Has Trump Cut Off Saudi Funding Of The European Migrant Surge?

I posited the possibility in this post:

… I do think the House of Saud has had some unrest, and certain elements are now out of the game. I further suspect that in the background, like a faint mirage in the mist, is the dark shadow of the God Emperor, dealing with problems previous Presidents have ignored out of politeness and then disappearing into the background.

… since the Saudi’s began cleaning house on the radicals in the family, there have been no more clashes with Antifa, Black Lives Matters has disappeared, there are no more pussy hatted feminists, and there is just a lot less public display of leftist shitbaggery in the public sphere…

Which makes me wonder about the Migrant Crisis In Europe…

We’ve seen the migrants, in massive numbers, marching with pre-printed maps, new winter jackets, cell-phones, food, housing, and other supplies they were given by mysterious “refugee aid organizations,” to make their journeys. We’ve seen the massive freighters, that cost immense amounts to maintain, guzzling diesel fuel by the thousands of gallons, with massive crews, whose sole purpose is to pick up refugees off the coast of Egypt and shuttle them to Europe. Where does all that money come from?

Was that the “New Terrorism” the Saudi Princes who funded Bin Ladin shifted to when their primary means of attacking the West had become too dangerous to perform?…

Might leftism’s present downward trend become a full on collapse now that those funding sources have been cut off at the root in the House of Saud?

Which brings me to this:

Migrant arrivals to Italy by sea fell by a third in 2017 compared to a year earlier, the Interior Ministry said on Sunday, as Libyan authorities helped to slow departures during the second half of the year.

More than 119,000 came to Italy by boat this year after a record 181,000 made the crossing in 2016, the ministry said in a statement. Since July, arrivals have declined by more than two thirds versus a year earlier.

What could possibly have happened right before July?

Trump Meets Saudi King After Touching Down in Riyadh

The Associated Press?|?
May 20, 2017 11:23 AM

President Donald Trump opened his first trip abroad since taking office, touching down Saturday in Saudi Arabia for a visit aimed at building stronger partnerships to combat terrorism in the region and moving past the controversies engulfing his young administration.

Trump flew to Riyadh overnight on Air Force One and was greeted by an elaborate welcoming ceremony at Riyadh’s airport, punctuated by a military flyover and a handshake from Saudi King Salman. Trump is the only American president to make Saudi Arabia, or any majority Muslim country, his first stop overseas as president — a scheduling choice designed in part to show respect to the region after months of harsh anti-Muslim campaign rhetoric.

Yes, because saving Western Civilization is second in the God Emperor’s hierarchy of concerns to something as frivolous as showing respect to the Middle East.

The European Migrant Crisis may go down in history as the single biggest Saudi-funded Muslim terrorist attack ever launched on Western Civilization, and it was launched with the assistance of our own leaders and the political leftists in our nations. And the attack is still in progress and will probably kill many tens of thousands more, at least, before it is finished.

Regardless, it brings me great satisfaction to think the little pricks who thought they were so clever, flooding Europe with raping, murdering migrants are now hanging upside down in a hotel room getting used as punching bags by former Tier One Special Operators working for the former Blackwater. It makes me ever more satisfied to think that when that is over and the last of their financial details has been extracted, they will be dumped in a hole in the desert somewhere and given a lead bolus to the noggin.

I have to imagine that now that the money is drying up, we will see corrupt EU leaders begin to shift their policy back, to bring it more in line with their people’s desires.

Still, it is mind-boggling that the left sold out their people, to do the will of Saudi terrorism funders who wanted to destroy the West, in return for money. And the grassroots left was so stupid they jumped right on the bandwagon for free. I’ll bet those Muslim princes were astounded at the support they got from idiots in the west. Can the West survive with idiots like the left in it, even without the migrant crisis?

And I will bet a lot of those migrants were bad seeds local regimes encouraged to move out to Europe. I would not be surprised to find Iran, and Iraq, and Lebanon, and Yemen, all emptied their jails, to save money, and sent the prisoners to Europe.

Imagine, Trump may very well have saved Europe by cutting Saudi funding of the migrant crisis in Europe as fast as he could, and yet we have not heard a word about it from him. The guy may have altered history for centuries to come, and nobody may ever even know about it.

The God Emperor is Heaven sent to save the West. Never think God is not merciful, or that he has forgotten about us.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because God is good and rewards you, sometimes whether you deserve it or not

This entry was posted in Betrayal, Conspiracy, Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, rabbitry, Treason, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Time traveller fiction made me aware of the butterfly effect and how seemingly small details impact the flow of history.

Who know how many dystopias God prevented? Even the evil allowed to arise will be according to his plan of its final destruction.

7 years ago

The Sierra Club and other recognizable “environmentalists” were also bought off to prevent them from opposing the flood of invaders and the insanity of promising the high cost, high waste lifestyle of 1st worlders to all 7 billion.

I hope their sniveling Judas analogs suffer greatly for their execrable sellout.

7 years ago

I’m not surprised that a clique of narcissists would sell out their own tribe to strangers. What surprises me is the insane amounts of patience Europeans display putting up with unprovoked violence before they eventually reciprocate in kind.

7 years ago

“And the grassroots left was so stupid they jumped right on the bandwagon for free.”

Not only did they not get paid, they still have to pay one heck of a price.

7 years ago

We need a war – a giant war that results in the global extermination of every person and institution aligned with the degenerate, vile, demonic Left.

Their Third World retard-savages will go accordingly as well, of course.

The Left is our enemy….’twas ever thus.

7 years ago

This would not be the first time a hostile nation exported its criminals here. The Cubans did it in 1980 during the Mariel Boat Lift, sending us about 20,000 of their prisoners.

7 years ago

Oi vey, you’re looking at the wrong people to blame for the invasion.
They admit it too.

7 years ago

Puerto Rico has been dumping its drug addicts in Chicago. Check out the first story in This American Life:
