Gun Prices Dropping

Will the winning with this God-Emperor ever stop? Flat-top ARs are going for a song:

I have no knowledge of DEL-TON products. They claim “Mil-Spec” for at least some of the parts.

$375 with $8 shipping is very reasonable.

Here is the link to the sale site.

Pretty unbelievable, and reviewers are quite satisfied, so if you want a little trunk-gun for emergencies on the road, it looks promising.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because between the Apocalypse coming and gun prices dropping, it is all coming together quite nicely.

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Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

Yeah, the prices are very enticing. I’ve done a little shopping lately myself. Though I’ve yet to pick up a cheap AR for the trunk, I’m certainly very close to doing so. I was waiting for the after Xmas period to see just how good the deals got. Ammo prices are down as well. Time to stock up!

7 years ago

I would never go that cheap on a trunk gun if simply because your trunk rifle is your only lifeline out there. Something from say PSA, pull it apart and lap the receiver, and then replace the buffer, BCG, and trigger with offerings from Armament(LARB buffer), LMT(enhanced 5.56 BCG), and KE Arms(SLT-1 trigger) respectively. All of it for increased reliability and durability because that carbine could end up being what you go to civil war with if you’re just that unlucky. A Primary Arms 1-6x ACSS would also not be a bad idea, sub $500 optic that’s probably tough enough to get you through a whole war with an idiot-proofed range estimating BDC that works like a red dot at 1x.