Government is the Enemy – a Case Study in Trigger-Melding

Liberals have been busily building up amygdala pathways in various minority communities. These pathways link the concept of police officers with the emotions of anger, resentment, fear, and hatred. Now in many minority communities, merely mentioning the police can trigger all sorts of negative emotions and responses, in an almost reflexive style, making logical debate and reason impossible. This is a normal part of the r-strategy, namely pitting different cliques of aggressive K-strategists against each other, and making them angry at each other.

As they have been conditioning these minority communities to see the police as the enemy, they have also been laying a neural pathway that the small government conservative community can piggyback. Simply by first associating, and then substituting the word “Police” with “Government,” it may be possible to trigger the anger these communities feel for the police, at the more abstract concept of government.

This offers an excellent example of a sort of trigger-melding technique, designed to manipulate the perceptions of those around you. Trigger-melding is based upon the fact that most of the motivation to act is actually rooted in avoidance of the negative, aka avoidance of amygdala stimulation. You don’t seek pleasure, so much as you take action to avoid the idea of the relative discomfort of its absence.

If you want a lottery ticket, what will really motivate you to buy it is the idea of the relative discomfort of not winning. As the deadline approaches, if you want to play, you will run for the counter to avoid missing the opportunity to win the jackpot. If the deadline closes just before you reach the counter and you are denied, you will feel bad, due to realizing that you will now have to live without the jackpot. If you do not feel bad about missing out, your motivation will have been weak, and your motivation will have been weak because you were not trying to avoid any particular bad outcome. Being motivated by avoiding the bad is a subtle point, but it is critical to grasp.

In trigger melding, you must first identify the trigger motivating your opposition, and then identify the trigger motivating your position. Then you must find a way to initially meld the triggers together so your trigger will begin triggering your opposition, thus motivating them to seek the same outcome as you. Once the opposition is responding sufficiently to your trigger, you can then try to remove their initial trigger from the equation.

To do it in the case of minority anger at law enforcement, I’d first try to construct within the minds of the minority communities an image representative of government, perhaps personalizing it with the stereotype of selfish politicians. Emphasize the politician’s selfishness, cowardice, and especially weakness, to diminish any stress at the thought of conflict with them. Then attach this personalized image to the negative emotions associated with the police, by pointing out logically how it was these politicians who produced the laws which made the police interact with the community and do the things which have angered them.

At first, emphasize the idea of government as a catch-all to include the police. Eventually remove the police altogether, perhaps by pointing out that the police could serve the minority community’s interests, if only the big government politicians would stop writing so many oppressive big-government laws trying to control everyone, and making the police attack the minority communities.

The best part of this strategy is that because conservatism is rooted in reality, conservatism is always right, meaning this strategy it isn’t in the least bit dishonest. Eric Garner was killed by government. Had some controlling, money-grubbing, busy-body politician not made it illegal for Garner to sell single cigarettes, and had some busy-body politician in the police force not used their influence to deploy officers to attack him, the patrol division would never have made contact with him in the first place. He would still be alive, and able to support his kids. The police who wrestled him to the ground could just as easily been protecting him from harm, had they not been set upon him by a cowardly politician would otherwise have never have had the balls to challenge him face to face.

In most, if not all cases, you would be using this technique to remediate false triggers created by liberals. Just as liberals wreck the economy only to blame the rich, create crime through lax sentencing and restraining police only to blame guns, or destroy the family by fomenting feminism only to blame men, these pathways can all be corrected using trigger melding, actually using the aversive stimulus create by the liberals to fuel a conservative revolution. Like narcissists, the left has an instinctive, almost savant-like ability to create and manipulate neurological pathways designed to pit similar individuals against each other. In the normal course of their strategy, they will create and activate all sorts of pathways designed to foment angst, irritation, and action. If the right can spot these pathways, and focus that anger at the irritating leftists in our midst, they could begin to use the leftist’s own work-product against them.

As we head into a period where the public is overwhelmingly irritated with the direction that our nation is heading, and where the nation is heading overwhelmingly toward the r-strategy, this technique could be of tremendous use to the conservative movement.

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9 years ago

[…] Government is the Enemy – a Case Study in Trigger-Welding […]

9 years ago

Hot dang is this good stuff. I’ve been using this and it is so freaking easy to change minds! Just don’t be afraid of hurting feelings. The lost need to hear the truth. Most never get the chance to hear it, due to PC. The worse things get, the greater the contrast between the two positions. Not many choose to go the crazy way when they are given something other than a “Hobson’s choice”.

Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

If you want a lottery ticket, what will really motivate you to buy it is the idea of the relative discomfort of not winning. As the deadline approaches, if you want to play, you will run for the counter to avoid missing the opportunity to win the jackpot. If the deadline closes just before you reach the counter and you are denied, you will feel bad, due to realizing that you will now have to live without the jackpot. If you do not feel bad about missing out, your motivation will have been weak, and your motivation will have been weak because you were not trying to avoid any particular bad outcome. Being motivated by avoiding the bad is a subtle point, but it is critical to grasp.

Ah, thank you, this particular behavior had always mystified me. But now I understand, lottery players are the sorts of people who watch game shows and lottery drawings, and get upset that other people are winning money and they aren’t. Whereas the scratch-off crowd probably leans more toward high time preference.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

You nailed it!

9 years ago

Is minimum sentencing an r or K impulse? Or is it the result of a compromise between both?

The K-motive would be enforcing strict punishment for criminals, but seems also affected by the r-motive to avoid risk and take control of all possible risk factors. I don’t think r-strategists are capable of having– and therefore cannot fully comprehend or trust those who do have– the kind of mindset classified as Condition Yellow on Cooper’s situational awareness scale.