots.

The sooner we accept that all of this is innate, the sooner we will cease pursuing political objectives through rational argument – a strategy that has proven so useless. You cannot reason with a liberal who is trapped by these emotional urges. It is pointless. They are just an enemy.

Just wait for the tide to turn, and then derive pleasure from the agony of their tears.

Apocalypse cometh.

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