Gohmert Pushing To Subpoena Transcripts From FISA Hearings

Not sure whether this might be a blockbuster or not, but it very well may be:

Rep Gohmert appeared on Fox News Sunday to talk about the FISA abuse memo which was released Friday. Gohmert also revealed he is requesting the House Judiciary Committee subpoena the FISA court hearing transcripts.

“I have prepared a letter that I plan to submit to and hopefully have other people sign on with me tomorrow on our Judiciary Committee we have a great Chairman [Bob Goodlatte] on our Judiciary Committee. He wants to get to the facts and what I’m asking him for is that we as the Judiciary Committee subpoena the transcripts from the FISA court hearings, the four different ones at least regarding the dossier…I want to hear everything that was said,” Gohmert said.

Gohmert wants to know why the FISA judge hasn’t put anyone in jail for committing a fraud against the court. Hint: The FISA judge was appointed by Obama.

Here is the thing. If my surmises are correct, the Deep State has set up on everyone of authority, from the Justices of the Supreme Court, down to regular patrol officers in some areas. They may not have all of the authorities under coverage all the time, but they are all looked at periodically, everybody has a file, the corruptible ones are turned and engulfed by the network, and they know who the rest are. In the past three days, I have seen two instances on reality television shows following Police where law enforcement has, I believe, been looking at their own watchers, even talking about the weirdness, and not known what they were seeing. They probably would not have believed it if you explained it to them.

If I am correct, then here is why these transcripts may be interesting. Ideally, nothing happens in the intelligence world that is not controlled. Everything is about setting the battlefield so victory is won, long before the battle is ever even begun. So long before you are filing for a fraudulent FISA warrant, you are setting the stage to get it. You are going to a “friendly” law office, and arranging for word to drift back to an honest clerk who assigns FISA cases, that a very lucrative job is opening up that will eliminate their money worries forever, and they are perfect for it. Once they are gone, you are arranging for the replacement to be someone you control. Now FISA cases will be assigned to the judges you want them assigned to. Next, you are turning whatever FISA judges you can, or getting your people hired on, because you already took over the hiring position:

The court’s judges are appointed solely by the Chief Justice of the United States without confirmation or oversight by the U.S. Congress. This gives the chief justice the ability to appoint like-minded judges and create a court without diversity. “The judges are hand-picked by someone who, through his votes on the Supreme Court, we have come to learn has a particular view on civil liberties and law enforcement”, Theodore Ruger, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, said with respect to Chief Justice John Roberts. “The way the FISA is set up, it gives him unchecked authority to put judges on the court who feel the same way he does.” And Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas School of Law, added, “Since FISA was enacted in 1978, we’ve had three chief justices, and they have all been conservative Republicans, so I think one can worry that there is insufficient diversity.” Since May 2014, however, four of the five judges appointed by Chief Justice Roberts to the FISA Court were appointed to their prior federal court positions by Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Who wants to lay bets on what kind of judge handled Trump’s surveillance warrants?

So now you control what judge sees what case, and you control some, and maybe all judges. You are in control of the battlefield.

Now when you want that sketchy FISA warrant, you have the ability to get it assigned to the judge you control. I suspect Gohmert sees that the FISA judge in this case did not do their job in this one outlier case, and he knows in this game that is often not the one in a million coincidence it might look like. And he thinks if they were this sloppy thus far, they probably did not sit down and dummy up a script for their FISA hearing, and then role play it in court for the stenographer. They just took their warrant and were on their way, and the transcript might even contain something inappropriate for the judge or the agents to have said.

Did you think it a coincidence that the FISA court has a 99.97 percent approval rate, declining only 11 of the more than 33,900 requests it received in 33 years as of 2013? Nothing is coincidence.

If they can show the second most powerful judicial body in the nation has been compromised by some Deep State Intelligence apparatus, that is a huge step toward unraveling the fact that there may just be a “Management-like” network, straight off the TV show Burn Notice, running throughout all branches of the US government.

Unfortunately, it may be run by hardcore leftist ideologues bent on the destruction of Western Civilization, which in the long run would have made you wish you could have been dealing with Carla.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because there is a lot more to come

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7 years ago

And that is why Patreus came out with the mistress story himself and resigned – a true Patriot, he refused to be owned. CJ Roberts, obviously bought. J Thomas’ breach of protocol to indicate he changed his opinion on a dime and the obvious hacked up cut and paste job Roberts did himself on his opinion tell the story eloquently – he was so scared, he didn’t even redo it properly – too spooked by the spooks.

7 years ago

Could you expand a bit on the police/watchers/weirdness reference, or if you don’t have time, provide a link to those videos?
